Earlier this August we had the opportunity to host our 3rd annual Embracing the Spirit retreat. It was an inspiring event in the mountains of North Carolina. This 3-day Shabbat retreat gave us all an opportunity to dedicate time in our lives to celebrating Shabbat with ritual, meditation. music, and more. One of the many beautiful things that came out of this retreat was a poem written by Sabrina Rockoff, one of those present at our Embracing the Spirit retreat.
I Hold Space for You
A poem from the Embracing the Spirit retreat
Between the m and the period
Tiny, manila,
lighter than a whisper
in the palm of my hand.
I cup my hands
against the wind
creating a protected silence.
I hold space for you
between those two bright stars
dark and vast.
I drink it in with my breath,
swallowing the weight of the universe.
I hold space for you
between eye and eyelid
closed in longing prayer.
Safe, solitary
cool, quiet
healing and silent
am I.
I hold space for you
between lovers’ bodies
intimate blazing.
My body bakes in anticipation;
My soul aflame.
I hold space for you
between babe’s tongue and mother’s milk
unseen, private,
sweet, nourishing,
known only in my heart.
I hold space for you
between soul cradled in body,
a fleeting glimpse of eternity.
Precious, wise,
ending and beginning,
are we.
We would like to extend a big thank you to all who joined us at this magical gathering. It was a wonderful celebration and we invite you to join us for our next Embracing the Spirit retreat… just keep an eye on
our calendar for news of the next gathering. Until then, let us all hold space and live from a place of love.