True Nature Travels Blog

Be Well Live Well

Spring time is all about cleansing and regrowth

As nature starts to lighten its load, us as humans start to mimic that in nature. Building new daily rituals, removing old patterns that don’t serve our authentic code, our highest self, and really diving into embodiment. There are many remedies for helping one get into their bodies and so I am going to share some of my favorites that have helped me transition into the spring time.

Since Spring is a Kapha season; heavy, wet, dense, and slow. We want to incorporate rituals that can balance these qualities. So, quicker, heated, and energizing. For example: more cardio and exercise daily, body rituals to move our lymphatic system, reduce napping, rise with the sun, indulge in saunas, and add energizing aromatherapy to our life. Drinking detox spring teas that will help our metabolism get back to action and limiting snacking/overeating. Taking herbal tinctures to support the immune system and transition is highly recommended as well since Spring is allergy season to the max!

Be Well Live Well

Now let’s talk embodiment for a second. What does that mean exactly? Most would automatically think it means to be able to look graceful and beautiful as we move our body. Sure, that is a part of embodiment to be able to feel your movements in a controlled manner, but truly only a section of the word. Feeling, incorporation, manifestation, realization… these are all synonyms that really put this word into play. Since this is a time to grow into the new, we must be able to FEEL and LISTEN in order to really dive into ourselves and that is the embodiment I am talking about. When we start to do daily practices, rituals if you will, then we start to become more connected with our true authentic self and get to really just BE with our body, mind, and spirit. Learning how to love more of ourselves, connect more, and find more peace in our lives. All of these practices that I am going to share with you all are tools to help enhance this sensation. Most products can be found locally near you at health food stores in their beauty department and of course, there is always online. I hope you all have a smooth and happy transition. Let’s dive into the rituals.

Be Well Live Well

Abhyanga (Self-Body massage/ Oiling of the skin)

For spring, you will want to use a lighter oil such as almond, or grapeseed and even infuse it with an energizing essential oil. This practice can help create a protective, strengthening force field around you for the day. It is best to apply the oil warmed up right before you shower. The warm water will help open the pores and so the oil will penetrate more deeply. Now I am talking, whole body and focus mostly on where the joints are. Rotate in a circular motion. This will start to move the blood flow in the body and form a deeper sense of self-acceptance and appreciation. Try to be gentle and loving with your touch.

dry brushing

Dry Brushing

So deeply beneficial in the spring time since water retention and weight gain are usually present. You will want to use a natural bristle dry brush, it is very easy to locate these at a local store. You will do this on dry skin and preferably before you oil or shower. Starting from the ankles, moving upward toward your heart, make small circular motions and really exaggerate in the areas of armpits, groin, chest, inner thighs and anywhere fats that may be more stubborn would generally hang out. This is really good to boost circulation and exfoliate/ stimulate this skin. The body should be more of a rosy color and this is a practice that should be welcomed at least twice a week before showers and oiling.

tongue scraping

Tongue Scraping

You can use a stainless steel or copper scraper for this and try to incorporate morning and night before brushing the teeth. Scrape the tongue at least 6 times from back to front and be mindful of your little taste buds in the back and tongue tissue. A mucus will likely appear so rinse as needed in the sink.

herbal tinctures

Herbal Tinctures

Now there are many ways of getting herbs for support during transitions but I am going to share my favorite company with you. This is a local small business in Ben Lomond, Ca (Santa Cruz Mountains) and is curated by an herbalist I know personally. He has been studying herbs for over 18 years and is literally an encyclopedia of herbs. These tinctures also taste delicious when most are pretty hard to chug down due to their taste. Calasha has a few different tinctures that would be supportive. I highly suggest for men and woman to each get the Vital Woman or Vital Man to help nourish your own particular body and then pair it with either the peaceful mind blend or lung support. The lung support is EXTREMELY beneficial for seasonal support and since Kapha can attack the respiratory system, this is a crucial key to keep in you balance and keep the body strong during the shifts. Their tinctures are sold locally in Santa Cruz but you can order through me directly! Email to find out more on these medicines.



ALWAYS crucial when going through any type of shift and to also speed up the embodiment process. Meditation can be at any time of the day but I highly suggest right upon waking and right before bed time. There are many free apps now on the phone that can guide you through a meditation or simply just give you some music to have in the background, and if you already have mantras incorporated in your daily habits then I highly suggest brining in an invocation. Mediation isn’t necessarily about quieting the mind but instead learning it and watching the thoughts that come in and learning to not attach but instead just watch. It is also one of my favorite ways of devotion and bringing myself back to my spirit, empowering myself and improve focus.

Be Well Live Well

Neti Pot

Think of this as flossing your nose. Important to use filtered warmed up water and salts specifically for the Neti, they will be sold in the same area as the pot and will be a fine grain sea salt. I highly suggest staying away from any plastic ones and spending a little more for the ceramics. This is for dislodging accumulation mucus and impurities that most definitely arise during the spring! Use in the morning and then only, try to not overdo it and always wash your Neti afterwards. You’ll boil the water and then let it rest with the salts to dissolve. Make sure to test the water before using, you should be able to hold your finger in there without any discomfort. Lean forward and tilt your head to one side and keeping the back of your neck extended, so bend your torso. Tip your head and place the spout into the top nostril and wait for the water to run out the other side. If the water is not draining after a few tries than wait till you can have more proper guidance in person. Make sure to follow the instructions for the amount of salts and so forth. You can find this at a local health food store.

Foods to start eating more of:

Pungent spices, dry whole grains, astringent fruits, lean proteins, bitter vegetables, and raw honey in moderation.

Think warming, light, dry, mobile, sharp and what is selling at your local farmers markets. That is always a key way to know what is seasonal or not.

Here is a recipe for a digestive tea for the spring:

2 cups water
1 inch fresh ginger root
1 star anise
3 cloves
3 peppercorns
1 tsp cinnamon powder

Bring water to boil. Coarsely chop the gingerroot and include the skin. Add everything to the water. Let boil for 1 minute then simmer on low with the pot covered for at least 10 minutes. Strain before drinking. Drink after meals throughout the day.

Happy Spring!



About the Author

Chelsea Shapouri, The Grains of LifeChelsea Shapouri is a Lifestyle Consultant for women and an Elemental Yoga Instructor based in Santa Cruz, CA. In her work, she offers Ayurvedic lifestyle modalities, Yoga, Breath work, Meditations, and Ayurvedic Recipes. Every client and student is rare and special to her. Chelsea’s mission is to find their unique rhythm, their primal-natural state, and from there support them with techniques and recipes that are meant for their bio-individuality. Harmony for the emotional body, physical body, and mental state is the embodiment she lives by and wishes to offer. Bringing people back home to themselves with techniques they can simply do themselves is what she lives for. The art of service is the art of love and she shares what has helped her heal for the hope to help others heal. Stay connected to Chelsea and read her story through social media or her website:

True Nature Travels Blog

Implementing self-care habits can create a harmonious way of life, by bringing our energy and focus to our health and wellbeing. We are often taught that compassion and kindness are about giving to others, but we must first do so for ourselves in order to understand the meaning of these. Only by honouring our own existence, we can do so for others also. Regardless of how busy life can get, your priority should always be on your health, because if you are feeling good, then the quality of your life matches this. Whilst there are many different ways you can create a self-care routine, here are just a few that are easy to integrate throughout your daily schedule.


Daily sesame oil self-abhyanga

Abhyanga is a traditional Ayurvedic body massage that focuses on bringing the whole body in balance. Ayurveda is known as the oldest medical system in the world, dating back to 7000 years ago and originally practiced in the Vedic culture. Whilst the treatment is done by a qualified practitioner, we can also replicate a small part of it into our daily routine. This can be done in the morning or before bed, however, traditionally it is recommended every morning to create a sense of grounding in the body and stillness to the mind. In doing so, you are starting the day with love and kindness as you focus on your wellbeing. Sesame oil is detoxifying as it removes toxins from the surface of the skin, so it’s a great way to give your skin a good cleanse. But it is important to wash it off after about 10 minutes using warm water. Start by applying sesame oil to your hair, face, ears and the rest of the body. Create circular movements around the joint areas, such as the wrists, elbows, knees, shoulders, hips and ankles and upward movement of the palm on all other parts. Sesame oil also has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties and leaves a beautiful glow to the skin. It has a heating quality, so it will warm up your muscles and joints, a perfect way to start the day.


Nourish your digestive system

The foods we eat play a vital role in our overall well-being. Respecting yourself and honouring your body and mind means that you also pay attention to your diet and its nutritional value. We often think of food as a comfort factor to our emotional state, however, food is simply the fuel to our body. When we start to think of it as this, we start to give our body what it needs to be healthy, strong and perform well. Everybody is different, so start to pay attention to how your own body reacts to specific foods. Just because an apple is labelled as healthy, it doesn’t mean that it suits your current digestive state also. Start to listen and connect with your body more when eating. Notice how you feel after different foods and how your digestion is. A healthy, strong digestion is when you can wake up and release stools without any stimulants. This shows that your body is digesting the food well overnight. Feed yourself everything that your body requires to feel healthy, function well and have the necessary vitamins and minerals.


Setting your intention for the day

How we choose to begin every day has a great impact on how it will actually be. From the moment we wake up, the mind can start the non-stop chatter and before we even leave the house, we’ve already exhausted ourselves with unnecessary self-created scenarios. A morning habit to start practicing daily is to nurture your mind by setting an intention for the day ahead and taking a few moments to meditate on this. Affirmations are effective and they really work wonders once we start to believe what we affirm to ourselves. Feed your mind with positive intentions which empower you to love and accept yourself unconditionally, to manifest your purpose and to embrace your unique self. Affirmations should always be said in the present moment, giving your unconscious mind the motivation to believe it and start working towards making it happen. They are reminders that anything is possible but also have strong influence on the type of energy we give out and are open to receive.


Joint mobilisation and light stretching

The most loving thing you can do for your body after you wake up in the morning is to stretch and move. Joint mobilisation exercises boost blood circulation in the body and release the stiffness created in the joints during our sleep. These are best done in a gentle way and you don’t need a lot of space to do so. This daily habit can increase the overall flexibility in your body, and open up any energetic blocked areas. By becoming more physically flexible, the mind also opens and becomes more adaptable to changes or new ways of doing or seeing things. Feeling good in your own body is empowering and it can lead to a more harmonious relationship you have with your whole self.

joint mobilisation and stretching

Slow flow hatha yoga practice

Hatha yoga is the 3 rd limb of the 8 limbs of yoga and it refers to the physical practice, meaning all poses. By practicing it, we purify the physical body and create space in the body and the mind in order to reach a state on inner balance. We also begin to understand our body better and form a beautiful relationship with all parts of the self-based on respect, unconditional love and acceptance. Sometimes the body needs a more vigorous practice, other times a slower one so it’s good to check in with yourself and see what your body needs at the time. But incorporating slow yoga flow at least once a week will slow you down and bring more stillness to your body, mind and soul. When we are still, we can gain more clarity in the mind and reset ourselves. A slow flow encourages us to be gentle with ourselves and to let go of any expectation. We learn to surrender to this present moment, release any emotional or physical tension, and take some quiet time to go within, reflect and reset.


About the Author

Miriam IndriesMiriam Indries is a published author, yoga and meditation teacher, passionate about holistic healing. She is also a qualified Ayurveda Practitioner and NLP coach. A keen traveller, wondering soul and student of life, Miriam is the creator of, online platform empowering others to find their greatness.

True Nature Travels Blog

Spring Detox Tea


“The rivers are swollen with snowmelt, and the sap is starting to run in the trees. All the moisture that was bound by freezing temperatures is now moving to clear winter stagnation.”
-Cara Barstrom.

Just as nature is starting to unfold from its slumber, our bodies start to crave a sense of lightning and clearing. As the river runs more deep and clear, the body starts to break down all of the
stagnation which was created in winter, carving new pathways for vitality and a healthy abundant of Ojas. This is an important time to really learn from natures rhythms, study her evolution and
spend more time outside basking in her greatness. Start to feed the digestive fires and encourage the body’s natural cleansing this time of the year with bitter, astringent, and pungent foods and adding in seasonal greens, bright berries, spicy soups (my favorite), fresh ginger, and fresh turmeric.


Spring Detox Tea


Everything takes time to grow, it takes patience, purification, and never-ending devotion with the deepest sense of compassion. The lessons that spring can bring are endless as we transition to seeing beauty and growth in every corner we see. Can we learn from our mother and be in cycle with her, so our bodies heal in the most potent way? Be gentle here and start to really stoke your
fire. Exercise daily, especially outdoors and feel yourself cleanse with the sweat. Massage the body with almond oil or grapeseed, rejuvenate the moisture that the skin craves and also dry brush the body weekly before bathing. Wake up with the sun and wind down with the moon, fill your days with life so you only eat when hungry. Most importantly, to stay balanced and supported through spring, drink tulsi, ginger, or the Spring Detox tea daily.


Spring Detox Tea


I’m going to share with you all the detox tea. To me, keeping myself hydrated and my digestive fires supported is what gets me out of this heavy energy that can linger from the winter. It’s time to shed and bloom, move past this slow, sticky, and even lethargic state and start to put all of my effort into my days. Planting seeds of intention so they grow with the nature around me. This tea will help with any feeling of sluggishness and really get your digestive system into gear. We are only as healthy mentally as our gut, right? So, for this season, stay light, warmed, and stay with what’s in season to eat. I hope you all enjoy this beautiful transition.

Let’s get growing


Spring Detox Tea


Spring Detox Tea

2 cups filtered water
1-2 inches of fresh gingerroot
1-2 anise stars (depending on your liking to licorice)
3 cloves
3 peppercorns
1 tsp cinnamon powder


Start by putting the crushed or not crushed spices (except cinnamon) in a small saucepan, medium-high heat for 1-2 minutes to dry roast. Then add the water and cinnamon and bring to boil. Simmer 10-20 mins. Strain and enjoy! This season is a time to cut back on the sweets. If you absolutely need something in the tea, put 1-2 tsp of honey.


About the Author

grains of lifeChelsea Shapouri is a Lifestyle Consultant for women and an Elemental Yoga Instructor based in Santa Cruz, CA. In her work, she offers Ayurvedic lifestyle modalities, Yoga, Breath work, Meditations, and Ayurvedic Recipes. Every client and student is rare and special to her. Chelsea’s mission is to find their unique rhythm, their primal-natural state, and from there support them with techniques and recipes that are meant for their bio-individuality. Harmony for the emotional body, physical body, and mental state is the embodiment she lives by and wishes to offer. Bringing people back home to themselves with techniques they can simply do themselves is what she lives for. The art of service is the art of love and she shares what has helped her heal for the hope to help others heal. Stay connected to Chelsea and read her story through social media or her website:

True Nature Travels Blog

As we begin to approach the spring season, it’s the perfect opportunity to give our mind a good cleanse from all the overthinking, worry and stress. With all the super-moons we’ve had this year so far, this is a great time to do a reset mentally, physically and emotionally. What will you manifest this year? Which wellness habits will you start practicing?



1. Meditation – “I am all that I am in the now”

The most powerful way to let go of all thoughts and be still in the present is through the practice of meditation. Being mindful and living in the moment is not something that comes easy for everybody, although it should. Naturally we are created to savour and live each experience, but somewhere along the way we lost the memo. So, we worry, and we continue to live in the past or hope for a better future, without actually seeing what’s right in front of us in the now. Assigning some quiet quality time every day can work wonders for your overall health. It can help you gain the clarity you need by giving your mind a break from the non-stop chatter. This month, commit yourself to at least 15 minutes of meditation every day. This is your quiet time, when you can close the door on all that’s been bugging you and just let yourself be calm and at peace. Press pause on life and simply be in the now, without having to pressure yourself into thinking or feeling anything.



2. Journaling – “I express myself freely”

Finding ways in which you can express yourself freely can be beneficial for your health in general. Through journaling you can declutter the mind, by putting your thoughts and feelings out there. It is a beautiful experience that does not require you to follow any rules and you might even be surprised how good it feels once you start doing it. Physically writing things down also helps you to let go easier, and through the process you might discover some great ideas which were somewhere in your subconscious mind, beneath all the other unnecessary worry. To get yourself motivated, buy a beautiful journal and some coloured pens.


spring clean


3. Mindful breathing – “I follow the rhythm of my breath”

We are constantly underestimating the power of our breath, still knowing that it is the most important aspect of life. So, if our breath is what keeps us alive, then how can we best use it so that we can activate our life force with more vibrancy? Daily pranayama/yogic breathing exercises are super effective for the nervous system, helping release worry, stress and anxiety. By connecting with your breath, you bring your attention to your current state of being, without being distracted of other external stimuli. Whilst there are different types of breathing techniques you can try; a simple way is to just bring your awareness to every inhale and every exhale. Sit on a chair with your back straight or lie down with your spine aligned and close your eyes. Relax your body and inhale through the nose, filling your lungs with air, pause for a second and then exhale through the mouth. You can do so at least 5-10 times or longer. Each time you inhale, know you are bringing a fresh supply of oxygen in the body, and with each exhale, release whatever you need to let go of.


4. Yoga – “I create harmony and balance in my body”

Physical purification of the body is very important and effective for a healthy lifestyle. Yoga is not a sport or a fitness regime, but a way in which we honour our physical, mental and spiritual self and bring these in harmony. In yoga we are always beginners. The mat is your safe space to help you connect with your inner self and let go of any physical and energetic blockages. Practicing yoga a few times a week not only can bring your body in balance but you also become more disciplined and self-aware. You begin to see just how amazing the body really is and start to respect and honour it.


new year

5. Get social – “I am open to connecting with other souls.”

Sometimes all you need is some social therapy, meaning going out with friends and having a good laugh. Social connections are super important, for they can soften our hearts and fill our lives with joy. Honouring others also means to honour yourself and making time for your loved ones is needed. Whenever I find myself in a bit of a mental funk, having a good catch up and light-hearted conversation with my closest friends works wonders. I travel a lot so it’s hard to physically meet, but even a video or audio call can be so energising, a time when you completely disconnect from your own bubble of life and step out of it. Openly communicating with others, sharing your ideas, thoughts and feelings can also activate and balance your heart chakra, the energy space in the body that governs trust, connection and unconditional love. The more connected we become to the external world, we also learn to trust our inner one.


Spring clean 4


6. Take a break from social media “I feel connect with the external world”

Social media certainly comes with its benefits, especially if you travel a lot or use it for your business. But sometimes we can become so stuck in the “social” cyber world that we forget that there is a real world out there, waiting for us to go and be part of it. Give yourself the permission to switch off from emails, notifications and from posting your life to the world at least one day per week. It can be very challenging as most of us have become so dependent on it, but it’s important to take a break, restore and rejuvenate your mind from all the social media buzz.


spring clean


7. Start a walking challenge “I trust my own abilities to manifest and achieve my goals”

Walking outdoors is an amazing way to hit refresh for our whole self and connect with nature. It is also a great way to release those happy endorphins and get away from being surrounded by gadgets, chores and indoor stale air. By starting a challenge, your mind will become more focused and disciplined towards achieving a goal. When not in excess, goal setting and achieving is beneficial towards our overall health, but it also boosts our confidence and self-belief in our abilities. Walking is super relaxing and yet energising at the same time. So put on your trainers, leave your phone behind and get out there, exploring.

How will you honour yourself this month?



About the Author

Miriam Indries is a published author, yoga and meditation teacher, passionate about holistic healing. She is also a qualified Ayurveda Practitioner and NLP coach. A keen traveller, wondering soul and student of life, Miriam is the creator of, online platform empowering others to find their greatness.

True Nature Travels Blog

When Sandi Morris won the 2018 Pole Vault World Championship, she cleared the bar, fell to the mat, sat right up in exaltation, and then… she curled into a ball, clasped her hands to her chest, and took a quick moment for her own inner joy.

“That woman has a relationship with herself,” I thought, tears touching my eyes.


Be Your Own Valentine: 5 Ways to Cultivate Self Love


I have a special Valentine’s Day message for you:

If you want to sustain a loving relationship with another person, then just like Sandi Morris winning the pole vault, you must also pour self love into the mix.

Here’s how:

  • Breathe

Does this seem like a spiritual platitude? It’s not. Close your eyes right now, and focus on a single breath…

The breath offers a non-judgemental way to pay attention to ourselves, and attention is the primary vehicle of self love. Deep, conscious breaths open the channel that lets love in.

Sufi poet, Rumi, has been telling us this for centuries:

There is a way of breathing that is a shame and a suffocation, and there’s another way of expiring – a love breath – that lets you open infinitely.

When you need love, breathe.




  • Say No

This is YOUR life. You get to choose how to spend it. Saying no to one thing means getting to say yes to something else.

Say no at least once a day. You may take a nap instead of running errands. You might say no to a lunch invitation, so you can say yes to walking alone in nature. Say no to taking on a stressful new project. Say no to a second helping of cake. Say no to being hard on yourself…

Self love means prioritizing things that are important and that contribute to your well-being and saying no to things that don’t.


5 Ways to Cultivate Self Love


  • Take Small Risks

“Don’t hold back!” Lukas said, as I left. Those words boarded the plane with me, and when I had the chance in Cali, Colombia, even though I was nervous and didn’t know the steps that well, I asked Carlos to dance.

Taking small risks is not about the immediate results you’ll get. (That first dance with Carlos was a mess!) It’s about getting in the game instead of sitting on the sidelines of your life.

When you survive a small risk, it unlocks self-discovery, builds confidence, and creates inner trust. Bit by bit, self love grows, no matter the circumstances.

I am not counseling you to be reckless, here! Do not throw caution to the wind or pretend to be someone you’re not, but do push your boundaries in small ways.


  • Appreciate Beauty

Beauty evokes the most innocent and honest part of who we are. Be reminded of your deep, natural innocence by seeking beauty.

Observe nature. Take in the arts. Honor craftsmanship and skill. Listen to birds, rain, the wind in the trees. Experience color, shape, sound, texture, design. Build altars. Let your mind expand into the sky; ride the lightning; feel your heart bloom with a flower.

You will find that in communion with beauty, you are lovable, you are good, you are true. Let beauty nurture you, and pour self-love into the part of you that appreciates it.


5 Ways to Cultivate Self Love


  • Practice Metta

If you only adopt one strategy from this list, make it metta.

Metta practice is like taking a daily, self love vitamin. Translated from Pali, the word metta means “loving kindness.”

The meditation consists of repeating short phrases that focus the mind on qualities of basic goodness. The phrases I use come from dharma teacher Kelly Blaser:

  • May I be safe.
  • May I be happy.
  • May I be free from suffering.
  • May I be filled with loving kindness.

These are valid wishes to have for ourselves! There’s nothing greedy or arrogant here. Repeat these phrases to yourself daily. Feel their meaning. Your capacity for self love will flourish.


5 Ways to Cultivate Self Love


I don’t know what Sandi Morris does to cultivate the self love she expresses so authentically, but it’s easy to recognize the fruits of her willingness to do so: a life of well-being, joy, and accomplishment.

May you, too, find the willingness to tend the deep-rooted tree of self love in your heart.

Happy Valentine’s Day!


About the Author

Delana Thompson helps spiritually-inclined entrepreneurs express their hearts and expand their influence with authentic copywriting, project management, and professional delivery of their online content. Her clients include teachers and practitioners of meditation, yoga, ayurveda, shamanic healing, astrology, and fine art. When she’s not writing marketing emails or designing landing pages, you’ll find Delana salsa dancing, practicing meditation, planning a trip, listening to a podcast, speaking Spanish, or missing all her faraway friends. Visit Delana on LinkedIn to learn more about her business.

True Nature Travels Blog

I always think the beginning of a new year is always exciting and fresh.

I tend to look at what the year has brought me; the gain and losses, the lessons learned, the growth that presented itself and then just be so grateful for it all. There comes a moment of self-realization and expansion and then there is this new chance to put all the new learning to work! Every year, I start to feel more and more myself with all of the ways I continue to sustainably transform with nature around me.

Now, in the past I have been a person to say my new year’s resolution is to lose a certain amount of weight or to change my eating routine, get successful in my business, etc. None of these things are bad things to want, if it is what will make anyone happy then I vote yes! For myself, I started to just see a pattern of a wanting and succeeding in a quick accomplishment but not really finding a lifestyle change. It would disconnect me from nature because it would cause me to be so physically focused. Throughout those years, I would somehow change my mind in my business, change my workouts because life happened, and would fall out of my eating routine. Then, there I would say either ill start it the next year or next week. See, patterns that literally would waste my energy throughout my days and leave me chasing my tail. This year I am committing to something new that will sustainably give me a deeper connection and a way to give back to what matters most to me.


Healing the gut sustainably in 2019-2


My new year’s resolution this year is to give back to mother nature as best as I can and to live as sustainably and recycled as I can. There are many ways to do this and I have been doing my part the past few years but I know I can do better. One way, obviously has to do with food. Sustainably composting and limiting on buying process foods that come in “trash” items,” and saving my food scraps that I can use to make stocks!


Healing the gut sustainably in 2019-2


Stocks, my new favorite thing since last year. The moment I started to make them more often and indulge, it dramatically helped my vitality and health. Did I mention its sustainable as well? Taking our scraps, saving them and not letting them go to waste, what is better than that? Now if you are vegan, that is awesome because I have an option for you too! Vegetable stock is just as nutritious and delicious, it just skips some of the nutrients that bones will give. Here are some benefits that stock brings into your life:

  • helps alleviate joint pain- healthy lubricated bones and joints
  • helps heal leaky gut
  • boosts the immune system
  • encourages healthy skin and hair (mostly the bone broth)
  • fights inflammation
  • helps fight common colds
  • promotes weight lost
  • improves hydration
  • increased the mood
  • cell-protecting
  • helps regulate the menstrual cycle

Convinced yet? Improving our health, connecting more with our mother who lets us live and eat from her, and living in more vitality and connection. What could be better than this?
Now for this you will need either a very tall, large pot or my favorite way is a slow cooker. Happy new year all and enjoy getting brothy!


Healing the gut sustainably in 2019-3


Bone Broth (Vegetable broth option)
1-1/2 pound frozen or fresh beef/chicken bones
3 stalks celery
1 onion
2 carrots
(whatever else you have left over in freezer)
½ cup apple cider vinegar
filtered water
(one stalk rosemary- optional)

First, start by baking the bones in the oven 415 degrees for 15 mins
Then add them into the crockpot
Add the remaining ingredients
Fill with water till the brim
Cover and let cook on low for 2-3 days
Add water daily as needed with 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
*If cooking in a pot. Same steps but keep the stove on low only while you are home
* Veggie stock only- Add herbs like rosemary or sage- double veggies and that is all! Only needs 1-2 days to cook
Strain and enjoy
Can eat the broth on its own or with noodles, veggies, rice, hard-boiled egg…. Endless possibilities!


About the Author

Chelsea Shapouri, The Grains of LifeChelsea Shapouri is a Lifestyle Consultant for women and an Elemental Yoga Instructor based in Santa Cruz, CA. In her work, she offers Ayurvedic lifestyle modalities, Yoga, Breath work, Meditations, and Ayurvedic Recipes. Every client and student is rare and special to her. Chelsea’s mission is to find their unique rhythm, their primal-natural state, and from there support them with techniques and recipes that are meant for their bio-individuality. Harmony for the emotional body, physical body, and mental state is the embodiment she lives by and wishes to offer. Bringing people back home to themselves with techniques they can simply do themselves is what she lives for. The art of service is the art of love and she shares what has helped her heal for the hope to help others heal. Stay connected to Chelsea and read her story through social media or her website:

True Nature Travels Blog

It’s almost 2019! A new year, a fresh start! Many of us are eager to make those New Year resolutions so that we can replace all of our bad habits with good ones, and become better people…right? Yes, we get excited at this time of year, our eyes shiny with good intentions. Yet, according to U.S. News, 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by February. This may be because we jump in too quickly, failing to take the time to see where we have been or to acknowledge our “samskaras”, the impressions of our past actions and experience that we tend to carry with us.

So, this year, let’s try a new approach. Our Yoga and Meditation practices give us time to pause and reflect, and inquire into our habits and patterns, giving us some perspective. Let’s take our practice off the mat and into the new year by 1) Reflecting on the past year, with curiosity and inquiry, 2) Resolving to move mindfully and intentionally into 2019, and 3) Allowing the effects of our actions to Ripple out in the world in a positive way.

1. Reflecting: During the busy holiday season, we welcome the time on the mat or cushion to check in and see how we are feeling—underneath all of busy-ness and activity—and rememberLisa-New-Year-3
who we are. Even though we may feel we are too busy to stop, this is a wonderful time to reflect on the year as we soon turn the calendar page to 2019. We can build this into our mindfulness practices, and take some time to consider the year. Rather than listing off the things that “happened”, we pause to consider what we have learned and how we have grown. In this way, we will be able to look at how we approached and responded to the events of the year, rather than just assessing success or failure. Doing this allows us to look at our samskaras, our habits and patterns with some perspective and dispassion. We are not our habits—and when we remember this perspective, we can take mindful action that has a better chance of cultivating what we want, rather than just getting excited over setting a new goal for the year.

Reflecting in this way helps us to acknowledge what is, as it is. We don’t spend the time wishing things had been different, we become witness to the things that come and go in our lives and how we managed them. And underneath all that is coming and going, we are still here. That can take the pressure off having to create a list of resolutions, that, if completed will make us the “perfect person”.

Lisa-New-Year-42. Resolving: If resolutions fail so often, why bother? That’s a good question and the reason that in the past few years, I’ve moved from New Year resolutions to New Year intentions. Resolutions tend to be about “fixing” something that is wrong with you, and that just doesn’t feel good. Intentions, are about how you will approach something, rather than the end result. It’s about what you want to cultivate in your life. For example, you could make a resolution to lose 10 pounds this year. That might encourage you to eat better and work out. If you do, you might lose those 10 pounds. And then you might gain them back, and the cycle begins again, as many of us know. Or, you could set an intention to be healthy or well-nourished or energized in the new year. That is something you can affirm to yourself each morning and gives you a lot of options. If you wake up in the morning and say to yourself “I am healthy and whole” then it is likely that your actions will line up to help you be healthy and whole. It doesn’t mean you don’t have a plan or have to take action, but it gives you a “rallying cry”. In 2018, I wanted to stretch myself and do something new. I’d been thinking about writing a book, but hadn’t taken action. So, I set my intention in January to be “courageous”. I wrote “I am courageous” on the first page of my journal, along with a poem or two about courage. Each day I affirmed it to myself; “I am courageous”. And so, I had to act! Because I am courageous! And I wrote a book, A Year of Mindful Wellness, that I am very excited about. So, resolve to move intentionally into the new year, and see what happens!

3. Rippling: When we have our intention and are ready to take our actions out into the world, it is helpful to remember that everything is connected to everything, and what we do has a rippleLisa-New-Year-5
effect out in the world; waves of energy that move out and affect others. Taking our practice off the mat and into the world is a way to practice Karma Yoga, or selfless action. When we go forth intentionally, rather than just trying to accomplish a goal, it is more likely that our actions will affect others in a positive way. We can mindfully set intentions that help us contribute to the well-being of all beings. When you are reflecting on the year, and setting intentions for the new year, consider how your actions will ripple out, and what you can do to ensure those ripples send out positive energy. Consider your strengths and passions to determine where to spend your effort. I express my passion for wellness in my work by teaching Yoga, and in my free time by volunteering for an organization that distributes healthy food surpluses to those who do not have ready access to good nourishment. For me it feels healthy, helpful and whole. What will you do this year to send out positive ripples?

This year, try a new approach…Reflect, resolve and ripple!! Here’s wishing you a meaningful holiday season and mindful new year.

Be well,

Lisa Feder
Being Well Yoga

Make a ripple and join us in Spain! Come As You Are; relax, explore, and practice yoga and meditation. Early Bird ends 1/15! Join us! Details HERE.


About Lisa Feder

Lisa Feder is a full-time yoga instructor and wellness consultant living in Austin, Texas. She has had a passion for all things wellness for as long as she can remember. While working for over 20 years in the corporate world as a strategic marketing specialist, she began teaching fitness classes in her free time. This led her to explore yoga, and she fell in love with the way it made her and her students feel—physically, emotionally, and energetically. After teaching part-time for many years, she took the leap and started Being Well Yoga, where she brings yoga on-site to companies to help employees learn how to live healthier, more balanced lives. She also teaches in studios, schools, senior centers, parks, and private homes. Her approach is balanced, and she likes to bring humor, challenge, and deep relaxation into her practices.

Lisa is especially interested in helping students find a yoga practice that really works for them, and she believes that yoga can provide more ease and comfort to all. She has seen the effects of a healthy lifestyle on her family as well and wants to share. Through classes, retreats, and workshops, Lisa loves helping people explore how to incorporate healthy habits into their daily lives in a fun and sustainable way. She is working on her first book, about bringing mindful habits into your daily life. Her favorite thing is hearing about the positive changes her participants make for themselves.

Lisa lives and teaches in Austin, Texas. For more information about Lisa, please visit her website.

True Nature Travels Blog



Ayurveda can simply meanThe Science of Life,” and it continues to be one of the worlds most sophisticated mindbody health systems. It offers deep wisdom, guiding human beings in a vibrant and healthy way to notice how their body works as a whole. Ayurveda seeks to bring balance and harmony to the three wellness domains of our mental state, physical bodyand emotional constitution while being aware of the interplay and ripple effects between the three. A way to bring this state of harmony to the body is by doing a cleanse with the “chicken soup” of Ayurveda, Kichari.

Kichari is known to bring balance back to all three states of our being, leaving us feeling nourished and full of vital energy. It is neutral, light, and soft food that both cleanses and nourishes the bod, without supporting an imbalance of any kind. Kichari is known to remove toxins from the body and as it cleanses the gut, it starts to restore a sense of balance in the mind, leaving you feeling more grounded, present, and light. This is a one-pot meal that contains soaked basmati rice, split yellow peas or hulled mung beans, and an array of spices and seasonal vegetables.

Why is a cleanse with this dish a staple for the fall? As we enter fall, we are entering a time of transition and letting go so its beneficial to our entire being if we find the time to remove toxins, remove excess heat that was brought on by the summer, get the GI tract ready for the fall vegetation, and helping the mind feel at ease during a crispy, cold, breezy time of the year. Fall can bring a lot of change and that can leave us feeling ungrounded and under the weather. To restore ourselves we must simply nourish ourselves.

Below I will list the recipe for Kichari and will also leave a link that will direct you to my site where you can find more information on the Kichari Cleanse that I will be hosting Virtually October 15. I hope you will jump on board with me and others for this cleanse, it is a perfect way to start this season. – Join Me for the Fall Kichari Cleanse!






1 Cup white basmati rice
3/4 cup split yellow mung beans (mung dhal)
6 cups filtered water
1 T. Ghee
3 t. cumin seeds

2 t. brown (looks black) mustard seeds
1 inch fresh grated ginger
3 t. ground coriander
1 t. salt
1 inch turmeric (fresh grated)
1/2 t. black pepper
1” piece of kombu seaweed – optional but highly
recommended Up to 2 c. chopped veggies


Soak the mung dhal for 1 – 2 hours. Thoroughly rinse the rice and mung dhal twice. Use a large pot and heat ghee and add cumin seeds & mustard seeds, after 1 – 2 minutes add ginger, mung dual and rice and cook for another couple minutes. Add water to pot and bring to a boil for 5 minutes, uncovered, stirring occasionally. Reduce the heat to low, add kombu (if using), rest of the spices
& salt and cover, leaving the lid slightly ajar. Cook until tender, about 25 – 30 minutes. Add chopped vegetables (if using) at the last 10 minutes.

Vegetable Suggestions: asparagus, sweet potato, spinach, fall/winter squash.


About the author:

AyurvedaChelsea Shapouri is a Lifestyle Consultant for woman and an Elemental Yoga Instructor based in Santa Cruz, CA. In her work, she offers Ayurvedic lifestyle modalities, Yoga, Breath work, Meditations, and Ayurvedic Recipes. Every client and student is rare and special to her. Chelsea’s mission is to find their unique rhythm, their primal-natural state, and from there support them with techniques and recipes that are meant for their bio-individuality. Harmony for the emotional body, physical body, and mental state is the embodiment she lives by and wishes to offer. Bringing people back home to themselves with techniques they can simply do themselves is what she lives for. The art of service is the art of love and she shares what has helped her heal for the hope to help others heal. Stay connected to Chelsea and read her story through social media or her website.


True Nature Travels Blog

This Independence Day, I bring you a yoga sequence focused on freedom, the type of internal freedom that most of us struggle with daily. I am speaking about the freedom from stress and emotional pain and the freedom from physical pain. Believe it or not the two are linked. Often our emotional pain is manifested as physical pain. Think when you are stressed and your shoulders tighten. Have you ever thought that the tightness of your hips may be linked to your emotional state? The hip muscles in fact show us a lot about our mental health. Trauma, sadness, fear, anxiety, and sadness can all show up in our hips. In the following sequence I focus on some hip openers to bring you emotional freedom and freedom from physical pain you may experience.

Begin standing, hands to heart’s center, grounding down through your feet, standing tall. On your next inhale, raise your arms to the sky and dive forward, forward fold. You may hold your elbows, drop your head, and sway as you feel your lower back and hamstrings start to release. Slowly place your hands on the floor and walk your feet back out to downward dog, feet hips distance apart. Take deep breaths as you walk your feet out. Press your hips to the sky and drop your neck, feeling the length throughout your back. On your next inhale, raise your right leg to the sky for downdog split. Bend your right lifted knee to start opening the hip. Continue grounding down your left heel to the floor. When you feel ready, bring your right lifted leg through to your hands to low crescent lunge. Make sure your right knee is in line with your toe, and start feeling the stretch through the front of the left hip flexor. Breathe as you reach your arms and chest to the sky. On your next exhale, bend forward, placing your hands inside the knee to lizard lunge. You may even press your right leg open if that feels good to you. After 5-10 breaths here slowly make your way back to downward dog. Repeat on the other side by first raising your left leg.

As we meet together in downward dog, raise your right leg to the sky and bring it through to pigeon pose. Your right knee is forward on the floor, with the shin slightly diagonal. Try to even out your hips by rolling the left hip bone forward. You may find placing a block or pillow under your right hip may help. Slowly bend forward. Pigeon pose is an extremely deep hip opener so stay here for 5-10 breaths and try to allow your hip to release. We naturally want to hold onto the tension that may have been in our bodies for so long, but pigeon pose is a time to allow our mind and bodies to become free of that stress, anxiety, fear. Do not be alarmed if emotional tension also starts to release here. Continue breathing deeply. Allow the release happen. When you are ready, bring your right leg back to downward dog and pedal out the feet. Repeat pigeon pose with the left leg forward.

The last pose of this sequence is wide-angle seated forward bend. Open your legs so you can continue to sit comfortably on the floor without feeling tension. Focus on rotating your thighs out so your knees face directly up. This may be enough opening for you today, or you may feel like you would like to bend forward slowly. Continue bending forward, keeping your knee caps pointing straight up. Breathe here, feel the muscles releasing. After 5 deep breaths, slowly walk your hands back and bring your legs together and into a cross leg position. Bring your hands together to your heart and breathe. Focus on how you feel mentally, physically, on the freedom that happened through these hip openers. This is a short sequence that can be practiced every morning or every night, and you will start to notice the freedom these poses can bring.


About the Author

Alexandra is thrilled to be working with True Nature! As a Yoga Teacher and Artist with a Master of Public Health in Environmental Health, work experience at the Environmental Protection Agency, and a passion for travel, her life’s path weaves into the mission and values of True Nature Travels. Since first traveling to Costa Rica at the age of fourteen to study ecology at remote biological field stations, she saw the power that experiential travel abroad has on one’s growth. Since then, she has worked the organic fields of a spiritual and intentional community and continued to travel, immersing herself in the local cultures.

True Nature Travels Blog

A mother is something extraordinary. It goes beyond the basics of what a “mother” is or should be. Mother is the feminine, a woman who provides, loves, nurtures, and creates. A woman of strength and softness with a heart so compassionate that her warmth comes through with just a simple hug. So much love we have for these wild women who have raised us, sheltered us, taught us lessons, listened, nurtured, and also stayed in her own vulnerability showing us even the magical have flaws in perfection and one should only show their authentic self. This is a day to celebrate them, yourself, whoever it may be that is symbolized as this embodiment of complete love and that has helped you through your life.

A mother is in my eyes a type of medicine woman. They heal with so many lessons and love, which they provide. Always giving, beyond themselves, because that is their soul and selfless desire; what devotion they have to their roles of giving. Since these women give us so much medicine, I thought it was only proper that we treat them with medicine on their special day of celebration. I’m speaking of the medicine of Cacao.

“I often call chocolate the best-known food that nobody knows anything about,” said Alexandra Leaf, a self-described “chocolate educator” who runs a business called Chocolate Tours of New York City.
Read more:

Deep in the amazon basin in South America, between Ecuador and Peru, the people would put the fruit whole inside of water mostly for making alcohol, to find that when the bean would ferment it would completely change, becoming a bioavailable food. Culturally Cacao developed in Southern Mexico and Guatemala, among the Mayan and later Aztec kingdoms. Culturally meaning that it became a common part of daily life, cuisine, ritual, and art mythology. These people would make the bean into a chocolate and mix it with herbs, creating an elixir finding that this drink would help them expand in multiple ways. Some would say it opens your heart and portals in the body. It was used both for spiritual reasons as well as for healthy fats which help with brain developing properties, amazing minerals such as magnesium, antioxidants that help the body naturally detoxify, and lastly it brings mind altering properties due to Alkaloids. This was a drink for uplifting the mood, gaining a natural source of energy, and also for relaxation. The experience is different for everyone. Some would say they have more of a psychedelic experience, leaving them in a “high.” Some would say it helped them through depressed feelings, times of doubt and stress. And for others it was mostly just used for rites of passage, funerals, weddings, births, etc. Creating an uplifting mood, a level of openness to what is, feeling blissful and fully alive. How could we not want to treat our mothers, the complete divine, to this divine drink?

Now instead of making a recipe myself, I decided to go to a better source, a dear friend of mines company, Cacoco, based out of Santa Cruz, Ca. I want to share this with you for a few reasons. First off, this company has a mission to not only supply their customers a healthy, safe, and delicious product with uncompromised quality and integrity, but to also embrace environmental sustainability, healthy vibrant lifestyles, and social responsibility.

I have some of the deepest respect for these guys and their mission. Food as medicine and enjoyment is some of the finest gifts from this earth we can get. These fellas are going to make an impact on this planet and community in beautiful ways, as they already are. I feel a way we can impact growth as humans and really start giving back to our planet more is by celebrating people’s gifts that they are blessed with, their talents, passions and offer an energy exchange in return.

Places to order; directly from their site; Found in Whole Foods Markets in Northern California; Found in health food stores all over the west coast.

         I hope you enjoy this day of the feminine and really celebrate, celebrate for all of the gifts that Mothers have blessed us with.


About the Author: 

Chelsea Shapouri, currently in Ventura, California, is an entrepreneur with the love for holistic health, yoga/meditation, herbal medicine, travel, and the outdoors. Her aim is to help people achieve their true authenticity, move away from stress and into balance using her knowledge with Holistic Living. Chelsea currently is teaching “Yoga Medicine” at local studios and indoor rock climbing gyms, creating a cook book, taking photos with her favorite companions, hosting workshops locally, and enjoying the ocean and trails on her days off. To learn more about her mission and offers you can go to her website; or email her at; Join the team to spread this awareness of happiness as well as taking care of our earth and people.