We often get caught up in thinking that mindfulness, love and compassion will reveal themselves to us in a climatic and dramatic way. We begin to “expect” something like this and with those expectations, we can miss the message that the present moment is sending us. And that is, that this very moment is enough.
Our culture of “achieving” often can get wrapped up into thinking that even inner peace is something we need to work hard for. In fact, it is when we empty our minds of all the “to-do” lists that our true nature – our inner light – begins to reveal itself to us. This moment is not asking anything more from us than our complete and total presence to it. Whether that is taking a deep breath, watching your children play, honoring Mother Nature by sitting down to take in a sunrise or sunset. To let yourself become absorbed completely in the moment is when your awareness of living a mindful life begins to deepen.
So, what about the moments when you are sitting in traffic? Or, when you are arguing with your partner? Or when you walk into the laundry room and the clothes are stacked up to the ceiling and you wish you could just close the door and make them disappear? What about the moments when you feel overwhelmed with all there is to do and you wish you could manifest more hours in the day to get everything done? Well, those moments are just as real and just as important as the ones when you find yourself immersed in the delight and laughter of your children. We must be able to find presence in those uncomfortable moments as well. But, it takes time. It takes patience and most of all, it takes practice.
Join us for a #MindfulMonday series where we will share simple practices to support you in connecting more deeply with your True Nature and cultivating tools to live a more mindful life. And, the first lesson is – it starts right now.