From May 12-May 19, 2018, we’re headed to Amorgos, Greece with Anastasia Bobadilla and Laura Green. Below, Anastasia and Laura tell us what inspired their Wellness Playground: Reconnect To Play Retreat, who their greatest yoga influences have been, what quotes inspire their practice, and more! Meet Anastasia and Laura and find out what you can expect on their retreat by checking out our exclusive interview below!
1. How does the idea of the Wellness Playground: Reconnecting to Play” play into your upcoming Yoga Retreat, and what themes do you see coming up?

2. Who has been your greatest influence and why?
3. If there was a yoga pose or meditation practice that described you – what would it be and why?

4. Other than yoga and meditation – what are some of your passions? Will these be explored in your retreat?

5. What is on your “Greece bucket list” and what are you most excited about?