True Nature Travels Blog

It is so very easy to get caught up in the hustle bustle of the holidays. Gifts, food, decorations, running around to see family, etc. The potential for this very special time of year to truly transform your life often gets lost in all of the “holiday noise”.  We want to remind you of the truly healing power of gratitude.

1.  It is scientifically proven that an attitude of gratitude can make you happier and improve your health.


This list of benefits was compiled in more than 40 research studies on gratitude. Pretty incredible to see how living with a foundation of gratitude in your life affects each and every area of your life.  By shifting your mindset to what you have to be thankful for in the moment rather than what you don’t have very well might be the golden chalice to living a full, healthy, happy  and long life.

2. Gratitude helps us to be aware of the beauty around us

Not only does gratitude help us to transform our own inner lives, but we also cannot help but notice all of the beauty around us. The people, places and things that have been put in our life and on our path have all been placed there for a reason. We might notice our grandmas new Christmas sweater and think to tell her how pretty she looks in it. We might recognize something our partner does for us everyday, that may have gone unnoticed and share with them how grateful we are that they do these small things to make our life better, together. Even the sight of children playing fills your heart with gratitude to be able to witness the innocence and simplicity of life.

3. Practicing gratitude requires NO practice! You can start anytime, anywhere! Why not right now!


Not matter where you are, no matter who you are, no matter how old or young you are – you can ALWAYS take a moment to pause, notice your breath and find something to be grateful for right here and now. Gratitude is the best medicine for a mind that is feeling stuck. Many people find it healing and helpful to keep a gratitude journal and either end or begin each day writing five things they are thankful for.

Be Grounded in Gratitude

Before the holiday rush truly hits – set a few intentions with us to stay grounded in Gratitude.

Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at True Nature Education!