True Nature Travels Blog

The Power of Breath: Women’s Wellness

Did you know that one of the most important relationships a woman has in life is with herself? And that the breath is one of our most powerful tools for learning about ourselves and creating positive changes?

Our body, breath, and mind are interdependent, and prana, our life force, and breath, is the energy of movement between them. When prana flows smoothly, all our bodily systems function more efficiently. When it is disturbed or impeded, imbalances arise. Working with our breath brings new awareness, as our state of mind is intimately linked with the quality of prana within our body. This awareness allows us to choose and control our actions and to lessen our reactions.

The breath is an excellent indicator of your current physical and emotional state of health. By observing your breath, you’re taking steps to tune into yourself. New awareness always brings more opportunities for understanding, change, and growth. It also allows you to tune into thoughts, feelings, and emotions you may not be consciously aware of. This connection allows us to feel more aligned with ourselves and can help us make choices based on the messages we receive when tuning in.

Stop what you’re doing right now. Close your eyes, focus on your breathing, and just observe your breath.

There is no right or wrong way to breathe.

Take several deep breaths, deep into your belly, deep into your chest, and feel it expand and relax.

What do you notice? Is your breath:

  • flowing smoothly, or shaky with impediments?
  • short (under two seconds), or long (over four seconds)?
  • slow and deep, or fast-paced and superficial?

Take a few more breaths. Notice if:

  • your breath is mostly in the chest, down in the belly, or both;
  • your inhalation is longer or shorter than your exhalation.

What areas of your body are calling your attention? What are the messages your body is giving you now?

As women, we are innately intuitive and benefit from moving through life based on our inner knowing. By tuning into our breath and listening to the messages we receive from breathing practices, we can learn how to better cope with stressful situations, increase our energy, access our intuition, relax, and become more peaceful. This simple breathing awareness can lay the foundation for more complex pranayama (conscious breathing) practices.

We will practice them daily among many other fantastic classes in my Women’s Wellness Retreat next February in Costa Rica. Join me!



Dr. Margo Bachman DACM has been passionate about natural medicine and healing for over thirty years. Her own healing experiences and innate curiosity continue to inspire her life and her career. She discovered holistic medicine to heal herself from menstrual problems, pregnancy loss, hormonal craziness and all sorts of other ailments and has been amazed by the power of natural medicine.

Join Dr. Margo as she leads you through a variety of healing practices to support and nurture your well-being. She will teach mindful movement, breath work, and meditation practices, as well as classes on Ayurveda, women’s health, and self-care. Envision going deep within yourself and learning how to tap into your innate healing potential. Expect a renewed sense of vitality and energy, and inspiration to carry these practices back with you into daily life.