True Nature Travels Blog

This October, the beautiful and inspiring yoga retreat leader, Dakini will be teaching a Vino your Vinyasa retreat in Italy. Read on to learn who she is and how you can join her adventure!

yoga retreat leader                         yoga retreat leader

True Nature Education: How does the idea of Vino your Vinyasa play into your upcoming Yoga Retreat, and what themes do you see coming up throughout the journey? 

Dakini: Vino Your Vinyasa is obviously a play on words but it also metaphorically represents the feel of how I guide yoga.  While I believe the practice delves into the inner depths of a person’s psyche, I also see being whimsical-the Divine play of Lila Rasa- as a way to lighten the mood.

TNE: Who has been your greatest influence and why? 
Dakini: I have been lucky to have a multitude of teachers that have inspired me throughout my life but true influence comes from my students.  I feel honored to be able to witness how this practice transforms each of them.
TNE: If there was a yoga pose or meditation practice that described you – what would it be and why? 
Dakini: Bhakti.  I have found as my practice has shifted so has my need to be connected to the Divine.  There is beauty in every being and chanting the names of the gods and goddesses has helped me to personally experience peace.
TNE: Other than yoga and meditation – what are some of your passions? Will these be explored in your retreat? 
Dakini: I am extremely into art and fitness and weave these two things into my teaching.  The retreat is a way for us all to explore things and ideas that inspire us.
TNE: What is on your “Italy bucket list” and what are you most excited about? 
Dakini: Cultural immersion is a part of my Italy bucket list.  I am excited to meet the locals and experience all the Italian culture has to offer.

TNE: Is there a saying or quote that really resonates with you and your upcoming retreat?  
Dakini: ‘Let the beauty of what you love, be what you do.’ ~ Rumi
Find out how you can join yoga retreat leader, Dakini on her Italian adventure at!
yoga leader

True Nature Travels Blog

A Costa Rica Yoga Retreat


When I started to prepare to lead this upcoming Costa Rica yoga retreat in June, I tossed around a million ideas of what I thought would be cool to share with students for a week intensive study. For example, I thought about working towards attaining advanced asanas but I wanted something MORE. Even as a teacher, I want to come away from this retreat feeling fulfilled and recharged.

Attend a Costa Rica Yoga Retreat

I met with a woman who is looking to get into yoga – she started out by telling me that she has had previous back surgeries and for many years has had chronic physical pain. When I asked her what she wanted to get out of our private yoga sessions, she mentioned to “stretch” and “not feel in pain every day”. The more we talked, our conversation got deeper. Because of the injury that led to the surgeries, she was laid off from her job, which then led to months of being contained to the home as she could not get around very well and obviously financial worries became an issue. You can imagine how this eventually led to a very dark place of depression and pain pill dependancy.

I honestly feel that the universe takes care of us and does not let us wallow around in the dark for too long, especially when we are ready and open to make a change. When we finally got to the bottom of things, I mentioned that the reason why I practice yoga personally is to have FREEDOM. Freedom from WHATEVER is keeping me from being happy. Being in chronic pain can feel like a prison, physically and mentally, so we look to open the areas of the body that have been injured and search for freedom from pain. Depression, anxiety and consistent sadness can also feel like shackles around your brain and then we physically manifest these emotions. Allowing yourself to LET GO and BE FREE from these issues is a lot of work but it IS possible to find that freedom.

Or maybe you don’t suffer from these particular matters but know that there is something bigger meant for you…you just haven’t figured it out…yet. I feel like FREEDOM AND LIBERATION is attainable for many different areas of our lives and the ULTIMATE GOAL OF THIS BEAUTIFUL FREEDOM AND LIBERATION IS…..HAPPINESS AND CONNECTION WITH OUR HIGHEST PURPOSE.

There is a reason why each of us are here on this beautiful Earth! I want the students who experience this week with me on a Costa Rica yoga retreat to come away feeling like they have a closer knowledge and are at peace with who they are, why they are here and what they will do once they get home to keep living with this flame lit inside. All I ask is that you show up with an open mind, a ready heart and are willing to experience the unknown. This will be an exhilarating time of physical movement paired with breath, unlocking the barriers to allow the life force within to flow. There will be opportunities to have meditation, reflection, and internal study as well as group support. We will do something that serves our community spirit by a local service project. Plenty of time will be open for you to schedule adventures such as zip lining, lounging by the pool, spa treatments, hiking and so much more! Costa Rica is the perfect backdrop for this rejuvenating retreat aligned with the healing energy of nature. I could not be more honored to share this week with all who attend.

Each person is on their own unique journey and by attending this retreat, I hope to guide you to a place where you understand and connect with your highest Self. You deserve it!!!

Namaste, Kim

Lead A Costa Rica Yoga Retreat

True Nature Travels Blog

Feeling acostaricayogaretreatleader little chilly in these winter months? Well, we promise you just thinking about Julie’s Summer Solstice Retreat will start warming up your heart. True Nature Education is so thrilled to have this shinning leader on our team. She will be bringing a group to the magical lands of Mt. Chirripo, Costa Rica June 18th- June 25th, 2016. Limited spots are still available at early bird pricing so grab them while you can! Click here to learn more!

Curious to learn a little more about Julie and her Costa Rica Yoga Retreat? Check out our exclusive interview below:

TNE: How does the idea of Summer Solstice play into your upcoming Yoga Retreat, and what themes do you see coming up? 

The Summer Solstice marks a shift in the season and the beginning of the Ayurvedic Pitta season. Hot, intense and full of passion! It is a valuable time to celebrate the light and love, not only around us but also within us. In many cultures, light symbols consciousness and self-illumination. For thousands of years the Hindus have pTrueNature1raised the sun as both the physical and spiritual heart of our world and creator of life itself.

I want to offer a unique journey for this celebration of the spiritual heart and inner light. Guiding you to either begin or deepen your yoga practise and empowering you to introduce more yoga and light into your life. We will be exploring the transformation that happens, feeling the magic of Pura Vida in Costa Rica and celebrating Summer Solstice.

When I think of themes I’d like to introduce, it is about self-love, transformation, inner light, the yoga path, but I am so excited to see the flow of energy in the group and to discover new themes along the way, which the individual body and mind brings out.

We will manifest our dreams and goals, whilst creating space for deep gratitude of living from a state of pure being and infinite love. And practice our power of shining brighter from within.

TNE: Who has been your greatest influence and why?

It is difficult for me to name only one source of influence or inspiration in life, as there are so many interesting paths ways to learn. I resOMI_5716onate with the Dhama teachings, which offers such a humble and simple guidance to a happy way of life. I am influenced by anything that allows me to live a simple life where just being me is good enough and being free, open-hearted, loving and devoted is accepted as a meaningful lifestyle. My family has influenced me greatly, growing up with a spiritual mother, teaching me about meditation and self-expression has had a huge impact on where I am today. My yoga teachers, who I am still learning from, inspire me every day to learn more, offer more of myself and be devoted in my self-practice.

TNE: If there was a yoga pose or mediation practice that described you – what would it be and why?
I think right now, where I am this very moment, it would be Camatkarasana (wild thing). It brings a beautiful element of dance and unique expression into your practice and opens the heart from a strong, happy and balanced place.

I read a very beautiful poetic translation of what the asana means, “the ecstatic unfolding of the enraptured heart”. I am excited, enchanted, blissful and open to explore and create. So for me this pose is an expression of creativity, joy and openness.

TNE: Other than yoga and meditation – what are some of your passions? Will these be explored in your retreat
My greatest passion besides yoga is traveling. Visiting new places and get in touch with other cultures and ways of life. I love to spend time outside, feeling close to nature, either in the forest horseback riding, hiking in the mountains or playing by the beach. I love astrology – especially the Vedic astrology. The way that the moon and the universe affect us fascinate me, so I read a lot about that.IMG_4335

TNE: What is on your “Costa Rica bucket list” and what are you most excited about?
First of all I am very excited to be in the National Park of Chirripo during the retreat. It is such a magical and beautiful place to be. Second I am super excited about the Summer Solstice event that we will be having on June 20th. Celebrating the longest day of the year with soothing yoga, a garden event with candle lights and exquisite local food and later a temple ceremony or a guided walk through the rainforest depending on the weather. Other than that I hope to stay in Costa Rica after the retreat to explore some of the beaches and activities around.

TNE: Is there a saying or quote that really resonates with you and your upcoming retreat?
If you think positively, sound becomes music, movement becomes dance, smile becomes laughter, mind becomes meditation – life becomes a celebration.


True Nature Travels Blog

This will be Shaktis 3rd year to partner with True Nature Education and lead a retreat in Costa Rica. We are thrilled beyond words to have such a dynamic and vibrant trio of ladies as a part of our family. We are constantly inspired by the community they build with their students! We asked them, what they thought made their yoga collective so strong and present, and their answer was simple, retreats. community1 Retreats are a fantastic opportunity to build bounds, break barriers, and form connections with your fellow yogis. Want to experience this magnetism first hand? Join their retreat today! Click here to learn more and sign-up. Explore more of Kelly, Jennifer, and Lauren’s Costa Rican retreat and how they foster this feeling of togetherness. Lauren was kind enough to share her thoughts and a little preview of the Pura Vida that is in store!

Beach 8 “One thing I know for sure is we all three connect with the ocean and each other. Kelly, Jennifer and I are excited to travel to the beautiful Costa Rica and lead our first retreat all 3 together. The three of us have known each other for over 5 years and we have supported each other in the growth of family, being students, teachers, studio owners, and community leaders. Kelly and I founded Shakti Power Yoga in Nashville in 2012, and a year later Jen founded Glow Yoga in Gulf Shores and just recently opened one in  Mobile, AL. Jen  We all three thrive on creating community and sharing our love of yoga with all we meet. Yoga has shifted each of our lives and it opened us up to something bigger. We want to make a powerful impact in our communities and generate love, power, courage, and awareness. This will be Shaktis 3rd year to partner with True Nature Education and lead a retreat in Costa Rica. The time we spend there is absolutely magical, seriously each moment is special and we have fond memories of the joy and restoration it brings us. We thrive on creating community and partnerships and our yoga retreats allow people to step away and create space for new relationships, for rejuvenation, for fun! Let me share just a little taste of our wonderful experience.2 We stay at a beautiful resort in Santa Teresa Beach. The journey from San Jose is adventurous and a special time to connect with the everyone on the bus and boat. From The moment we arrive we are greeted by the kind staff and taken to our bungalow. The smell and breeze of the ocean is present right when you arrive and you know you are only a few hundred yards from the sand being in your toes, oh bliss. The bungalows have hammocks hanging just outside, perfect place to cozy up with a book or a nice afternoon nap. There is a calm about the place and feel of home. Oh and the practice space, it overlooks the ocean and the sound of the waves remind you to breath deep and free. The warmth on your skin adds the extra heat to the practice allowing you to dive in and let the residue fade away. You are a part of nature, free to play, grow, and explore. 3The Costa Rican fare speak to my heart and body. You can eat clean and fresh and feel nourished everyday. The resort has an amazing restaurant team that cares about the food they are serving and most of all are so kind and welcoming to each one of us. We have created friendships over the years and look forward to returning and connecting with the amazing staff. The community service project we commit to each trip is one of the most memorable experiences. We volunteer at a local school. We play soccer with t4he kids, sing, teach yoga, paint, garden, or anything we can do to be of service for the school. I know we get more out of it than the students. Our hearts are filled when we get to make a real connection with children and the feel of welcome and love from this is inspiring to see.  I feel we left more connected and stronger as a group after this project, we still talk about the amazing kids and look forward to returning next year. Kelly, Jennifer, and I have a strong connection and we do a great job of going with the flow and working together. I  think we all 3 could be sisters! We each have our own unique way to connect with people, how we teach, but we all three are committed to impact and build community and to live an INSPIRED life. We are excited to share our love of the practice in Costa Rica Retreat in 2016. We hope you will join us! Pura Vida! 5

True Nature Travels Blog

Meet the passionate, caring, and experienced Janet Corvino!


Janet was the Centre Manager for NeoWhistler YYoga for 5 years and a yogi for 17 years. Janet is both a YYoga Instructor, Teacher Trainer and an innovator of hosting yoga retreats. Her trainings are Anusara based with outcroppings in Therapeutics, Vinyasa & Power, and YHot. Janet loves to have her students play on the mat, explore and create deep openings in body and spirit . Her classes are a mix of alignment cues, laughs and wisdom based themes.

Janet is part of the YYoga Teacher training faculty in Vancouver, BC. Janet instructs trainees in a 200 hour  and the YHot certification programs. Janet has a graduate degree in interdisciplinary Education and loves teaching teachers how to teach. She has worked as a learning specialist for 20 years, and mentored Columbia University Graduate Education students while living in NYC before becoming a devoted yogi and yoga instructor.
She is generous with her support and deeply devoted to her students.

Real life yoga for everyday living.


True Nature had the pleasure of getting to know Janet a little better. Check out her interview below, and be sure to sign-up for her Italy retreat here!



TNE:  What does it mean to you, when you refer to “real yoga for real life?” as part of your yoga practice, teaching, and your intentions for the upcoming retreat?

Janet: I have been a practicing yogi for 18 years. When I first started the practice was all about the poses(asana). I wanted to be able to do handstand, arm balances and other” tricked out” yoga moves. I thought this made me a yogi. After many years of study on the mat and off the mat, I realized that being able to do “tricked out” yoga poses did not have much to do with being a true yogi after all. Don’t get me wrong, I love the sensations of moving my body, feeling its strength and flexibility and the peace that comes with a solid daily physical practice. But after many years of study, I realized the Yoga Sutras written by the sage Patanjali detailed a way to embrace yoga on a daily level. I began to put into practice the Yamas and Niyamas, the yoga code for a yogic lifestyle of being a kind, truthful. disciplined and compassionate person to yourself and others, hence a connection to the Divine. Yes the asanas bring great calm to the body and mind but needed in this brew of tranquility is meditation, breath work and a code of internal and external behaviors to guide us through life. As a yoga teacher, I break down the body, mind and spiritual practice found in the Sutras for modern day life . Everyone can practice yoga every day in a very simple form if needed due to demands of a busy life to a more complex study if time is available. I work to provide easy, simple techniques to use gain peace in the body, mind and spirit.

TNE: Who has been your greatest influence and why?

Janet:  I have to say I had some incredible teachers guide me- Chris Chavez, Jonas Westring, and Christina Sell are the top contemporary hits but the three greats Iyengar, Pattabhi Jois and Desikachar are my foundation. However, every class, teacher training, and yoga retreat  I teach, I learn the most from my students… I am forever in awe and filled with gratitude for my students

TNE:  If there was a yoga pose or mediation practice that described you – what would it be and why?

Janet: I don’t think I could be so bold to say they describe me but I do love Forearm stand (Pincha Mayurasana) and Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril prananyama). They each invigorate and calm me at the same time. I am a mix of stability and gypsy. I love a stable home life and yet travelling whispers to me constantly.

TNE: Other than yoga and meditation – what are some of your passions?  You mentioned the retreat will delve into the theme of re igniting your passion, can you share a little more?

Janet: I do not like to get stale.. I am constantly reading, taking courses etc.. I love to learn! I like to expand my horizons of who I am. Just when I have learned something, I will take on another challenge, this keeps me fresh, young and very alive. I love the feeling of stepping outside my comfort zone and into my passions. Many individuals are hesitant about taking on new challenges such as learning a new skill or taking on new career challenges. The transformation of going from the known to the unknown can be very un-grounding, but this is the space where true self growth takes place. In the Happiness Project written by Grethen Rubin, evidence now points to this time of transformation as the Happiness zone. We become most alive when we are evolving and growing. On the retreat “Stoke the Fire” we will explore new asanas on the mat which take us out of our comfort zone and see how we react to them. What we practice on the mat is a mirror to how we are in the world. If we can become comfortable with the discomfort of learning new skills, new images of who we think we are on the mat we can then transfer this experience to our daily lives. Besides our daily yoga practice, we will unwind from our lives back home through delicious meals and luxurious surroundings to unfold into. Often when we stop working and immerse ourselves in a new beautiful setting away from family and work commitments we get a chance to be objective about our lives, the creativity reignites and a spark of passion begins to surface.

TNE: What is on your “Italy bucket list” and what are you most excited about?

Janet: I am very excited to be taking part in an authentic Italian Ashram, who knew such a thing existed? Once I heard, I had my bags packed! Italians are passionate about just everything- food, wine, life! Being around positive, passionate people is so contagious, I am looking forward to diving into yoga, food, culture, and just to listen to the Italian language it sweeps me off my feet. We have a few day trips planned to nearby coastal towns which are know for their beauty and for an Olive Oil tasting session. Yoga, travel, good food and passionate people, this my kind of retreat.

TNE: Is there a saying or quote that really resonates with you and your upcoming retreat?

Janet: Nelson Mandela said it best “There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.” So many of us are deep into work, daily chores etc.. we forget how to be in the moment and  fully engaged with our surroundings and the people we share them with. Life can easily pass us by in a blink of an eye. The Italy retreat is great opportunity to pause in the beauty of Italy and re-examine your intentions for your life and to bring your passions for life to the surface. How would you live your life if failure was just a stepping stone to living large?

We are ready to live large with Janet! Are you?

Italy Yoga Retreats

True Nature Travels Blog

True Nature Education is truly blessed to have some unbelievable retreat leaders on our team. These teachers take their students to the end of the earth, and guide us on a remarkable journey of inner peace, growth, and adventure.

holding the sun

Sabre’ is no exception. The sense of community she builds with her students, along with her fun and knowledgable teaching style, makes Sabre’ a rockstar leader. True Nature Education had the privilege of getting to know Sabre’ a little bit better and weget to share the interview with you! Check out Sabre’s vibe and don’t forget, she still has spots available for her Guatemala retreat! More information and registration can be found here.


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TNE: What does it mean for you to “be something more” as part of your yoga practice, teaching, and your intentions for your retreat?
S: Through yoga, I believe we can begin to taste what it feels like to cut loose from those mental ropes that bind us so. We focus on ourselves in a deeper way, becoming the Witness to what we observe within ourselves and within our bodies. We then create deeper connections in our relationships and in our communities, and then our earth and the Universe.
When we add to the yoga the glorious adventure of travel and retreat from our daily lives, a whole new level of liberation takes place. We have the opportunity to connect with people from other cultures, with nature, and we experience different food and activities, all of which adds to our perspective and broadens that deep feeling of being so very present and so very alive!
My pleasure is traveling through the world with open-hearted, open-minded people who love yoga. I will do my very best, on each retreat, to provide beautiful and clean surroundings, delicious and healthy food, safety, and adequate information to cover most details! I will be sensitive to the dynamics of each group, and it is my intention to co-create community within each, that is magical.
TNE: Who has been your greatest influence and why?sabre-pose-3
S: The greatest influences in my life are, without doubt, my children and my yoga students. From them I have learned more than I could ever hope to teach.
TNE: If there was a yoga pose or mediation practice that described you – what would it be and why?
S: This variation of tree pose (Vrksanana) is expressive, fun, a tad improper, Ultimately, like the tree, my growth is deep and inward like the roots, and, at the same time, up and outward toward the sun.
TNE: Other than yoga and meditation – what are some of your passions?
S: There are no limits to my passions! Practicing yoga is amazing, of course, but teaching is even more of a passion for me because of the transformations and the building of communities to which I witness. I love travel, which is why the retreats are such a perfect combination of these passions. Back home in Colorado in the warm months, I am an avid hiker, taking full advantage of our wonderful Rocky Mountains and the beautiful vistas; the journey to those peaks brings such connection and joy for me. I love music, especially live music outdoors in the warm weather. Colorado has enough festivals and concerts to support that habit, and I also try to get a taste of that wherever I travel. Creativity is an important slice of my life. I paint, mostly brightly colored pet portraits, and I love to play with fused glass art and beaded jewelry. My background is writing, so reading and writing are long time friends and companions. 

Calypso bright
TNE: What is on your “Guatemala bucket list” and what are you most excited about?
S: I chose Guatemala for a retreat destination after traveling in Oaxaca and being immersed in the colorful Mayan culture. I wanted more! I also stayed on Lake Arenal in Costa Rica after Mexico last year. Villa Sumaya and Guatemala seem to blend the best of both of those worlds. I’m looking forward to the colors, the warmth of the people, learning about the culture, and sharing my experience with my retreat peeps. Building community and bonding amidst the special qualities of Guatemala will be a highlight.

Sabre Oaxaca
TNE: Is there a saying or quote that really resonates with you and your upcoming retreat?
S: “And then she knew. There is no beginning and no end, and in giving herself space to become better, she set herself free.” ~me 🙂

“When under, remember the surface; when on the surface, remember the deep,” -Mark Nepo

True Nature Travels Blog


Guatemala is an extremely unique and magical country. Rich in culture and natural wonder, this land is a fantastic place to host a yoga adventure retreat. True Nature Education is so thrilled that Shasta Townsend is leading a very special Guatemalan retreat. Shasta has years of experience and a passion of travel. She will embark on an adventure with her students that embodies the soul of Guatemala. This is a week of exploration as well as restoration as Shasta offers her unique combination of experienced guidance, wisdom teachings, and joyful spirit in twice daily Yoga classes.

There’s more…
Wonder-Full includes the opportunity to experience the unique teachings of the Mayans. Shasta hosts a local indigenous Mayan Shaman who will share earth-based wisdom teachings that will inspire your reconnection to nature, the mystics and your own heart.c-eGAx4ejnFU_jxJ3BtT8hbTD3RyOFS6q7kEhXoGUfM,ZLTwcRcHb-vYSIY2LLVxN7ec8RSWy0nCNIOsIWhbuKg

Shasta decided to host an amazing webinar where she shares her love of Guatemala, Yoga and more as well as a comprehensive overview of the Mayan Prophesies and Philosophies…Learn why this time is a special time to be alive. Learn the basic info on her 2016 WonderFULL Yoga Retreat to Guatemala too!

Embrace the magic, listen, learn, and watch here!


Check out more on her retreat and register today!

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Interested in leading a yoga retreat to an amazing location like Guatemala, Peru, Costa Rica, or Italy? Contact us today!




True Nature Travels Blog

“Ma’ane’i no ke aloha,” is Hawaiin for , “For love is here and now.” Every day of this summer has been led by love. It has been a journey of heart expansion. Since my first retreat with True Nature Education this past January in Santa Teresa, Costa Rica, I have learned that home truly is where the heart is. Living from the heart is a way of Be-in. It is not something that can be learned, rather it is something to be returned to. It is a home coming.

I have been undone by Costa Rica. I am being rebuilt with Love. Last year, I lived in Costa Rica for 6 months. I moved there thinking I would get married to my then boyfriend, buy a home there, have some kids, settle down, teach retreats, happily ever after, etc. Things do not always work out the way we SEE them working out but I know that we are all in good hands with the Universe. My plans didn’t pan out the way I thought they would. However, they have turned out to be better than I could have fathomed.

I left the boyfriend. I decided to move back to the States after my January Retreat. My heart is with yoga and showing others how to find compassion for themselves and the world by SEEING the world. This is a BIG piece of my Path. It is what lights me up from within. That is how I know. A great teacher once told me, “Listen closely to what the heart deeply desires and follow it with complete abandon.’ I knew I would continue to teach in Costa Rica . The retreat turned out to not only be a life changing experience for my students but for me as well. I was shedding my old snake skin to become an empty vessel for Spirit to use. All I knew from that moment on was I was meant to help others by using the faculties that God gave me. My inherent gifts and passions. I knew that I was meant to inspire others to do the same. I had no idea what the details between these points would be, but I trusted the Universal Spirit to take care of it… and so it is.

I made a vision board in early 2014. On it, visions of beautiful retreats and service work, a career and Path in yoga, yoga photography and modeling, singing kirtan and beyond, writing, having a beautiful home, paddle boarding and surfing, traveling the world and connecting with myself and nature in a way I hadn’t before. All of these have come to fruition in different stages since.

After Costa Rica, I moved to Boulder, CO to settle down and come back to after teaching retreats. What happened the following month after the move was totally unexpected. Boulder was highly competitive and my saving was dwindling. I know from experience that my Creator does not want me to struggle.. I prayed and meditated on what was I to do next. I had the inspired thought to call a new studio that had opened up just before my Costa Rica adventure. I asked the owner if there was space for me at the studio to teach full time… her response was that and beyond. I would fly back a week later to become a manager and lead teacher of the studio. This studio is founded in love. I absolutely LOVE Ruah. Through teaching at Ruah I met this wonderful lady who owns a stand up paddle board yoga company called SunriseSUP. She knew I was in love with surfing from my time in Costa Rica and thought of me for teaching with her in the Annapolis area.

I have been teaching all summer and while I don’t have the West Coast swell here, SUP keeps me connected to the water and ultimately keeps me grounded and humbled. I am a beginner at yoga all over again, both teaching and as a student. I am re-learning basic postures like Warrior 1. I absolutely LOVE it. It is ultimately making my earth practice much stronger.

My retreat for Jan 2016 is full and we are now checking into overflow options for guest! I am incredible grateful. I am preparing to launch a second retreat in Peru with True Nature Education (Stay tuned!). The more I TRUST in the Universe, the more I am miraculously taken care of in ways hadn’t even dreamed. The gift of it all is I can be PRESENT for these gifts today because of my continuous practice and desire to experience life fully. Join me for love, laughter, adventure, and yoga abroad.



“I always did something I was a little not ready to do. I think that’s how you grow. When there’s that moment of ‘Wow, I’m not really sure I can do this,’ and you push through those moments, that’s when you have a breakthrough.” Marissa Mayer

Interested in checking out a Costa Rican yoga retreat?  Check out all of our retreats here!

True Nature Travels Blog

10649628_846741095344087_8233548479623479912_nSheetal Ajmani is passionate about empowering others to live a life from their souls calling. As a pediatrician and yoga teacher she has found the perfect balance between sharing eastern and western philosophies of what the picture of true health looks like and it all begins with being connected to what feeds your heart and makes you feel aligned with your spirit. Her retreat next summer in La Fortuna, Costa Rica “Disconnect to Reconnect” will being students on a journey to take a needed break from information overload, set intentions and relax against the blissful backdrop of the jungle. More about Sheetal and her retreat here.

1. What does it mean for you to “be something more” as part of your yoga practice, teaching, and your intentions for your retreat?

To be something more means living my life to its fullest capacity. It means to live with an open heart, letting love and faith override fear and doubt. It means continually expanding my awareness and consciousness through my daily sadhana (practices) and then sharing that awareness with others through compassion and understanding. It means striving to always remember that I am most simply a peaceful, loving soul.

2. Who has been your greatest influence and why?

My grandfather. Although he passed away when I was only 12 years old and he resided in India while I was born and raised in the U.S., it was through his example that my interests in yoga, meditation, and ayurveda were ignited. He taught me my first sun salutation on a visit to India shortly before his passing. He was a true yogi. He dedicated the last few years of his life to an ashram that he created in India; he lived there and was active in the daily yogic practices, as described in the Vedas. I remember him often, and through his remembrance, I honor my family lineage in yoga.

3. If there was a yoga pose or mediation practice that described you – what would it be and why?

Tree pose. There are so many elements to this pose – feeling grounded, maintaining balance, opening, reaching towards the sky. Staying grounded in reality, in truth, and in my daily practices is so important to me. Maintaining balance through all facets of my life – work, family, friends, my own self-care, is vital. I always strive to remain open – open in communication, in understanding, and open to what the Universe has in store for me. And, reaching towards the sky – to me, this means continually striving for spiritual advancement.

4. Other than yoga, meditation, nutrition – what are some of your passions?

Music and travel! ☺
Music is food for the soul! I love going to concerts. I love looking around at all the smiles in the audience as the notes, beats, and lyrics touch people’s heart and soul. I love watching the musicians, completely in their element, with creative energy just flowing right through them to us. Music is just so powerful.
And, travel. I love seeing new places and experiencing different cultures. Travelling always leaves me feeling completely amazed at all of the magnificent people, places, and things that exist in this infinite world! I always find it so interesting that despite the varying cultural differences that exist, we are all intrinsically the same – we all have the same basic needs, joys, sorrows, and desires. And, I love that smiles and laughter translate the same in every language! ☺

5. What is on your “Costa Rica Bucket List?”

This is a tough one because there is so much to see and do! I am really excited about exploring the rainforest, both during the day and night, on the Rainforest Mysteries and Night Rainforest tours offered at Luna Nueva. And, I definitely plan to check out the Arenal Volcano – by foot, boat, or horseback is yet to be decided!

Disconnect to Reconnect – Summer 2015

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True Nature Travels Blog

By Alana Roach
Alana is a part of our 2015 True Nature Education Faculty. She is leading her first retreat January 17th – 24th in Santa Terest, Costa Rica. First published on her blog.

Pura vida or PURE LIFE holds true in Central America for me. It was a big reason why I came back after visiting for the first time only 6 months ago. Despite my best efforts on the East Coast in the US, I still had some troubling symptoms that led me to believe I was less than healthy. Costa Rica inspired me to redesign my life because running from errand to errand to then sleep and dream about errands was not conducive to my well-being. My body and mind revolted. I would be so often tired by the end of the day that I had no time to even share my day with loved ones. I would fall sick from exhaustion. My mind felt fogged over. A general haze seemed to be engulfing every fiber of my being. I would get covered in tinea versicolor. I would have what they call, “Teacher burn-out,” and there is seldom serenity coming from within when a teacher is running on E. My hips hurt. My digestion got blocked up from God knows what because I ate as organic and healthy as I could.

During our vacation visit in March, I experienced my first dose of PURA VIDA. My mind started to de-fog, I slept more soundly, the food here felt more nutrient dense, I had energy despite rigorous hikes, I felt like I could BREATHE, omg… the air quality here is so magnificent, you should smell it! I became fortified and purified by Costa Rica. It became even more pronounced to me as soon as I left this paradise, that I needed to come back asap. When I left Costa Rica the haze crept back in, my energy body immediately felt sludgy, my mind felt chaotic, my digestion returned to it’s sensitive state, I got sick a week later, and I got consumed by consumerism once again. No longer than a month back in the US and I knew I had to come back to Costa Rica for my health.

So here we are in paradise, and I am here to share with you 5 Ways Moving to Costa Rica Improved my Health!

1. Vibrant skin. Tinea Versicolor Gone!


I am prone to what dermatologist call Tinea Versicolor, which is a long term fungal infection. I have had it since I was 13 . TV breaks out in humidity and in being a yoga teacher that means I was covered in them. 2 weeks after arriving in HUMID Costa Rica, eating the local grown fruits and veggies, breathing the air, drinking the water, they went away. I have heard this is the case for some others who suffered from this fungal annoyance. It is gone, it is humid here, those two factors don’t usually line up for Tinea, but apparently PURA VIDA wins in this case. I won’t try and figure out the mystery, I will just enjoy (Thank you, Costa Rica).

2. Cardio Heaven.


There is so much raw beauty here that I can’t stand being inside for more than shut eye, it is incredible how nature draws you out when there is a beautiful symbiosis between you and it. Since moving here we are surfing almost every day and walking EVERYWHERE. My body is thanking me for it. I would squeeze in 20 minutes on the tread mill when I could between errands before and now my whole day is rich with heart healthy activity.

3. Improved Digestion.


Maybe it’s all of the locally grown fruits and vegetables that you can buy at any and all of the markets in town (There are about 5 to chose from.) Maybe it’s the quality of the water. Whatever it is, my digestion hasn’t felt so smooth in years. I am seriously boosting this as a reason why you should consider visiting here because I feel like digestion is KEY to leading energetic, happy, healthy lifestyles through all ages. I barely take any vitamins here and I don’t feel like I need them (I used to take about 20 vitamins a day) because everything has so many vitamins naturally.

4. Freedom.


In the town I live in there are no McDonalds or shopping malls to speak of. There is no reason to bring your phone with you everywhere because the island life won’t allow for it. There aren’t tabloid magazines hanging in a checkout line. There are no sounds of traffic or sirens whirring by every second. There is mostly the sound of nature, ocean waves, and silence if you chose it. I can’t express adequately with words how freeing this all is, but you have to experience it for yourself or perhaps meditate with it in mind to get a taste. It is truely ineffable. I have found a new way of being and my body, mind, and spirit feel renewed by it.

5. Happy mind.


I get to wake up everyday knowing that I am painting my life the way God intended it to be. I had a lot of, “What ifs,” “Can I really do this,” and “Am I worthy of this?” When I sat in silence and tapped deeply within the resonance of my Higher Self, the answer was always, “Yes.” Yes, I am taken care of. Yes, I can do this. Yes, I am worthy.” Moving to Costa Rica is another leap in my saying YES to my soul’s deepest yearning. I am co-designing my life with the Creator, sharing my passion for love through yoga with the world and let me tell you, my health is reaping the rewards more and more everyday because of it.

I look forward to resonating with you here in Santa Teresa, Costa Rica in the New Year, January 17-24 for Explorations of Self:A Costa Rica Yoga Experience. Register Here.
I’ll see you on your mats and in the ocean, PURA VIDA!

Love and light, and pura vida!

Alana Roach
CYT, E-RYT, Reiki, Retreat Leader & Travel Blogger

Follow me on facebook/twitter/instagram @alanaroachyoga