True Nature Travels Blog

Do you ever feel like lying on the beach for a week straight or going in and out of museums and art galleries just isn’t quite what you want from your vacation? Like there’s got to be something more? So did I. I wanted my vacations to be more interactive. That’s what led me to go on my first adventure vacation; and I’ve become hooked on traveling this way ever since.

An adventure vacation can mean a lot of things. It can mean rock climbing in Greece, surfing in Costa Rica, mountain biking in Italy, or practicing yoga in Peru. Whatever adventure vacation you decide to take, one thing is certain: you’re going to learn a lot. Here are the top three things I’ve learned from years of adventure vacations.

1. The joys of stepping outside your comfort zone

adventure vacation: mtb
Photo Natesh Ramasamy by on Flickr

Getting outside your comfort zone is hard and uncomfortable. It means leaving what you know and diving into the unknown—something that’s never easy. An adventure vacation is all about embracing this space outside your comfort zone.

I have always been terrified of mountain biking, but on my adventure trek to Machupicchu, there was an entire half-day of mountain biking. I wasn’t going to miss out, so I pushed myself. It was terrifying, but in the end, I had a huge adrenaline rush and a giant smile on my face. And now mountain biking isn’t so scary to me! So, on your next adventure vacation, expect to be a little uncomfortable from time to time, but know that what lies outside of your comfort zone is worth discovering.

2. How to trust your gut and respect your limits

adventure vacation: rock climbing
Photo by vincenzo di giorgi on Unsplash

When you’re pushing yourself to your limits—something that you often have to do during an adventure vacation—you learn to listen to yourself. Sometimes, you find that your limits are greater than you ever realized and you’re able to push yourself further than you’d imagined. Other times, you learn to take a step back, do a little less, and respect the needs of your body.

Where these limits are, and how to find them, is something you can only learn by pressing right up against your edge. That’s something an adventure vacation can help you do.

3. That ten seconds of confidence can change your life

adventure vacation: bungee jumping
Photo by RP Norris on Flikr

The first time I went bungee jumping, I stood on the edge of the bridge, stared down, and wondered what in the world I had done wrong to end up here. Then, I took a deep breath and jumped. The rush of adrenaline that filled me was incredible and the joy I felt seeing the world from such a different perspective is indescribable. Turns out I really love bungee jumping; but I would have never known that it I hadn’t had a few seconds of confidence.

Adventure vacations are full of those moments. From deciding to sign up for an adventure retreat to all the small moments of saying yes along the way, your confidence will be called upon time and time again. But what you’ll learn, when the fear subsides and the wonder sets in, is that a little bit of confidence can go a long way.

Is an adventure vacation right for you?

If you want a vacation that has a little more umpf than your traditional beach holiday, then an adventure vacation is for you. If you are tired of the city streets and want the feeling of dirt between your toes and wind in your hair, then an adventure vacation is for you. If you want to embark on one of the most exciting, life-changing journeys of your life, then an adventure vacation is for you. Sign up for one of True Nature Travels’ adventure retreats for a week that will stick with you for a lifetime!

About the Author

Sarah Dittmore is always seeking a new adventure. When she’s not Author_Sarah Dittmorebarefoot hiking in the mountains of Peru, kayaking around an island off the coast of Italy, or camping in a rainforest in Costa Rica, Sarah writes about her adventures on her travel blog, Autobiography of an Adventurer. Join her as she travels the world and documents the wild and wonderful things she discovers along the way at

True Nature Travels Blog

You’ve heard of karma. And you’ve heard of yoga. But karma yoga? What even is that? While karma yoga can mean a lot of different things to different people, the general idea is taking the philosophy of yoga and putting it in action. This means stepping off of the mat and into the world. It means humbling your ego, serving your community, and being part of something bigger than yourself.


Yogic philosophy and its relation to service


Traditionally, yoga wasn’t about the poses, or asanas. “Yoga” is a Sanskrit word that translates in English to “union.” The roots of yoga are founded in a philosophy of union. Union of the mind, body and soul. Union of the self with the divine. It’s the concept of oneness—of each individual being a part of a universal consciousness.

There are four main paths of yoga: Raja Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, and Karma Yoga. Raja yoga is the yoga of mind and body control. Its focus is on meditation and energetics. It is from Raja yoga that hatha yoga and modern asana practice developed. Bhakti yoga is the path of devotion and focuses on devoting yourself to worship of the divine. Jnana yoga is the yoga of wisdom and encourages people to study the ancient scriptures such as The Upanishads.Karma Yoga

And then there’s karma yoga. Karma yoga is the yoga of action. It’s about purifying your heart by learning to act selflessly in service of others. Through karma yoga we learn kindness and compassion without an expectation of gain. The idea being that learning these lessons helps us to step away from our ego, freeing us to move one step further on the path to enlightenment.

Service can be a powerful means of releasing yourself of your ego, learning to act from pure intentions, and connecting with the bigger picture. Service is at the heart of karma yoga and it is this belief in the power of karma yoga and the importance of giving back that is at the core of our company.


How you can practice karma yoga in your life


TKarma Yoga Servicehere are many ways to embrace karma yoga in your life. Whether it’s giving a neighbor a helping hand or traveling abroad to engage in global service, the opportunities are endless.

Whatever you choose to do, making service a regular part of your life is key to practicing karma yoga. We recommend making a weekly commitment to engage with a local charity, giving your time and talents to support the work they do. Another option is to make global service an annual tradition. Or both!

When it comes to karma yoga, it is important that the service comes from a selfless place. It is about giving to those in need, sharing love, and spreading light. Some ways to encourage this mindset are to practice keeping a mental mantra. Something that reminds you the purpose of your service and keeps you grounded outside of the ego. Another useful practice is to get to know the people you are serving. Rather than thinking of service in the abstract, get on the ground and communicate with those you serve.

Let yourself be humbled by their knowledge and experience. Forge meaningful connections and let yourself be touched by their lives and stories. In this way, karma yoga can become more than just a practice. It can become a way of life.

True Nature Travels Blog

I often joke about my good karma. Specifically, my good travel karma. I’ve never missed a flight. I’ve never been pick-pocketed. I’ve always found a place to rest my head no matter how little planning I did beforehand… I’ve been traveling for years and all of these travels have been surrounded by an air of good fortune, generosity, and luck. Or, you might say, good karma.

Whenever I contemplate my good travel karma, I find myself returning to this quote from Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist:

 “When a person really desires something, all the universe conspires to help that person to realize his dream.”

good karma lantern

The Alchemist is the story of a young shepherd who changes the course of his life drastically when he sets off on a treasure hunt. Throughout his journey, he discovers not a treasure of gold and gemstones, but an inner treasure. A deeper treasure. He discovers the treasure of pursuing one’s passion.

Good Karma TakeOffMuch like the main character of The Alchemist, the course of my life changed thanks to one decision I made at a young age. While my friends were getting their acceptance letters and packing for college, I was booking flights and planning a five-month solo journey through regions of Africa and Asia.

When I look back on that trip, I often think what a miracle it was. Everything worked in my favor. My parents, for some reason even they don’t understand, decided to let me—an 18-year old girl with little to no experience living away from home—take off on her own to explore the world. When I thought I wasn’t going to be able to afford it, my local Rotary club decided to give me a $2,000 scholarship to support my journey. Whenever a knew obstacle appeared, so did countless warm-hearted people willing to help me. And it wasn’t just that trip. good karma safari

It’s been that way every time I take to the road. Good karma surrounds me like a protective barrier whenever I take off for another trip.

Which is why the term “travel karma” became such a common word in my vocabulary. But where did this travel karma come from? Am I just lucky?

No, not exactly. It’s not luck, not really. At least, I don’t think so.

I believe that when I’m traveling, I’m where I’m supposed to be. I’m doing what I love and following my passion. In return, the universe is conspiring to help me realize that dream.

To me, that’s what karma is. It’s not a sheet of checks and balances. It’s not an eye for an eye. It’s not, “if I do this good thing I’ll get something good in return and if I do bad I’ll be punished”. That may be what karma means to a lot of people, but not to me.

To me, karma is the magical way everything falls into place when you’re on the right path. It’s the way the impossible just seems to work out. I like to think it’s the universe’s way of nodding its head and saying, “yes. This was what you were meant to do. This is the path for you.” And I truly believe if we listen to our hearts and follow our passions, good karma will surround us.

So find your passion and embrace it. Discover your true nature and live it with every breath you take. There will be challenges. There will be obstacles. But if you’re doing what you love and living a life that is true to your deepest self, karma will be there to help you every step of the way.


About the Author Author_Sarah Dittmore

Sarah Dittmore is always seeking a new adventure. When she’s not barefoot hiking in the mountains of Peru, kayaking around an island off the coast of Italy, or camping in a rainforest in Costa Rica, Sarah writes about her adventures on her travel blog, Autobiography of an Adventurer. Join her as she travels the world and documents the wild and wonderful things she discovers along the way at

True Nature Travels Blog

Global service is becoming a popular new way of seeing the world. Individuals are traveling to all corners of the globe to help build houses, teach English, and more. For a lot of people, this global volunteer work is the most attractive form of travel. Not only do you get the chance to give back to the world while traveling, but you end up getting as much (if not more) than what you give. But what exactly do you have to gain from joining a global service project? Well, for starters, here are five things you will learn from global service.

1. You will learn how to adapt to any and all situations

global service lesson 1

When you engage in a global service project, you are signing up to be thrown outside of your comfort zone. You will be in a culture drastically different than your own, living with far fewer luxuries, and often surrounded by people who do not speak your native language. It may sound scary—and let’s face it, at times it is—but once you learn how to thrive in these conditions, you will feel as though you can thrive anywhere. Global service teaches us how to find our center no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in.

2. You will learn where your limits lie and how to push past them

global service lesson 2

During one of my first global service projects I stayed in a sparse concrete room with no running water. I took cold bucket showers every morning and got served an identical breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day for two months. But you know what I told people when they asked how my trip was? I told them it was the most incredible experience of my life. And I wasn’t lying. I learned more about myself and what I can withstand in those two months than I had in the 18 years of life that had come before. Don’t be surprised if you walk away from your first global service project feeling stronger and more capable than ever before.

3. You will learn how to connect to people without language

global service lesson 3

Of the many global service projects I have done, only one was with a community that spoke English as their first language. The language barrier can sound like a hurdle, and in some ways it is, but all in all I think the language barrier is one of the greatest gifts of global service. Because when you can’t speak to one another, you can’t waste time with small talk or get hung up on your different opinions. Instead, you are able to drop into a deeper connection; the kind of connection that can only come from trying to mime your way through dinner talk. If I had to pick one top lesson that global service has taught me, it would be this: people are people no matter where you go, and that’s enough to form a powerful connection over.

4. You will learn to respect the complexity of global issues

global service lesson 4

When I left home for the first time to travel and volunteer for five months, I thought I was going to change the world. I saw myself as a savior leaving home to fix the world’s problems, one country at a time. I never lost my passion for global service, but I came home with a much more realistic view as to the role of service on a global scale. The more I traveled and worked with different communities, the more I realized how complicated all of these issues are. There are no quick fixes to the world’s problems, but serving around the world will give you a much more complete understanding of the depth of global issues and what we can honestly do to help.

5. You will learn that the best thing you can give is love and kindness

global service lesson 5

I’ve given money. I’ve given food. I’ve given school supplies, fresh water, clothing, and more. Of course all of these things were appreciated and helped many people, but over and over again there was one thing that I gave when serving abroad that was most appreciated and most impactful: my unconditional love and kindness. And while my material gifts could help in a tangible way, I continued to see that my most valuable gift could not be quantified. No matter where you go in the world, there is nothing as powerful as extending love and kindness to those around you.

These are the top five lessons I have learned from a long commitment to global service, but the truth is, the list is endless. If you really want to know everything global service has to teach you, get out there and give it a try for yourself!

True Nature Travels Blog

Summer is (practically) here. And I don’t know about you, but my feet are itching. I’m dying to get out of the house and get my adventure on. I dream of wet hair, bare feet, and dirt under my nails. So as summer creeps up on us, I’ve been working on my summer adventure bucket list. Everything on this list is designed to make my summer the best (and most adventurous) one yet. If you’re looking for a dreamy, adventure-filled, straight-out-of-the-movies kind of summer, look no further. This list is for you.

The Ultimate Summer Adventure Bucket List


Explore your home town 

Adventure doesn’t have to mean going far. Some of the greatest adventures await just outside your front door. Spend an unplanned day exploring your hometown. Enter the shops you always drive past, eat at that restaurant you’ve always been curious about, talk to your fellow residents. Head to a corner of town you are less familiar with and start walking. The best way to get to find an adventure is to start walking and see where the wind takes you. This summer, get to know a side of your city you’ve never seen before!

Drive to the closest green point 

This is one of my personal favorite things on the summer adventure bucket list. It’s something I like to do whenever I’m feeling stressed. I open Google Maps, zoom out a little, and point to a green spot. I don’t look up the place or do any research; I just start driving. Sometimes I end up at parks, sometimes reservoirs, and sometimes beautiful trail heads! But wherever I end up, it always turns out to be an awesome (and much-needed) adventure.

Summer Adventure Bucket List: HikingPhoto by Fabrizio Verrecchia via Unsplash

Hike your local trails 

Whether they are in your back yard or a bit of a drive or train ride away, make the time to find your nearest trails and start hiking. If you are new to hiking, look for some easy trails you can do in an hour or two. For the more experienced hikers, why not make a full weekend of it? Bring your camping gear and turn a simple hike into a full-on adventure. Roots Rated is a great source for finding local hiking trails for all levels, so you can design an adventure that’s perfect for you.

Cook something new and exciting 

Surprise! Not everything on this summer adventure bucket list involves hitting the road. In fact, you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your home to have an adventure! The secret of having an adventure is stepping outside of your comfort zone; so why not do that with your meals this summer? Look for an exciting new recipe that sounds interesting and a little different than what you would normally make-then start cooking! For some ideas, check out these delicious recipes.

Try your hand at a new sport 

From badminton to beach volleyball, summer is a great time to try a new sport. Get some friends together for a casual game of basketball, head to the park and ask the local sporty-folk if you can join, or sign up for an adult summer sports league. It’s a great way to stay active this summer, meet new friends, and have an awesome adventure.

Summer Adventure Bucket List: KayakingPhoto by Kalen Emsley via Unsplash

Rent a kayak for the day

One of my favorite things about summer is getting on the water. Which is why kayaking had to be on my summer adventure bucket list. You can find kayaking tours and rentals near almost any river, lake, or ocean. Some large parks even offer rentals! So find your closest body of water, look up kayak tours or rentals in the area, and get paddling this summer.

Have a picnic under the stars 

Who doesn’t love the warm evening air of summertime? Make the most of it by having a summer picnic under the stars. Whether it’s a romantic picnic for two, a group picnic with your closest friends, or a family affair, an evening picnic is a great way to enjoy the summer weather. Many parks are closed after sunset, so this adventure has the added excitement of having to find an open space to host it! (Or, you know, a backyard could work too).

Take that weekend trip you keep talking about

How often have you said you wanted to visit ____ some day? Well, today is your day. Book that hotel or pack that tent, hop in the car, and get going. It’s time to take that weekend trip you’ve always dreamed of. It’s time to have that adventure you have always said you would have. It’s time to make this summer the summer of your dreams!

Summer Adventure Bucket List: SurfingPhoto by Filipp Nakhaev via Unsplash

Take a class outside your comfort zone

Why not? What’s stopping you? Book that yoga class that’s a little different from your go-to routine. Go to the beach and look into surf lessons. Take a dance class. Sign up for foreign language classes. Adventure is all about challenging yourself in new and exciting ways. What better way to do that than to learn a new skill or talent? If it makes you a little nervous, you should probably try it.

Rent bikes in your nearby city 

There’s a lot to see from the seat of a bicycle. If you live in or near a city, look into city bike rentals. A lot of cities have really affordable options. Then hop on the bike and start pedaling. You can plan a route or just follow your gut. Either way, cycling is a great way to get to know a city and see some of the hidden sights your city has to offer.

Go on the adventure of a lifetime

To wrap up this summer adventure bucket list, I encourage you to take a leap. A leap into an adventure you’ll never forget. Have you always dreamed of practicing yoga in Italy? What about surfing the waves in Costa Rica? Or climbing the famous rocks in Greece? Now is your chance. Follow your dreams and book the journey of a lifetime. Make this summer everything you’ve ever dreamed of… and so much more.

True Nature Travels Blog

When your lower back is tight, life seems to slow down and become quite tense. You may find yourself wincing even as you move around in bed. Lower back pain often stems from muscles that are unnaturally tight, either from a lack of activity or from injury. One way to lengthen and soothe these muscles is to do stretching, as well as strengthening the core, to ensure that your posture and muscles are functioning optimally.

The 5 Stretches for Lower Back Pain

Knee to Chest

stretches for lower back pain knee to chest

A simple yet highly effective stretch that is used to align the pelvis (twisted pelvis is often a source of back pain) and gently stretch the lower back and gluteus muscles.

Lie on your back with the feet flexed, toes pointed towards the sky. Slowly bend your right knee then pull your leg up towards your chest. Make sure not to let the hips left from the floor. They should remain unengaged. Wrap your arms around your right thigh, knee, or shin, gently applying some pressure. Hold for 20-30 seconds then slowly extend the leg—foot still flexed—to the starting position. Repeat on the opposite side.

Lower-Back Twist

Guess what? All that sitting you may be doing is weakening the glute muscles and could be another cause of your lower back pain. That is why twists like this one feel so good because it digs deep into the gluteus muscle group.

Start by lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat against the floor. Extend your arms out to the side in a T position. Keep your shoulders against the floor as you move through this stretch, and tighten the core to support the upper spine and shoulders. Lying on the ground, gently rock your knees side-to-side, beginning to warm the muscles. Then drop the knees to one side. If they can touch the ground, that is fine, but be sure to do so without lifting the opposite shoulder from the ground. If you need a bolster, that is fine. Hold for 20-30 seconds before switching to the other side.

Cat/Cow Pose

stretches for lower back pain cat cow pose

This pose is a quintessential yoga pose that not only stretches but also warms up the entire spine, preparing it for movement. Cat/Cow works by simultaneously working the entire spine, engaging the core, and lengthening muscles that could have contracted from sitting.

To do Cat/Cow, begin on your hands and knees. Wrists should be under shoulders, and your knees are under your hips. Your spine will be parallel to the floor. Begin by taking a breath. As you exhale, round your spine to form a C curve. Your gaze and tailbone both shift downward. Hold for a few seconds then inhale, letting your belly drop as your fill your torso with air. Gaze and tailbone both lift to form a concave back. Hold for a few seconds then switch back to the previous position.

Piriformis Seated Stretch

stretches for lower back pain piriformis seates stretch

Also called Gomukhasana or Cow Face Pose in yoga, the piriformis seated stretch feels good either sitting straight up or revolving around towards either side. This stretch is created to lengthen the piriformis muscle, which is often the source of sciatica, or a radiating leg pain caused by an aggravated sciatic nerve.

To do the piriformis seated stretch, begin cross-legged with a straight back. Cross your left leg over your right leg then place your left foot near the thigh. The right foot tucks back towards your buttocks. Depending on the intensity of the stretch, you can stop here. Optionally, you can place your right arm on your left leg and use that to help rotate you towards the left. Keep the chest open and low back long.

Cobra Pose

stretches for lower back pain cobra pose

Cobra is a fabulous stretch for working through the entire core. The core is more than just your abdominal muscles, it is a band of support that incorporates the abdominals (flexors and oblique), back (extensors), pelvic floor, and even the upper connections of the gluteus muscles. Therefore, if your abdominal muscles are tight, so too is your back.

Start by lying on your stomach with your legs extended straight back. The palms of your hands are planted in front of you, in line with the shoulders. Slowly push the body away from the floor so that you lift gradually and lengthen the arms. Keep your hips flush against the ground, focusing solely on the expansiveness of the chest and back as you breathe. Once you reach the maximum height of your stretch, hold for an additional 10-20 seconds. Slowly lower back down to the starting position and repeat this exercise 5 more times.

The Importance of a Strong Core

One of the reasons many people have low back pain is because they lack core strength. Now, strengthening your abdominals does not mean you have to do dozens of crunches or procure a six-pack. Rather, you want to work deep into the transverse abdominis, which is responsible for cinching the waist like a corset. One of the best ways to effectively work the entire core is by using a rowing machine.

A rowing machine is an incredible piece of equipment that enables a full body workout depending on your effort. You can easily improve your posture by maintaining a straight spine and engaged abdominal muscles. Rowing will also target the lower body, like the buttocks and hamstrings, which have an influence on your lower back as well.


Want to stretch out your lower back and soothe your pain? You can do these 5 stretches right now for immediate relief. In order to get lasting results, why not try out the rowing machine too? By giving your body total workout, you are fortifying your posture, engaging the core, and promoting overall health. Consider the rowing machine and these 5 stretches your go-to for combatting the tightness and lower back pain!

True Nature Travels Blog

Being a Dad2“Wow! Am I really a Dad?” Even after 6+ years, I am still settling into the humbling and miraculous journey of being a dad.

Earlier this week, I recapped, with my wife Luna, the birth of our daughters, Jaya and Sasha. What an incredible journey, as these beings grew inside of their mother, and then one day it happened, they were born, and life was never the same again. Both Jaya and Sasha had very unique births, and both are very unique and special children. Being a father has been one of my greatest gifts in life. My girls are not only my daughters, they are my teachers, my reflections of divinity, and as one of my teacher’s calls them, “my little Buddha’s in residence”.

From the time I was a young adult I made a commitment to have a life of growth, practice, and service. When I turned 30, I foundmyself in Costa Rica, where I co-founded the True Nature Community and Education Center. We had created a community, we had people visiting us from around the world, our dreams were blossoming before our eyes. One weekend I had the chance to be on our land alone for a few days. I sat and reflected over those days, observing the nature that surrounded, contemplating my life, and my own true nature. I felt a piece of my heart open, as if another layer of a fruit was being peeled open. With that nectar and opening came a clear message that it was time to start a family. The next stage of my evolution was to embark on the journey of fatherhood. Four years later my daughter Jaya was born.


This chapter, the beginning of Fatherhood, has been filled with opening to a new level of growth, a greater capacity to serve, and an opportunity to open my heart more than ever. To learn to be a father is learn not only to be a father of your children, but to learn how to support and nurture all beings in a new way. Being a dad is an opportunity to connect to the lineage of fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers, that have all walked before us. And of course, my greatest teacher and inspiration has been, my father, who has shined a beautiful light on my path to fatherhood. Being a father is a true gift, a sincere privilege, and the deep and humbling practice that teaches me each day.
As Father’s Day is upon us I send my best wishes and and deepest gratitude to all of the Fathers on the planet, thank you for your growth, practice, service, and love.

True Nature Travels Blog

With Father’s Day only a month away, it’s time to start thinking about what to get dad. My dad has always been incredibly difficult to shop for. He refuses to tell me what he wants and I am left to search for the perfect gift with little to no guidance. But I have since mastered the art of Father’s Day gift giving and I’ve decided to share the wisdom with all the other struggling sons and daughters out there. If you’ve got an active, nature-loving dad like me, check out this list of adventure gifts for dad. You are sure to find something he will be thrilled to receive.

1. Some literary inspiration for his adventures

Adventure Gifts for Dad: Books

Inspire your dad to take on a new adventure with a great adventure book. National Geographic has an impressive list of the 100 greatest adventure books. These include stories of travel, survival, and good ol’ adventure. I personally have read and loved three on the list (Into Thin Air, Out of Africa, and Annapurna: A Woman’s Place), but I trust National Geographic and feel certain any of the books on the list will inspire your father and make a great adventure gift for dad.

2. A fireside waffle iron for the best camping breakfast ever

Adventure Gifts for Dad: Waffle Iron

If your dad is a big camper, he’ll love this fireside waffle iron. It’s a great way to upgrade his morning meal during his next overnight adventure. The cast iron press will allow your dad to make delicious waffles for breakfast; a great way to start the day… and an even better way to make him smile on Father’s Day.

3. The ultimate adventurers backpack

Adventure Gifts for Dad: BackpackNo adventure is complete without the perfect backpack. The Boar AR 63 backpack is a top-rated backpack designed to fit comfortably during multi-day hiking and trekking adventures. It’s well built and will easily fit everything your dad needs for his next weekend backpacking trip.

4. A foldable kayak he can take anywhereAdventure Gifts for Dad: Kayak

This one is a little bit higher on the price range, but it is one of the more awesome adventure gifts for dad. The Oru Bay Kayak is a one-of-a-kind collapsible kayak. It folds up and fits in an impressively small backpack that he can take on his next hike. With this kayak, he can hit the water when he reaches the lake at the top of the mountain or the small inlet on the shore. It’s great for those who want to have an adventure where the car can’t reach.

5. The adventure of a lifetime

Adventure Gifts for Dad: Retreat

If you want to really wow your dad this Father’s Day, consider sending him on a global adventure. True Nature retreats are held around the world and feature the kind of adventure and exploration your dad will love. Of all the adventure gifts for dad, this one is guaranteed to show him just how much you appreciate everything he has done for you. To really blow him away, join him on the adventure and make it a bonding experience for the two of you!

Did we miss any awesome adventure gifts for Dad?

There are tons of incredible things out there for the adventurer within. We tried to find five of the coolest adventure gifts for dad that we could think of, and we think we did a pretty good job, but there’s always more to discover! What great adventure gifts are you getting for your dad this year?? Let us know in the comments below!

True Nature Travels Blog

10464141_10209239572852058_6660106412735769076_nThe morning air is crisp and just as I start crossing the road, my avalanche backpack on and skis over my shoulder, my mom has already clicked into her bindings and is taking a first stride up the track.  It’s cold, so I know I won’t see her for at least the first pitch- her pace is almost a run uphill if she needs to warm up.

Half-way up our climb, mom insists I go first, ignoring the fact that she has been way out ahead of me all morning.  I am breathing hard, taking my time to get my water bottle and fuel myself with some cashews and almonds.  I know it’s not worth arguing about who goes first, so I take the lead, occasionally checking back to confirm that I’m navigating the terrain safely.  Something that comes with age is also experience, and I try to pick up everything I can from a woman who has spent over four decades in Idaho’s off-the-beaten-path mountains.

We reach the top of our desired pitch for the day, and just as I look up from switching out my jackets, my mom has already changed clothes, taken her ski skins off, and is ready to drop in.  She waits patiently as I catch up.  Then: we ski.  She lets out a little giggle scream of joy as snow flies up on her first turn, and by the time I hit a stopping place below a tree, I am fully laughing.  How is skiing so fun?!  Skins on, back to the top to ski out, and then there it is- mom asks, “One more?”


My mom is my best backcountry ski buddy.  Simply put, she kicks my butt.  She always has, and at this point, I’m convinced she always will.  In a wonderfully bizarre way, it’s empowering.  It creates the perspective that getting older is something to look forward to, rather than something to dread.  First, I found myself thinking I can’t wait to hit my prime at 50, then it was 60, and now it’s 62.  

Spending time in the outdoors with others, creates an indescribable bond.  Blatant, I know, but I have never been able to quite put my finger on why… is it the all-inclusiveness of a car ride, an adventure, and inevitably enjoying PB & Js that taste five star because you’re gloriously exhausted and hungry? Is it being in places with no cell service so that you are more present?  Or is it that simply sharing an experience together in the elements unveils the simple things that are truly important?


Sharing adventures with my mom takes this bond to another level.  Skiing with her now, I have a quiet and humble recognition of how much I have to learn from her (for me, it has held more and more true that the more we know, the less we know- my 30th year was a reinforcing butt kicker on that!).  The patience, knowhow, respect and joy my mom radiates while navigating on skis is something I watch and learn with every step and every turn.  Underneath her giggle screams, she probably figured out a long time ago that taking her daughters to the mountains will teach them everything they need to know.
Out of Comfort AuthorKira is a freelance writer and the co-founder of the whole wellness getaway company KULAvie.  She is a yoga, kayak, and ski instructor who is passionate about connecting people with the outdoors and has had the privilege of working in Idaho, North Carolina, Chile, Nepal, India, Uganda, Zimbabwe, and the Tibetan Plateau. 

True Nature Travels Blog

Mother’s Day is around the corner. It’s time to start shopping! Traditionally Mother’s Day is filled with flowers, cakes, and charm bracelets. But that’s not every mom’s style. If you’ve got an active mom, don’t worry. We’ve got you covered. We’ve created an ultimate list of gifts for the active mom. Every active mom will adore any one of these gifts.

Gifts for the Active Mom: Subscription Box

1. The gift that keeps on giving

Subscription boxes have been a popular gift for years. They’re the gift that keeps on giving! But there are more options than the traditional wine, cheese, or chocolate subscription boxes.

If you’ve got a mom who is particularly health conscious, check out Graze or NatureBox for a health snack subscription. If your mom is a yogi, then she’ll love the any of the YogiSurprise boxes. Whichever subscription box you choose, it’s a great way to remind her how much she means to you, every single month.


Gifts for the Active Mom: Camera

2. A Picture Worth a Thousand Words

Is your mom always behind the camera? Then why not get her a camera that can withstand her active lifestyle. Of course, there is always the GoPro. Famous for being both affordable and durable, this little camera will allow your mom to capture beautiful videos of her adventures.

If your mom loves to dive, then she’ll love the SeaLife cameras. These cameras were designed to capture gorgeous photos of life under the sea. If you are looking for a more versatile camera your mom can use for any activities, check out these great waterproof and durable cameras.


Gifts for the Active Mom: Speakers

3. Beats on the Go

If your mom loves music as much as she loves being active, than a portable speaker could be the perfect gift. The BoomBottle is a wireless speaker that’s the same size and shape as a water bottle. This powerful speaker can easily fit in a backpack or the water bottle cage of a bicycle.

For an even smaller option, check out the Puma Soundchuck, a tiny speaker that brings great tunes to any location. It comes with a silicone cord that will let your mom hook it to just about anything

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4. An Ohm-azing Yoga Mat

For the yogi moms out there, a yoga mat can be a great gift. But don’t just get any yoga mat. Get one that will make her jaw drop. The Yoloha cork yoga mats are all gorgeously designed and made with eco-friendly cork material (which gets stickier as it gets wet).

For more stunning yoga mats, check out this list of the most beautiful and unique yoga mats around. And if you’ve got a traveling yogi mom, pick her up one of these travel yoga mats for her next trip.


5. A Life-Changing Journey

There are tons of different gifts for the active mom that are fun and will make her smile on her next adventure, but why not give her the adventure itself? Giving your mom a week-long yoga retreat is the perfect way to say thank you for everything she has done for you.

A yoga and wellness retreat in some of the most beautiful places on earth will give her a chance to relax and show her that you truly embrace and support her active nature. You could even make it a bonding experience and go with her!

Celebrate her with these gifts for the active mom

Your mom will love any of these gifts for the active mom. What she will love most is the fact that you found a gift perfect for her. Celebrate what makes your mom unique. Celebrate her love of the outdoors and the fact that she’d rather go camping that get her nails done. Your mom is an active woman and this Mother’s Day you can honor that by giving her any one of these gifts for the active mom. She’s bound to appreciate the thought as much as the gift itself! Make sure to wish her a happy Mother’s Day on our behalf!