True Nature Travels Blog

A Day in the Life at a True Nature Retreat

Have you every wondered just what a day on a yoga retreat looks like?  What exactly will you be doing from the moment you open your eyes until you hit the pillow to go to sleep?  Welcome to your “virtual” day in the life at a True Nature Retreat. Take a deep breath and enjoy…

cr2010-20065:30am – Good Morning!! Be prepared to rise with the sun in Costa Rica.  And if the sun doesn’t lure you out of bed, then the sounds of the jungle or the neighbors roosters just might!

5:45am – Morning meditation or time to journal and reflect.  The symphony of the world waking up around you combined with the stillness of this auspicious time of day is a perfect combination and reason to pack your meditation cushion.

6:15am – Tea time!  Many of the retreat centers in our portfolio of offerings will have tea, coffee and juice out for attendees by 6am.  It’s a nice opportunity to connect your community or maybe continue your meditation and enjoy your morning cuppa in silence.

sound of silence7:00-9:00am – Morning session with your retreat leader.  You can feel every hair on your body standing up with pure joy as you tuck your yoga mat under your arm and walk to the yoga deck to do what you came here to do.  Practice yoga in the exquisite and breathtaking settings that Costa Rica has to offer.  We guarantee this is nothing less than a magical feeling!

9:30am – BREAKFAST!!  Enjoying the fresh, whole foods that our retreat centers offer will definitely be one of the highlights of your experience.  By the end of the week – after eating mostly raw, organic and at some locations – right off the farm where you are staying – you will feel energized, lighter and ready to clean out your fridge when you get home!

10:00am-12:30pm – Free time – Relax at the beach, by the pool, take a nap in a nearby hammock, chat with new friends or all of the above.   We encourage all of our retreat leaders to schedule plenty of free time for their students as this is when you are able to really process and begin integrating the transformation that is taking place!

lunas-dahl1:00pm – LUNCH – Fresh squeezed fruit juices, brightly colored greens and lots of opportunities to try out Costa Rican typical dishes like rice and beans.

2:00-4:00pm – Excursions and Service Projects!  Perhaps you have always dreamed of horseback riding along the beach or zip lining through the rain forest.  Our service initiatives partner our retreats with sustainable community projects in rural villages throughout Costa Rica.

4:00-6:00pm – Relaxing evening yoga, meditation session with your retreat leader to wind down and process the days activities.

Village-Rep-Lindsay-Padilla6:oopm – DINNER – Enjoy the community and bonding by sitting around a table and enjoying a meal together.

7:00-9:00pm – Free time or perhaps an evening sat sang, lecture or kirtan.

9:30pm – Lights out!

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