True Nature Travels Blog

white roof tops

From sprawling mountains, sparkling coastlines, rolling countryside, ancient history and sumptuous cuisine Italy is a destination not to be overlooked.


True Nature Education is ecstatic to announce we are now offering yoga, wellness, and adventure retreats to Italy! And our center we are partnering with has us swooning…..
Quietness, Peace, Nature, Yoga, Sharing, Heart, Love: these are the key concepts to convey the spirit of our Italian retreat center, set by the countryside at about 5.6 miles from Martina Franca, in Apulia, the place is immersed in the splendid nature of Valle d’Itria.

The center is located on a hill at about 10 yards of height, halfway between Adriatic and Ionic Sea, a place that is totally immersed in peace and quietness.


It’s an ancient 17th century “Masseria” (farmhouse), recently restored and renovated by keeping its original structure intact, thus meaning to convey a good perception of space and time absence and better awareness of the present, here, now.Pool

As of four years ago, a small community of people gathers here in order to opt deeply for a life made of sharing, far from traditional systems and life schemes: a merge arising from the awareness for the importance of life as spent together with others, based on freedom, heart, love and yoga as a discipline and a lifestyle, a chance for merging one’s inner universe and the others.

Partake on meditations, yoga practice, sight seeing, mindful cuisine, and immerse yourself in the passion of Italy!


Where do we sign-up??? Be sure to check out our retreats and book your adventure today! We would love to have you.

Be sure to take a look at our retreat video for more information.

Interested in learning more on why you should travel to Italy? Check out Huffington’s post on some sights and outings not to miss here!

True Nature Travels Blog


Guatemala is an extremely unique and magical country. Rich in culture and natural wonder, this land is a fantastic place to host a yoga adventure retreat. True Nature Education is so thrilled that Shasta Townsend is leading a very special Guatemalan retreat. Shasta has years of experience and a passion of travel. She will embark on an adventure with her students that embodies the soul of Guatemala. This is a week of exploration as well as restoration as Shasta offers her unique combination of experienced guidance, wisdom teachings, and joyful spirit in twice daily Yoga classes.

There’s more…
Wonder-Full includes the opportunity to experience the unique teachings of the Mayans. Shasta hosts a local indigenous Mayan Shaman who will share earth-based wisdom teachings that will inspire your reconnection to nature, the mystics and your own heart.c-eGAx4ejnFU_jxJ3BtT8hbTD3RyOFS6q7kEhXoGUfM,ZLTwcRcHb-vYSIY2LLVxN7ec8RSWy0nCNIOsIWhbuKg

Shasta decided to host an amazing webinar where she shares her love of Guatemala, Yoga and more as well as a comprehensive overview of the Mayan Prophesies and Philosophies…Learn why this time is a special time to be alive. Learn the basic info on her 2016 WonderFULL Yoga Retreat to Guatemala too!

Embrace the magic, listen, learn, and watch here!


Check out more on her retreat and register today!

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Interested in leading a yoga retreat to an amazing location like Guatemala, Peru, Costa Rica, or Italy? Contact us today!




True Nature Travels Blog

Manifesting a Successful Retreat


meditationYour yoga retreat planning is in full motion and there is excitement, anticipation, and perhaps a little anxiety. Will I be able to fill all the spots? How will I get the word out there? All of a sudden, little doubts start to creep in.

Well have no fear. Doubts are normal and will fade with some positive thinking and manifestation.

Not to mention, True Nature Education is here to support you with your marketing needs.

We stumbled across a lovely article written by yoga retreat leader, Susan, for one of our favorite centers! Over the years Susan has led successful global yoga retreats and has shared an amazing write-up on how she manifested her retreats into being. Take a look and we hope it inspires you to get rid of all those silly doubts.

How did you fill your yoga retreat?

How did I do it? With intention, perseverance and sound advice. Everything in life starts with intention and requires holding that intention strong until the end. My intention was to bring my community together in the relaxed, warm and welcoming setting of Blue Osa. I wanted to share yoga and work on accepting change and stepping away from comfort zone. This intention gave me a sense of direction that lead me through self-doubt and fear of failure. When you have intention, it is easy to fill your yoga retreat.

If I could give you a grocery list for manifesting a successful trip, it would sound like this. Here are 12 tips on how to fill your yoga retreat:

Create the image in your mind

Ensure that the image is based on your truth and serves the highest good. (Be really detailed in your visualization with positive emotional triggers.)

Hold a Costa Rica Party

I had two, one in March and one in August 2013 for February 2014’s trip). I offered a $300/$200 discount respectively for anyone who signed up that day. People like to pre-plan their big trips, and for a lot of people this is huge! The party class was free. Past retreaters were invited and asked to bring a Costa Rican dish to share; and we enjoyed delicious food while sharing our experiences with interested students.

Create a trip packet and enrollment forms to inform and facilitate the sign-up process

Blog, share on Facebook and email regularly reminding everyone of the wonderful opportunity. It takes six times before the general consumer cognitively recognizes a service and has the impulse to act.

Offer a payment plan for those that really want to come but cannot lay out a lump sum of money all at once

 I required a $500 non-refundable deposit and allowed everyone to make whatever payments they could afford. The balance simply needed to be paid in full by December 1st.

Don’t give up

Sometimes the numbers aren’t exactly where you’d like them to be. Fear, doubt and insecurities will try to creep in. Don’t go there! Return and stay grounded in your positive feeling and visualized intention.
If and when you start to doubt, work on refining your agenda; develop a program guide and share that with participants and potential retreaters. People like to know what to expect. Reach out to those that you think might want to come and personally invite them. Request everyone’s travel itinerary. This not only helps you put together a chart of arrival and departure times for the resort, but it gets them excited and talking about the retreat. IT DEVELOPS MOMENTUM.
Make announcements, be enthusiastic and explain what students will experience or receive from this awesome vacation retreat.

Trust the universe!

Gifts are delivered in many ways. Quite often they are what you least expect. When you are grounded in love and services, God delivers wonderful surprises
Have fun and be in a place of abundance and joy.

Treat the event like a business plan

Who is your target audience?
How will you market?
What’s your goal?
What is in it for them? Why will customers choose to sign-up?
Advertise, promote, announce and talk about the trip repetitively. (I used Google Ads, Facebook, Constant Contact, flyers, class announcements, and shared the experience with anyone and everyone who inquired)

In short, leading a yoga retreat is no walk in the park, but it is rewarded by unforgettable memories and long lasting bonds. Set an intention and push through until the end. Take all the advice you can get and put it into practice to ensure a successful yoga retreat from start to finish.

About Susan Smith

Susan Smith, yoga teacher, guide and author of “The Power of Yoga” has been a dedicated student of yoga on and off the mat since 1997. With over 29 years of education and experience in exercise physiology, fitness and spiritual awakening, Susan developed a fluid style of yoga founded on her studies in Hatha, Ashtanga and Hot Vinyasa techniques. Her training includes numerous certifications from master instructors throughout the U.S. Each contributed to her teaching philosophy. She shares her vision, passion, and practicality with students worldwide.

Written for and published by our friends in the Osa Peninsula!


If you would like to book or lead a retreat with True Nature Education feel free to contact us at


True Nature Travels Blog

There is something positively magical that happens when a group of individuals make the decision to gather together in a beautiful, pristine environment for the purpose of uplifting their lives and reconnecting with themselves. This was my experience, and the experience of the 21 other participants on the amazing yoga retreat I led to Costa Rica with True Nature Education last June.

Why We Need to Let Go Sometimes

Everyday life is stressful. We have so many responsibilities, and we are pulled in so many different directions. A yoga retreat gives you the opportunity to take a complete break from all the trappings of our fast-paced lifestyle.
You can come to a breathtakingly beautiful, natural environment where you can unplug for a week. Space is held for you to feel nurtured and safe. You can rest and quiet your mind with meditation, soothe your body with daily yoga practice, and allow yourself space to process anything you need to surrounded by people who are meeting you and supporting you exactly where you are. And the friendships that form on retreat are beyond comparison – our retreat group still regularly keeps in touch and gets together for reunion parties!
If you are a beginner in yoga or even if you have never done it before, no worries! Practice is for you to feel good, to go within, and to gently stretch yourself to imagine new possibilities for yourself. You may surprise yourself.
But retreats are not about showing off your skills or trying to keep up with anyone. In fact, you can even skip practice if you feel like it. Your retreat is about YOU and taking care of YOU. When you are able to be in stillness, you will be better able to hear and trust your own intuition about what is right for you and what you need.
Most certainly, you will come back from your retreat refreshed, rejuvenated and with a renewed sense of self. You deserve it!
Missy Balsam is a full-time yoga teacher from Naples, Florida. She teaches group and private yoga classes as well as leads kirtan concerts with her band Missy Balsam Kirtan. We are pleased to have her join us again to lead another retreat, Quiet Mind, Open Heart: A Costa Rica Yoga Experience, May 30-June 6th. 

True Nature Travels Blog

Adapted from the Mind|Body|Fitness Yoga blog. Update On-Retreat with Andrea Dyer on her 4th Annual Mind|Body|Fitness Yoga Retreat with True Nature Education:

We came to Santa Teresa this year to listen. The sound environment in Santa Teresa is rich with layers of the ocean, wind, monkeys, birds and life in the hotel and village.

I’m sitting in the hotel’s open air restaurant – using wifi and listening to layers of sound.  The backdrop is the non-stop waves in the ocean about 100 yards in front of me through the glade of palm trees. There is the din of silverware, Bob Marley and the chatter of the restaurant staff, the gurgle of the pool water and the call of birds in the trees. The monkey raised their voices in the pre-dawn hour.

There is no electronic curtain of sound here (other than the sound and bass of Bob Marley music). There is clarity and a distinct evidence of nature here. Human voices are hushed and relaxed.

My ears have always been invited to soak in the sounds available. There is nothing better than to rise with the monkeys and walk down the path to the beach and sit and watch the sun rise to the left over Mal Pais. The sound of the surf is soothing on a soul level. It invites you to listen more closely to your heart and soul.

So I have invited our retreaters to listen this week. Hear the sounds of Costa Rica and listen to themselves having this experience. Taking a sacred pause to soak in the sounds of contentment, excitement, and the silence in the space left when all the plans and analysis that kidnap us most days.

We took some inspiration from Milerepa and his iconic leaning toward the music of the soul in meditation, and from Rumi:

Where Everything is MusicMilarepa

We have fallen into the place where everything is music.

The strumming and the flute notes rise into the atmosphere, and if the whole world’s harp should burn up, there will still be hidden instruments playing, playing.

This singing art is sea foam.

The graceful movements come from a pearl somewhere on the ocean floor.

Poems reach up like spindrift and the edge of driftwood along the beach wanting, wanting.

They derive from a slow and powerful root that we cannot see.

Stop the words now.

Open the window in the center of your chest and let the spirits fly in and out!

This is my fourth trip to Costa Rica and each time I get here I am more relaxed and at ease in meditating and listening. Listening is dear and sweet to me here.

On retreat tons of pictures are captured to take the beauty and good feelings back to our regular lives, but I have taken to recording and journaling about the sounds here – somehow if feels closer to my soul. There still are pictures, but I am taking them as placeholders for the sounds so I can reconnect to the sounds and my soul when I see them. It’s my wish that everyone on this retreat will be able to open the window in the center of their chests and let the spirits fly in and out – like the sweet sounds of Santa Teresa.

Pura Vida!

True Nature Travels Blog

The sun is rising through open shaded windows, and as I peer out onto the horizon I see beautiful lush green palm trees swaying in the calm whispering breeze. Beyond that is the sparkling swells of the deep blue sea. Infinitely undulating it’s majestic tides onto the pebbles  below. I have arrived to a luscious dwelling of sacred secrets and lucrative blessings from the nurturing Mother Earth, from Gaia. I have arrived in Santa Teresa, Costa Rica on the Nicoya Peninsula to lead Explorations of Self: A Costa Rica Yoga Experience with True Nature Education.

We are groggy from the previous days travel but there is a synergistic energy that is pulsating through each and every one of us on this morning. Yoga is at 7am and as I put the water onto boil for herbal tea I am filled with a sense of overwhelming joy and sense of, “New beginnings.” This retreats hold a special energy in this new year. This week holds the first New Moon of the 2015 and what a New Moon it will be. This year is one of owning our truth, our power, and letting go of the old. What a great platform this space is for this phoenix of transformation.

What a great group this is. There are 10 of us total. Auspiciously, in numerology, “The number 10/1 brings all sorts of new changes into your life, and there seems to be an element of luck within those energies.  Through this vibration you have the insight to recognize and understand the needs of humanity, and the ability to bring peace and harmony to all. Number 10 resonates with the vibrations and energies of leadership, optimism, confidence, independence, creative powers, success, energy, originality, adaptability, determination and individuality.”

soultribeAs we all sit this morning and close our eyes I start to sense each of our energies mixing and melting into One. I feel the anticipating, the nervousness, the excitement, the beauty, the love, start to collide with nature’s womb of creation. As we begin to flow and breathe together, I feel the energies become focused, harnessing a careful Qi that is telling of the powerful week to come. As we Aum out, I now know that everything I have done in this previous year was to prepare for this. This is a coming out and into our life’s Purpose. This is the beginning of the beginning. This is the exploration and owning of our Higher Self and Soul Purpose. The Higher Self that is connecting to everything and everyone. This retreat is about delving into our heart’s deepest yearning and living from that place of JOY.

Aside from the esoteric beauty of our tropical oasis and spiritual sangha, we are nurtured by the pampering atmosphere and staff at our eco lodge in Santa Teresa as well as the extraordinary guides of True Nature Education. We are greeted every day with warm smiles from Tropico Latino’s Shamballa restaurant staff as we sit down to eat our delicious meals. The food is local, fresh, and mouth watering to the taste, smell, and sight. I am in heaven on earth.

To go from such a nurturing, communal meal time, to the picturesque beach just steps away every day makes me remember what life is all about. Real life. Not the life that we leave behind when we come here, but the life that we ARE inside and in all moments whether we are here or not. The sky turns violet and a cool blue, and as the sun goes down it shoots a bright pink portal that beams it’s fluorescent rays behind a flock of pelicans skimming the ocean’s swells for sustenance. A gathering of beautiful people come to watch the ritualistic sunset over the Pacific.

I lived here, in Santa Teresa, for 6 months before leading this retreat. I can tell you that the incredible community of the Nicoya Peninsula are people of the sun. We fill up on it’s light and honor it’s beatific majesty. Worshipping the sun isn’t even something one has to consciously remember to do because the luminous spirit of Helios (Greek for sun, meaning Most High ) beckons to us every evening around 5:30pm. There are people who feed on the sun’s light and after experiencing it’s power for myself, I am starting to understand how that is possible. Being here reminds me that anything and everything is possible.

There is so much to participate in. While some are deciding to fill their days with Tortuga boat tours & snorkeling, horseback riding, hiking, spa massages, facials, wraps, and zip lining; others are finding that their journey on this trip is to go within and find stillness on the beach. I honor every one’s individual path and trust that they are guided in every moment of everyday by their inner wisdom. Every morning and early evening we join together honor our inner journey on the mat.

Every class is guided by the co-creation and intermingling of our collaborative energies. Morning vinyasa’s focus on different aspects of our chakras and emotional + physical balance in the organs as well as detoxifying the system. The evening classes are hypnotic, restorative yoga nidras sometimes beginning with gentle movement and deep, chanting, integrative breathing to allow the body and mind to receive a fully relaxed state. After each class I see a wave of calm brush over everyone’s being and I can feel our connections deepen as our heart’s soften. Yoga means to unite, to yolk. It brings us together by aligning the body, mind, spirit and then that space within connects to the same alignment within you. This brings us to a space where we realize there is no other. There is only One. One breath, one pulse, one spirit, one Universe. We are one in Costa Rica and always in life.

There is a surprise for the group on the 5th day of retreat. I have arranged to hold a sweat lodge (Or Temazcal in Spanish) with a beautiful man and local shaman, Oso. His name means, “Bear,” and his energy holds true to his name as he is strong and majestic. He joins us for dinner the night before the lodge with our divine goddess and guide, Maria. She serves as the interpreter for Oso so that he can answer any and all questions. 5 out of the 9 on retreat decide to partake in the Temazcal, yet all of us as a whole create group and personal intentions to transform in the lodge. We hold class the evening before we head to the top of a mountain to hold our sunset ritual. Each of us envision our worries going into the fire and our dreams being born into reality. Each on of us holds space for the group to create new possibilities and lasting change. Temazcal’s are rebirthings. It’s creates space for us to spring forth out of the ashes and step into our power.

partneryogaAs the 5 of us head to the top of the windy dirt road in the back of a truck with 30 other participants from different yoga retreats, we know we will never be the same. The sweat lodge is set in the center of a loop that is carefully laid out to create an infinity symbol. On the other side of the lodge there is the communal fire where the coals are getting their heat. It takes all day to prepare Temazcal and I am so honored by Oso, Maria, and the fire keeper because their care for our transformation is so prefusely apparent. They are taking care of us as if we are family. I am brought back to the, “One-ness.” Yes, these beautiful souls ARE our family. It is a choice. A choice to take care of one another and lift each other up! We sing beautiful mantras with Oso’s lovely wife as their children dance around the fire. When it is time for us to enter the lodge, we split up into male and female sides. Women enter first and we create two rows on the left as the men enter next to create two rows on the right. There will be four rounds of sweat. Representing the four directions NSEW and the four elements. We will sing 4 songs from the Lakota tradition in each round and then open the doors in the front and the back. We hold each other as we begin to sweat and the hot coals, one by one, are brought in. As we receive the 8th coal, Oso shuts the flaps and we begin to sing. “Sit up tall to align the chakras with Mother Earth and the Universe,” He says. I do. I sit tall and I sign loudly. I envision my chakras pouring open and all negative energies dissolving and being transmuted into the fire. Every one is more and more intense. We continue to support each other by breathing deeply, connecting with one another, sending reiki, singing mantra, sending love, and speaking out loud our prayers for hope, healing, and positive change. At the end of our last round we slowly exit the lodge and take showers. We are fed fruit and given water. We gaze into each other’s eyes knowing we are forever changed. I have dropped fully into my divine purpose. We all have. This is the beginning of the rest of our lives. What an incredible way to round out this incredible exploration of Self in Santa Teresa, Costa Rica.

Whatever happens from here on out can only grow from healthy soil. We are blossoms amongst a field of blossoms. As they say in the Lakota tradition. Ahau Mitakuye Oyasin (All my relations/we are all related) and Namaste. I look forward to continuing the tradition of growth through explorations of self abroad in Costa Rica 2016. Join me Jan 16-23 with co-facilitator Lindsay Worek for, “I Am You and You Are Me: A Costa Rica Yoga Retreat!” Contact True Nature Education to REGISTER NOW!


True Nature Travels Blog

10649628_846741095344087_8233548479623479912_nSheetal Ajmani is passionate about empowering others to live a life from their souls calling. As a pediatrician and yoga teacher she has found the perfect balance between sharing eastern and western philosophies of what the picture of true health looks like and it all begins with being connected to what feeds your heart and makes you feel aligned with your spirit. Her retreat next summer in La Fortuna, Costa Rica “Disconnect to Reconnect” will being students on a journey to take a needed break from information overload, set intentions and relax against the blissful backdrop of the jungle. More about Sheetal and her retreat here.

1. What does it mean for you to “be something more” as part of your yoga practice, teaching, and your intentions for your retreat?

To be something more means living my life to its fullest capacity. It means to live with an open heart, letting love and faith override fear and doubt. It means continually expanding my awareness and consciousness through my daily sadhana (practices) and then sharing that awareness with others through compassion and understanding. It means striving to always remember that I am most simply a peaceful, loving soul.

2. Who has been your greatest influence and why?

My grandfather. Although he passed away when I was only 12 years old and he resided in India while I was born and raised in the U.S., it was through his example that my interests in yoga, meditation, and ayurveda were ignited. He taught me my first sun salutation on a visit to India shortly before his passing. He was a true yogi. He dedicated the last few years of his life to an ashram that he created in India; he lived there and was active in the daily yogic practices, as described in the Vedas. I remember him often, and through his remembrance, I honor my family lineage in yoga.

3. If there was a yoga pose or mediation practice that described you – what would it be and why?

Tree pose. There are so many elements to this pose – feeling grounded, maintaining balance, opening, reaching towards the sky. Staying grounded in reality, in truth, and in my daily practices is so important to me. Maintaining balance through all facets of my life – work, family, friends, my own self-care, is vital. I always strive to remain open – open in communication, in understanding, and open to what the Universe has in store for me. And, reaching towards the sky – to me, this means continually striving for spiritual advancement.

4. Other than yoga, meditation, nutrition – what are some of your passions?

Music and travel! ☺
Music is food for the soul! I love going to concerts. I love looking around at all the smiles in the audience as the notes, beats, and lyrics touch people’s heart and soul. I love watching the musicians, completely in their element, with creative energy just flowing right through them to us. Music is just so powerful.
And, travel. I love seeing new places and experiencing different cultures. Travelling always leaves me feeling completely amazed at all of the magnificent people, places, and things that exist in this infinite world! I always find it so interesting that despite the varying cultural differences that exist, we are all intrinsically the same – we all have the same basic needs, joys, sorrows, and desires. And, I love that smiles and laughter translate the same in every language! ☺

5. What is on your “Costa Rica Bucket List?”

This is a tough one because there is so much to see and do! I am really excited about exploring the rainforest, both during the day and night, on the Rainforest Mysteries and Night Rainforest tours offered at Luna Nueva. And, I definitely plan to check out the Arenal Volcano – by foot, boat, or horseback is yet to be decided!

Disconnect to Reconnect – Summer 2015

View our entire 2015 Program

True Nature Travels Blog

By Alana Roach
Alana is a part of our 2015 True Nature Education Faculty. She is leading her first retreat January 17th – 24th in Santa Terest, Costa Rica. First published on her blog.

Pura vida or PURE LIFE holds true in Central America for me. It was a big reason why I came back after visiting for the first time only 6 months ago. Despite my best efforts on the East Coast in the US, I still had some troubling symptoms that led me to believe I was less than healthy. Costa Rica inspired me to redesign my life because running from errand to errand to then sleep and dream about errands was not conducive to my well-being. My body and mind revolted. I would be so often tired by the end of the day that I had no time to even share my day with loved ones. I would fall sick from exhaustion. My mind felt fogged over. A general haze seemed to be engulfing every fiber of my being. I would get covered in tinea versicolor. I would have what they call, “Teacher burn-out,” and there is seldom serenity coming from within when a teacher is running on E. My hips hurt. My digestion got blocked up from God knows what because I ate as organic and healthy as I could.

During our vacation visit in March, I experienced my first dose of PURA VIDA. My mind started to de-fog, I slept more soundly, the food here felt more nutrient dense, I had energy despite rigorous hikes, I felt like I could BREATHE, omg… the air quality here is so magnificent, you should smell it! I became fortified and purified by Costa Rica. It became even more pronounced to me as soon as I left this paradise, that I needed to come back asap. When I left Costa Rica the haze crept back in, my energy body immediately felt sludgy, my mind felt chaotic, my digestion returned to it’s sensitive state, I got sick a week later, and I got consumed by consumerism once again. No longer than a month back in the US and I knew I had to come back to Costa Rica for my health.

So here we are in paradise, and I am here to share with you 5 Ways Moving to Costa Rica Improved my Health!

1. Vibrant skin. Tinea Versicolor Gone!


I am prone to what dermatologist call Tinea Versicolor, which is a long term fungal infection. I have had it since I was 13 . TV breaks out in humidity and in being a yoga teacher that means I was covered in them. 2 weeks after arriving in HUMID Costa Rica, eating the local grown fruits and veggies, breathing the air, drinking the water, they went away. I have heard this is the case for some others who suffered from this fungal annoyance. It is gone, it is humid here, those two factors don’t usually line up for Tinea, but apparently PURA VIDA wins in this case. I won’t try and figure out the mystery, I will just enjoy (Thank you, Costa Rica).

2. Cardio Heaven.


There is so much raw beauty here that I can’t stand being inside for more than shut eye, it is incredible how nature draws you out when there is a beautiful symbiosis between you and it. Since moving here we are surfing almost every day and walking EVERYWHERE. My body is thanking me for it. I would squeeze in 20 minutes on the tread mill when I could between errands before and now my whole day is rich with heart healthy activity.

3. Improved Digestion.


Maybe it’s all of the locally grown fruits and vegetables that you can buy at any and all of the markets in town (There are about 5 to chose from.) Maybe it’s the quality of the water. Whatever it is, my digestion hasn’t felt so smooth in years. I am seriously boosting this as a reason why you should consider visiting here because I feel like digestion is KEY to leading energetic, happy, healthy lifestyles through all ages. I barely take any vitamins here and I don’t feel like I need them (I used to take about 20 vitamins a day) because everything has so many vitamins naturally.

4. Freedom.


In the town I live in there are no McDonalds or shopping malls to speak of. There is no reason to bring your phone with you everywhere because the island life won’t allow for it. There aren’t tabloid magazines hanging in a checkout line. There are no sounds of traffic or sirens whirring by every second. There is mostly the sound of nature, ocean waves, and silence if you chose it. I can’t express adequately with words how freeing this all is, but you have to experience it for yourself or perhaps meditate with it in mind to get a taste. It is truely ineffable. I have found a new way of being and my body, mind, and spirit feel renewed by it.

5. Happy mind.


I get to wake up everyday knowing that I am painting my life the way God intended it to be. I had a lot of, “What ifs,” “Can I really do this,” and “Am I worthy of this?” When I sat in silence and tapped deeply within the resonance of my Higher Self, the answer was always, “Yes.” Yes, I am taken care of. Yes, I can do this. Yes, I am worthy.” Moving to Costa Rica is another leap in my saying YES to my soul’s deepest yearning. I am co-designing my life with the Creator, sharing my passion for love through yoga with the world and let me tell you, my health is reaping the rewards more and more everyday because of it.

I look forward to resonating with you here in Santa Teresa, Costa Rica in the New Year, January 17-24 for Explorations of Self:A Costa Rica Yoga Experience. Register Here.
I’ll see you on your mats and in the ocean, PURA VIDA!

Love and light, and pura vida!

Alana Roach
CYT, E-RYT, Reiki, Retreat Leader & Travel Blogger

Follow me on facebook/twitter/instagram @alanaroachyoga

True Nature Travels Blog

Being Something More
Have you ever been tugged with the question – “How can I be something more?”  Has your heart ever whispered in the early hours of the morning, reminding you of dreams yet to be realized, and then somehow, in just a whisper of that whisper, shared how to make it happen?  The True Nature Education (TNE) community is honored, humbled and extremely grateful for the amazing group of teachers and leaders who make up our first round of 2015 Teaching Faculty. Individually, they answered their inner call to be something more, and are now taking it to Costa Rica to share with hundreds of inspired students from all over the world.  Could you be one of them?

communityyoga_eventphotoBeing Something More

What does this mean to you? Here at TNE – we strive to ask ourselves that questions daily.  How can we “be more” in all we do? “Being Something More” is our theme as we kick off our 2015 Retreat Season and wrap up the last half of 2014.  Over the course of the next few months we will introduce our teaching faculty with exciting blogs about their courses, personal one-on-one interviews  and guest blogs  to share with our community.

You can stay up to date right here as our 2015 Retreat Calendar adds new retreats weekly.  Below is our first round of programs.  From the beaches, to the mountains to the jungles of Costa Rica; along with program offerings in yoga, meditation, nutrition and more –  we have something for you.
If you are a teacher looking to answer the call to ‘be something more’, please contact us as we have several spaces still open in our calendar and would love to help you answer the tug at your heart.

Wrapping up 2014

June 7-14, 2014
Jungle Love! A Costa Rica Yoga Experience
with Missy Balsam
Luna Nueva Ecolodge

June 14-21, 2014
Costa Rica Service and Adventure Program
Manuel Antonio and Luna Nueva EcoLodge

July 26-August 2, 2014
Costa Rica Service and Adventure Program
Manuel Antonio and Luna Nueva EcoLodge

July 21-28, 2014
Shakti Power Yoga Costa Rica Retreat
with Lauren Farina and Kelly Farina Carter
Hotel Tropico Latino

December 13-20, 2014
Costa Rica Service and Adventure Program
Manuel Antonio and Luna Nueva EcoLodge


January 10-17, 2015
Explorations of Self: A Costa Rica Yoga Experience
with Alana Roach
Santa Teresa, Costa Rica

January 10-17, 2015
Finding Your Foundation
with Helen Lee and Rachel Bunting
La Fortuna, Costa Rica

January 31-February 7, 2015
4th Annual Mind|Body|Fitness|Yoga Costa Rica Retreat
with Andrea Dyer
Santa Teresa, Costa Rica

January 31-February 7, 2015
Surrender to the Flow: A Costa Rica Getaway
with Carrie Williamson & Crystal Gray
Caribbean Coast, Costa Rica

Feb. 7-14, 2015
Relax and Renew in Costa Rica
with Laura Vanderberg
Santa Teresa, Costa Rica

February 7-14, 2015
Fermentation for your Mind, Body, and Spirit Retreat
with Trish Carty and Cathy Eason
La Fortuna, Costa Rica

February 13-20, 2015
The “Day Yoga” Studio Costa Rica Experience
with Devon Schmidt
Santa Teresa, Costa Rica

February 21-28, 2015
Serving from a Cup Overflowing
with Karina Mirsky and Friends
Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica

March 2-7, 2015
3rd Annual Rhythms of Joy Retreat
with Tiina Kivinen (A Special Post Envision Retreat)
Play Uvita, Costa Rica

March 7-14
2nd Annual Space, Sound, Silence Yoga Retreat
with Jessica Caplan
March 7-14, 2015
Playa Uvita, Costa Rica

March 7-14, 2015
Nourishing Your Heart of Courage
A Mindfulness Yoga Retreat
with Joni of Healthy Body Peaceful Soul
Carribean Coast, Costa Rica

March 14-21, 2015
Open to the Possibilities:  A Costa Rica Yoga Adventure
with Tim Washburn
Santa Teresa, Costa Rica


Keep checking back in with us as we will continue to add retreats to our program calendar. 



True Nature Travels Blog

1512086_638863206167130_5202010020011765157_oJune is upon us, and that means that we’re just days from the launch of our next yoga retreat journey, Jungle Love! A Costa Rica Experience with Missy Balsam.

For what is sure to be an incredible seven days, Missy and her students are preparing to embark on a journey of yoga retreat and adventure. Hosted at one of our favorite retreat centers, Finca Luna Nueva Lodge, the retreat will be hosted in an environment of self-healing, fostered by the nearby Arenal Volcano and the town of La Fortuna. Arenal is the adventure capital of Costa Rica, and the group is planning on taking full advantage of it through activities like hiking, hot springs excursions, canopy tours, waterfall expeditions, and more.

10422565_10152074903686930_2296553190345365648_nA bit off the beaten path, this peaceful yoga retreat will be nested in Luna Nueva’s jungle paradise. meditative walks on the property’s lush rainforest trails. Daily yoga sessions will be inspired by Missy’s teaching style of empowerment, inspiration, and joy, encouraging students of all levels to keep growing and evolving, discovering the happiness that is already inside of all of us.

Luna Nueva is world-renowned for its fresh, organic, nutritionally-dense food grown right on-site. Altogether the group is ready to set foot on a path of rejuvenation and recharging for the mind, body, and soul. Days will be complete with meditative walks on the property’s lush rainforest trails and plenty of personal reflection time in this unique wilderness.

To immerse directly into the local land and community, Jungle Love! will be incorporating service “karma” yoga and Bhakti yoga elements through projects during the week.

We’ll be posting updates “from the road” with some reflective writing and photos to keep you posted on the retreat in action so you can share in the experience. Stay tuned with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram (@TrueNatureEducation) for a peek into the action!