True Nature is honored to be working with inspiring, beautiful, and shinning leaders. Becky and Betty are no exception. With their robust experience, expansive practice, and lovely spirits, we are so excited about their upcoming retreat in Playa Uvita, Costa Rica this January 28 – February 4.
Learn more and register today!

Join Virginia natives Becky and Betty for a week of self discovery and reconnection with the core of our infinite being. Surrounded by nature, nestled between the ocean and the jungle, warmed by the tropical air and embraced by the infinite sky, we will take advantage of the surrounding elements by combining asana practice with workshops that invite earth, air, fire, and water to parallel the elements within us.
We will explore the beauty of the external landscapes of Playa Uvita, Costa Rica while navigating our internal landscapes; flowing freely on our mats while quieting our minds with stillness and meditation. As we partake in island adventures, we remain open to infinite possibilities. As our journeys take us within, we invite you to dive deep through opportunities for ceremonial work, self reflection, and healing. Stripping away the distractions of everyday life, we will get back to basics, cultivating our ever present and universal truth that lies within.
We had the privilege of interviewing Betty and Becky! Check out our exclusive interview below:
True Nature: How does the idea of “Infinite Connection: Invoking the Elements Within” play into your retreat? What themes do you see coming up throughout the journey?
Becky: The theme came to us quite naturally. It is Our intention for our participants to reconnect with the deepest parts of themselves and with this incredible Earth that Embraces us each and every day of Our Lives. Every day of the retreat will be dedicated to a different element including Earth, fire, air, water, and ether… There will be lots of magical representations of each intertwined.
Betty: The Elements are with us all day every day, even when we’re unaware of it. Not only do they surround us, but more predominantly, they are within us. We are born from the Earth and will return there when we pass. Our bodies are composed of 60% water. Our lungs automatically fill with air to keep us alive. Our words and actions are fueled by fire that is sparked directly from the passion of our spirit. Our intuition, guidance and dreams dictate our place in Ether. These elements surround us in nature, but they are also our internal nature. We are ready to return these simple but powerful bases of existence as we dedicate one day to each element through meditation, asana, workshops, ceremonies and a few surprises along the way 🙂
True Nature: Who has been your greatest influence and why?
Becky: I don’t believe that I can choose just one person who has been my greatest influence. I have been surrounded by and continue to be surrounded by so many incredible teachers everyday of my life. I have to thank my parents for raising me in a way that was open-minded and also with an open heart. They raised me in nature which is where I find the deepest sense of spirituality. I also have to acknowledge my teacher, Arlene, who is with me each and every day as her physical body has left this Earth. She has given me a message and it is my Dharma to continue on… Serving as a vessel of blessing; an instrument of Peace…My sister Betty continues to be my muse and inspiration as well… Constantly reigniting this fire of passion reminding me why I do what I do. My students continue to be some of my greatest teachers… Acting as mirrors… Reflecting so much inspiration and guidance.
Betty: I can’t specify an actual physical human who has been my greatest influence. My greatest influence has been Life itself. All of the “coincidences” (which of course aren’t just coincidences), the magic of being in the right place at the right time, the misfortunes, accidents and detours (that led me to the exact place I was meant to be) teaching me everything I need to learn, and handed me the tools necessary to face anything that comes my way. Traveling internationally has also been another one of my greatest teachers. Through 70 countries I’ve learned to navigate the world and it’s people; to go with the flow or to stand up for myself, to take care of myself and to look out for myself, when to trust and when that huge red flag of intuition shoots up. Of course, the people I’ve met along the way and in each stop of the winding path have made the adventure what it is so far, but that’s tens of thousands of people, and I certainly don’t have enough space to list them all!True Nature: If there was a yoga pose or meditation practice that described you – what would it be and why?
Becky: If there was a yoga pose or meditation that describes me, it would be a vinyasa flow. I am constantly changing and flowing into this beautiful now moment… the only thing constant is change.Betty: My personal expression as a practice would definitely be a super hot and sweaty powerful surrender class. Essentially I totally dig hot power flow classes (around 100 degrees in a studio or equatorial locations around the world 🙂 and then stretch it out with a final yin sequence. I’m on the cusp of Pisces and Aries, so I have both water and fire in my blood. I like to sweat and burn and then surrender and just be.
True Nature: Other than yoga and meditation – what are some of your passions? Will these be explored in your retreat?
Becky: Exploring the beautiful and wild Outdoors! My home…
Betty: Ah, there are so many! I love to write: finding expression with words. I love to dance: finding freedom with
movement. Recently I began hooping, which has been an incredible teacher of meditation through mind, body, movement and music. Reiki and energy healing are also huge sources of connection for me. And my other job is as a photographer, which I went to school for, and have been doing professionally for eight years now. Writing, energy exploring and photography will all certainly be present as creative outlets for us and our participants. I’m pretty sure we will get a good dance party going at some point as well, and I always travel with my hoops so there will definitely be opportunities to flow with these sacred circles 😉
True Nature: What is on your “Costa Rica bucket list” and what are you most excited about?
Becky: I am most excited about going with absolutely no expectations… Allowing the unknown to unfold.
Betty: I am lucky enough to have already visited Costa Rica a few times for work. Every time I travel in Costa Rica, I fall in love with the landscapes, people, food and way of life, over and over again. I am so excited to share this incredibly vibrant country with others, allowing the Elements of Costa Rica and Playa Uvita to do what they do best as we pay respect to them both internally and externally.
True Nature: Is there a saying or quote that really resonates with you and your upcoming retreat?
Becky: Victoria Erickson continues to be one of my greatest inspiration in the world of words. Whenever I have the blessing of going on adventures such as this I take her with me in this poem:
Promise to stay wild with me. We’ll seek and return and stay to find beauty and the extraordinary in all the spaces we can claim. We’ll know how to live. How to breathe magic into the mundane.
Victoria Erickson
Betty: This may be cliche, but the Ticos (Costa Rican people) say “Pura Vida,” which literally translates to “pure life.” However, they say it for everything! It could be used as “take it easy”, “enjoy life”, “all good”, “purity in life”, “hello”, “goodbye”, and “this is life!” They use it to represent a peaceful, simple, uncluttered life with a deep appreciation for nature, family and friends. I am so excited to get back to this: peace, simplicity, and nature.