25 Songs in Spanish to Inspire Your Next Trip to Latin America

Latin American Playlist

The First Time I Heard Spanish Her happy voice caught my ear as I passed by the house. She was laughing and sweetly teasing her children from her chair on the porch. I had no idea what she was saying, but in her natural speaking voice, she practically sang the most vibrant, expressive string of words I’d ever heard. In that moment, I realized I should have studied Spanish in

Forming a Deep Connection with Mother Earth for World Earth Day

World Earth Day

  April is all about World Earth Day, a great day of honouring Mother Nature and its powerful energy. Celebrating this, we can engage in different practices which help us connect with this grounding force and come in closer contact with it. This month, devote some time to bring alignment within your energetic self by focusing on nature and its beauty. Get out in the nature and practice karma yoga

Battling Stress with Yoga

Battling Stress with Yoga

There is such a thing as being physically healthy while also being extremely stressed. However, this is a precarious balance that can’t be maintained for long, simply because stress inevitably affects physical health. The American Psychological Association provides an overview of how much stress, particularly chronic stress, can actually introduce prolonged changes to your physiology. In short, if your mission is to achieve holistic health, you can’t do it without an effective

Living Yoga in India

yoga journey India

February 2019 had many astrologically auspicious dates to dip in the holy river Ganges. In fact millions of people from different spiritual paths joined together for Ardh Kumbh Mela a great display of collective consciousness to bathe in the sacred river. Maa Ganga is the essence of ancient wisdom and she offers more than just a glimpse beyond theory and plunges us into pure awareness. Some friends back home said,

Spring Detox Tea

Spring Detox Tea

  “The rivers are swollen with snowmelt, and the sap is starting to run in the trees. All the moisture that was bound by freezing temperatures is now moving to clear winter stagnation.” -Cara Barstrom. Just as nature is starting to unfold from its slumber, our bodies start to crave a sense of lightning and clearing. As the river runs more deep and clear, the body starts to break down

Honour Yourself with a Therapeutic Spring Clean


As we begin to approach the spring season, it’s the perfect opportunity to give our mind a good cleanse from all the overthinking, worry and stress. With all the super-moons we’ve had this year so far, this is a great time to do a reset mentally, physically and emotionally. What will you manifest this year? Which wellness habits will you start practicing?     1. Meditation – “I am all

Be Your Own Valentine: 5 Ways to Cultivate Self Love

5 Ways to Cultivate Self Love

When Sandi Morris won the 2018 Pole Vault World Championship, she cleared the bar, fell to the mat, sat right up in exaltation, and then… she curled into a ball, clasped her hands to her chest, and took a quick moment for her own inner joy. “That woman has a relationship with herself,” I thought, tears touching my eyes.     I have a special Valentine’s Day message for you:

Uncovering Your Essence with Alyssa Snow

Alyssa snow

True Nature was able to spend some time getting to know Yoga Teacher, Shaman, and Spiritual Teacher, Alyssa Snow. Take a glimpse into her upcoming retreat in Guatemala. TN: How does the idea of “Uncovering Your Essence” play into your upcoming Yoga Retreat, and what themes do you see coming up throughout the journey? A: We live in such intense times. Oftentimes experiencing information overload and not even realizing it. We

5 Powerful Affirmations to Bring Love Into your Life this February

5 powerful affirmations to bring love

  February is the month when we celebrate love. Although Valentine’s Day is a celebration of the love between two people involved in a romantic relationship, love should be celebrated in all encounters. We also don’t need a specific day to remind us of it, but since it is there, why not take this opportunity to connect with the love you have within, spread it around and attract it from

Healing the Gut Sustainably in 2019

Healing the gut sustainably in 2019-2

I always think the beginning of a new year is always exciting and fresh. I tend to look at what the year has brought me; the gain and losses, the lessons learned, the growth that presented itself and then just be so grateful for it all. There comes a moment of self-realization and expansion and then there is this new chance to put all the new learning to work! Every

How to Keep an Open Mind in the New Year


I arrived in Oaxaca, Mexico with a terrible, feverish flu. This was a year ago, when my partner and I traveled to the picturesque, coastal village of Puerto Ángel, to celebrate the New Year with friends. Puerto Ángel nestles between the mountains and the sea, with little winding roads, that I’m sure have charming appeal for the average visitor. Each day, determined to make the most of our journey, I’d

A Yoga Practice for the New Year

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As the New Year approaches, we may find ourselves writing out or thinking about our New Year’s resolutions, intentions, or goals for 2019. With this sometimes comes the feeling of failure as we reflect on our lofty 2018 resolutions and how, perhaps, we did not achieve them. I offer this yoga practice as a way to release the emotions that may come with meditating on our intentions for 2019. I

3 Mindful New Year’s Resolutions

new year blog-feature

It’s almost time to part ways with 2018 and welcome in a new year. This is a great time for reflection, gratitude, letting go of what needs to be left behind and starting fresh. Aren’t we so lucky to be able to do this? It is also the period when we make new year’s resolutions, to begin the next chapter of our lives by setting clear intentions. Amongst the personal

Reflection, Resolutions and Ripples: Take your Practice Off the Mat Into the New Year


It’s almost 2019! A new year, a fresh start! Many of us are eager to make those New Year resolutions so that we can replace all of our bad habits with good ones, and become better people…right? Yes, we get excited at this time of year, our eyes shiny with good intentions. Yet, according to U.S. News, 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by February. This may be because we