True Nature Travels Blog

Adapted from the Mind|Body|Fitness Yoga blog. Update On-Retreat with Andrea Dyer on her 4th Annual Mind|Body|Fitness Yoga Retreat with True Nature Education:

We came to Santa Teresa this year to listen. The sound environment in Santa Teresa is rich with layers of the ocean, wind, monkeys, birds and life in the hotel and village.

I’m sitting in the hotel’s open air restaurant – using wifi and listening to layers of sound.  The backdrop is the non-stop waves in the ocean about 100 yards in front of me through the glade of palm trees. There is the din of silverware, Bob Marley and the chatter of the restaurant staff, the gurgle of the pool water and the call of birds in the trees. The monkey raised their voices in the pre-dawn hour.

There is no electronic curtain of sound here (other than the sound and bass of Bob Marley music). There is clarity and a distinct evidence of nature here. Human voices are hushed and relaxed.

My ears have always been invited to soak in the sounds available. There is nothing better than to rise with the monkeys and walk down the path to the beach and sit and watch the sun rise to the left over Mal Pais. The sound of the surf is soothing on a soul level. It invites you to listen more closely to your heart and soul.

So I have invited our retreaters to listen this week. Hear the sounds of Costa Rica and listen to themselves having this experience. Taking a sacred pause to soak in the sounds of contentment, excitement, and the silence in the space left when all the plans and analysis that kidnap us most days.

We took some inspiration from Milerepa and his iconic leaning toward the music of the soul in meditation, and from Rumi:

Where Everything is MusicMilarepa

We have fallen into the place where everything is music.

The strumming and the flute notes rise into the atmosphere, and if the whole world’s harp should burn up, there will still be hidden instruments playing, playing.

This singing art is sea foam.

The graceful movements come from a pearl somewhere on the ocean floor.

Poems reach up like spindrift and the edge of driftwood along the beach wanting, wanting.

They derive from a slow and powerful root that we cannot see.

Stop the words now.

Open the window in the center of your chest and let the spirits fly in and out!

This is my fourth trip to Costa Rica and each time I get here I am more relaxed and at ease in meditating and listening. Listening is dear and sweet to me here.

On retreat tons of pictures are captured to take the beauty and good feelings back to our regular lives, but I have taken to recording and journaling about the sounds here – somehow if feels closer to my soul. There still are pictures, but I am taking them as placeholders for the sounds so I can reconnect to the sounds and my soul when I see them. It’s my wish that everyone on this retreat will be able to open the window in the center of their chests and let the spirits fly in and out – like the sweet sounds of Santa Teresa.

Pura Vida!

True Nature Travels Blog


Veteran TNE faculty member, Andrea Dyer has her 4th Annual Mind | Body | Fitness Yoga Retreat coming up in early 2015.  Andrea has a great community behind here that is on board for a little fun in the sun – and there is always room for one more!  She has definitely found her “Costa Rica Legs” as she puts it and would be an amazing guide and teacher for anyone who is looking to experience “the happiest place on earth.”

1. What does it mean for you to “be something more” as part of your yoga practice, teaching, and your intentions for your retreat?

Being something more (to me) is about breaking out of the daily routine and taking the practice to a place with none of the excuses we make for ourselves that detract us from knowing where our “work” is. In my practice, I find it easier to venture into new things when I am “away” and it is my intention to lead folks on my retreats to an expanded world of their practice and experience and maybe help them push the edges out in a good way. For instance, I like to check in with those on my retreat to find out the direction their practice is going in and see what I can do to assist in getting them there – helping them with physical asana, making them more comfortable with meditation, with practices like Yin and the essential Flow practices (Ashtanga) that may open new perspectives for them – especially since meditation and Ashtanga have connotations that can be off putting and false. So my intention on our retreat is to offer avenues into a deeper practice with connected instruction and encouragement to “work and play” in an expansive way.

2. Who has been your greatest influence and why?

David Williams and Erich Schiffmann are my teachers and my guides on the yoga path. They both promote staying connected to the simplicity that is the path to comfort, happiness, bliss, longevity and being the best person you can be. They have their own ways of cutting through the fluffy, non-essential stuff and getting connected to what is real and real useful. They have helped me teach from an authentic place and to ignore the pressure to be concerned about the outward appearance of it all.
3. If there was a yoga pose or mediation practice that described you – what would it be and why?

Headstand – many years ago, I was told by a teacher that I wasn’t getting into my headstand because I wasn’t trying hard enough. I pushed and grunted and worked, but to no avail and ended up with neck pain that sent me to a neurologist. I was told to never do headstand again. I couldn’t accept that and found a compassionate teacher that showed me how to eliminate the risk to my neck and to work differently. It didn’t happen overnight, because I was so scared and hurt that I was told I wasn’t trying hard enough. I had to work on those deep inner things to let my core be strong and then I did it. Yoga happens on the inside, not the outside so much. Now I love to share how to get into a SAFE headstand and help people find empowerment and patience in their practice. If I had to choose a meditation, it would be the Lovingkindness Mettas. Same reasoning – we have to love ourselves and send love to others to be free of suffering.

4. Other than yoga, meditation, nutrition – what are some of your passions?

I am totally in love with Stand Up Paddleboard Yoga. It all started on my 2nd trip to Costa Rica on Lake Arenal. I love being in nature doing my practice, but on the water is so interesting – tests balance constantly – so many lessons in easing up and using strength in balance. After practicing yoga for so long, it has refreshed my outlook on poses. Having a busy schedule that keeps my inside teaching or running my studio, I look forward to getting on my board when ever I can. And lucky me, I get to teach SUP Yoga and share my love.

5. What is on your “Costa Rica Bucket List?”

I want to spend more time in the Pacific Ocean for sure – more SUP, snorkeling, MAYBE surf lessons. I spent a lot of my life intimidated by the sea and open water, so it is great to face that and have fun at the same time.

I plan of exploring more waterfalls and doing some more sloth meditations. Unlike many of my friends that have retreated with me, I plan on a nap in a shaded hammock by the sea.

Andrea Dyer ‘s retreat registration is OPEN if you want to jump on board!  Check out our whole 2015 Retreat Program Schedule here.

True Nature Travels Blog

Yoga Retreat in Costa Rica“That could be me….”

We think we can speak for just about everyone who has ever signed up for a 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training Course when we say that everyone, at one point or another(or hundreds of times!) has looked longingly at the image of a beautiful yogi practicing along the beach at a beautiful, tropical location.  We have all dreamed of one day, just maybe with enough intention and support, that could be us, leading a yoga retreat while overlooking fiery sunsets and the cascading waves of the Pacific Ocean.

Yoga retreat, Costa Rica


“That could be me….” zip lining through the jungle, sipping the refreshing juice right out of a coconut, hiking to a magnificent waterfall, creating space and community for profound transformation for our students, and of course, ourselves.

When teachers come to us with their own unique dream of teaching a yoga retreat in Costa Rica they want to know how they can make it happen.  What are the right things to do, to say.  How many students do they need?  How will they get from place to place?  How much will it cost? When is the best time of year to go?  Got a question about teaching a yoga retreat in Costa Rica? We have the answer.  And, after years and years of leading successful retreats, we have narrowed down the one thing that is absolutely essential to do if your dream is to lead a yoga retreat in this beautiful, tropical paradise.

Yoga Retreat in Costa RicaENVISION YOUR RETREAT!

Yep!  Start smelling the flowers, in your mind, right now!  Feel the waterfall beating down on your back giving you the best natural massage you have ever had. Hear the howler monkeys giving you and your students a 5am wake up call.

See the smiling, relaxed and restored faces of your students as you hold a loving space for them to unwind from their plugged in lives at home.  Taste the succulent mango, the ripe papaya. Feel yourself in meditation at sunset, in deep gratitude for your journey that has led you to right here, right now.

We take great care to customize each  program.  We will work with you to help you manifest your unique vision, offer our experienced guidance, support and wisdom along the way.   Make time everyday to actually see yourself at your retreat and engage all five senses in your visualization.

Not a bad way to begin manifesting your dream!

Yoga Retreat Costa RicaBe a part of our 2015 True Nature Teaching Team! We are looking for amazing yoga teachers to connect and collaborate with that are passionate about providing transformational experiences for their students.  Read more about teaching with us here.


True Nature Travels Blog

“The journey between what you once were and who you are now becoming is where the dance of life really takes place.”

~ Barbara Deangelis

photos courtesy of mind | body | fitness

Andrea Dyer and her band of merry yogis dove right into their Annual Costa Rica Experience yoga retreat! From crossing items off bucket lists to sunrise yoga and full moons, the first few days of their journey together warmed up to become their home for the week quite nicely.

Andrea’s passion for adventure has led her to guide her second retreat in Costa Rica with us.  Andrea shares her experience leading a retreat with our experienced staff in this video here.


Andrea packed a week of daily yoga, meditation, stand up paddle boards, waterfall hikes, visits to the hot springs and plenty of personal time for her students to enjoy.  It’s in that individual space, whether you are taking in the sunset or listening to the symphony of sounds in the jungle that true transformation really takes place.

And, of course it is in clinking coconuts and building community that

True Nature Travels Blog

3acc086f1a4d1e767e6ca195aa5bf9a8It’s so easy to get caught up in the hustle of life, the speed of the Facebook feed, the limited hours in the day and the dreams and opportunities that we sometimes feel are passing us by.  The amount of energy that we spend “thinking about being caught up” is staggering when you actually take a moment to reflect on it.




How much time have you spent lately worrying about something or replaying a negative story in your head?

A lot, huh? What if you took all of those moment you spent worrying and put that energy towards cultivating more presence and awareness in your life?  Or better yet, building on a dream, imagining, spending time with loved ones, letting someone know how grateful you are for them. Yes, life CAN feel and be overwhelming sometimes, but it’s truly in those moments that we have the opportunity to step back into presence.

Wait, what?  When we feel disconnected from living fully – THAT is when we need to step back into it?  YES!  When we notice ourselves getting wound up in a story or pattern, that is the perfect moment to notice and bring yourself back to your center.  To remember your true nature is one of love, pure being and you are whole and perfect in this moment.

This powerful practice can change your life because no matter where we are on the path, there will always be countless moments throughout your day when you have the opportunity to notice yourself disconnected from presence.  Moment by moment you begin to recognize that each one counts.



It’s a gradual process, one that takes practice, patience and the willingness to keep coming back, day by day; moment by moment.

Here are some thoughts to support you in calling this practice into your life.

Befriend your habits (the good, the bad and the ugly)

Recognizing that your habits, patterns and beliefs are all truly a part of the wonderfully already perfect you is an important first step.  We will always have obstacles (inner and outer) in our lives so approaching them like a “friend in need” with compassion, empathy and forgiveness is a good approach.  Hey, everybody worries sometimes.

Let your “bad” habit jumpstart a positive one

True Nature Travels Blog

IMG_20140320_123854On yoga retreat in Costa Rica Andrea Dyer of mind|body|fitness|yoga is blogging “from the road.” The group moves from Santa Teresa on the beach at Hotel Tropico Latino, to the rainforest surrounding Finca Luna Nueva Lodge today:

Blue skies, sunshine and palm trees – Santa Teresa, Costa Rica, has invited us out to play. Everyone is here for different reasons – some came with a list of challenging things to cross off bucket lists; some came to have a soothing, relaxing vacation; come came to rekindle their love of the sea, surfing and Costa Rica.

IMG_20140320_124956Some came to deepen their yoga practice and some came to get a start for their yoga practices. With yoga and meditation in the early mornings and the late afternoons, our days were filled with expansion into Santa Teresa offerings.

We started the first day with Yoga on the Beach and Surfing.  By afternoon, we were on to spa treatments, horseback riding and Stand Up Paddle boarding. So much filling our days, but here are some highlights: Fulfilled bucket list items for Leslie (celebrating her birthday this week) – Yoga on the beach and surfing. Surfing was a huge hit for the surfers amongst us. Great guidance from champion surfers.

IMG_20140320_124253Spa treatments with the sound of waves crashing on the beach – so soothing and helpful for getting the kinks out. Stand Up Paddle Boarding with the Costa Rica SUP Champion, Edith Garcia – the water was rough, but