True Nature Travels Blog

Revitalize Your Yoga Practice with These 5 Tips

revitalize your yoga practice with a yoga retreat

The flowers are blooming, the skies are getting bluer, and spring is in the air. With spring comes a time of fresh starts and new beginnings. And I don’t just mean cleaning out your closet. Spring is a time to embrace internal cleansing. It is a time to rid yourself of the old, stagnant energy of winter and leap into the fresh, lively energy of spring. Now can be a good time to start new projects and try new things for spring is the season of new beginnings. One place you can begin anew is in your yoga practice. No matter how long you have been practicing or how advanced your practice is, we all get caught in old habits. One way to break those habits and revitalize your yoga practice is to start again. Here are five ways you can get a fresh start and find new depth in your practice.

1. Try a new style of yoga

revitalize your yoga practice with a new style

If you have only ever practiced flow yoga, you are probably pretty comfortable in down dog. But when was the last time you stayed in pigeon for more than five breaths? Alternatively, if you always attend the yin and restorative yoga classes, why not challenge yourself to try out a flow class?

Trying a different style can be as challenging as going to yoga for the first time. You will move your body in new ways and explore yoga from a different angle. There are so many styles of yoga to choose from. Whether it is kundalini, jivamukti, yin, or something else entirely, trying a new style can truly revitalize your yoga practice.

2. Take a class with a different teacher

revitalize your yoga practice with a new teacher

Not quite ready to change yoga style? Why not test out a new teacher instead? Two flow yoga classes at the same yoga studio can be entirely different if they are taught by different instructors. Every teacher has a unique style and every teacher will bring their own background and training into their classes.

The more teachers you learn from, the more variety you are going to get. This can help you discover your preferred teaching style as well as introduce you to new poses and ways of moving. Working with a new teacher can be the perfect way to revitalize your yoga practice.

3. Visit a new yoga studio

revitalize your yoga practice with a new studio

In the name of spring and new beginnings, why not try a new studio? I am all for brand loyalty, but sometimes change can be a good thing. Most studios have a preferred type of teaching or style of yoga. Going to a new studio allows you to find more variety in your classes.

Plus, a new location can help us break habits. Poses you have always avoided may suddenly feel possible with as little as a new room to try it in. A change in location can make you more creative and willing to take risks, so a new yoga studio could be the change you need to bring new breath to your yoga practice.

4. Schedule a one-on-one session

revitalize your yoga practice with a private class

One way to revitalize your yoga practice is to schedule a one-on-one session. They may be pricier than a group class, but they are worth every penny. You get to work with a yoga teacher you respect who can help you explore and deepen your yoga practice.

A private yoga session is the perfect place to test the limits of your practice. It is also an ideal place to discover the other aspects of yoga. Tell your yoga teacher if you are interested in exploring the history and spirituality of yoga. They will likely have resources and information they can bring to your one-on-one session.

5. Sign up for a yoga retreat

revitalize your yoga practice with a yoga retreat

One of the best ways to start fresh is to step away from it all entirely. When you leave your routine behind, you force yourself to break habits and do things differently. A yoga retreat can be the perfect place to do this.

A yoga retreat allows you to step away from your daily life and delve into the juicy depths yoga has to offer. You will learn new things about yoga, push the limits of your personal practice, and grow in a way no studio class can offer. If you are looking for a new beginning from which to grow your yoga practice, consider signing up for a yoga retreat today.

Revitalize your yoga practice with a new attitude

No matter what you decide to do, a fresh start is about more than doing something differently. It’s about the attitude you do it with. Spring is the perfect opportunity to embrace change, so keep an open mind and an adventurer’s spirit. You just might be amazed by what a new beginning can do for you.