True Nature’s mission, “Exploring the World, Changing Lives”, incorporates True Nature’s core value of “Service.” For thousands of years, offering service has been an integral part of society. While our world is increasingly becoming a global family, both growing and struggling together, we believe our personal choices are more important than ever. The decision to serve, especially while traveling abroad, is an honorable and noble choice that we celebrate with our participants. Integrating service programs into our wellness retreats is at the foundation of our company’s mission and vision. Our personal relationships with our global partner venues allow us to coordinate projects that make an impact on those who need it most. True Nature provides a truly authentic humanitarian experience that allows our community of travelers to integrate and support the local culture and community.

THE BELIEVE Service Organization: Our Roots

At the core of True Nature’s values is an emphasis on community service. True Nature Travels sprouted out of the The Believe Service Organization (formerly the CREER Service Organization), a non-profit organization dedicated to providing sustainable solutions for the healthy evolution of native cultures and communities.
“Believe” continually strives to do in-depth research that aims to understand the true needs of the people in the communities that we visit.
We believe it is our responsibility to create an international bridge of support focused on education, sustainable contribution, and a balanced integration of cultures; providing a progressive model of a holistic, charitable organization.


Service Values

Structural Work: This area of service focuses on the renovation or building of structures and/or facilities in the communities we visit. For example, we have painted numerous homes, built playgrounds, and renovated sidewalks and other elements of community centers. 

Earth-Stewardship: During our time in the communities we serve, we do our part to learn what it means to be an “Earth Steward”, supporting the natural environment and the wildlife surrounding us. In this area of service work, projects have included working on a local community garden, volunteering at a turtle restoration project, and planting trees as part of a reforestation project.

Intercultural Exchange: We believe one of the greatest sources of service comes in the area of connection. In the spirit of these words, we cherish our opportunity to share through intercultural exchange during our service opportunities. Some examples of this include: taking part in a local fiesta, playing in a village soccer game, visiting the local school, and teaching and sharing with the students.

“The greatest service we can do for the planet is to cultivate happiness and kindness within oneself.”Thich Nhat Hanh