True Nature Travels Blog

Costa Rica Yoga AdventureI found myself hiking uphill in a small town on the outskirts of Turriabla  on a Costa Rican adventure, wondering exactly what I got myself into. I was beyond exhausted from hours jumping from bus to bus, brain buzzing with struggling with translating the language, and was surrounded by mainly cows and leaf cutter ants. I was on an adventure.

I came straight out of a blissful week in the sweet beach town of Santa Teresa, covering a True Nature Yoga and Wellness retreat. The vibes there were strong, positive, safe, and every aspect of day to day was covered. Beautiful dishes were served for breakfast, lunch, and dinner; pristine rooms, hot showers, daily yoga sessions, dancing waves, and a whole team to support you. Needless to say a yoga vacation is the way to go for a chance to relax, reconnect, and simply be. So this was quite a little bit of a shock.

I tend to be an adventurous soul. I am not a stranger to backpacking trips, traveling solo, getting lost in nature, and ultimately just figuring it out. I figured why not while I am in Costa Rica go off the beaten path and discover something new. So I did. What I did not anticipate is my banking account being shut down for what they think was fraud, my cell phone to stop working in these small off the grid towns, and the language barrier to be so strong where I wouldn’t speak english for a week or two straight. I was not on a yoga retreat anymore. Either way, I trudged along and took in all I could with an open heart and mind.

Costa Rica Adventure Travel

So this is where you find me, huge backpack, 5 dollars to last me a week and walking straight up hill to a tiny farm where I would spend the next 4 days in La Suiza along the river. La Suiza is a sweet little town based around sugar cane. Small, friendly, where everyone knows everyone. Within the town a beautiful rushing river cuts through the small mountains. And let me tell you, the river taught me everything I needed to know.

DSC_2827In our culture and day to day lives, it is all about the hustle and bustle. We push ourselves in our personal life, careers, and are usually working towards what is next. It is ingrained in us and becomes subconscious behavior. At least for me it is, and I am sure many of you can relate. Juggling professional life, family life, and self care is a never ending “to do” list. On top of that add in our constant connectivity where we can be reached and expected to be reached at any moment. Instagram, facebook, snapchat, emails, all in your pocket.

Strip this away and what are you left with. When you are forced to be out of pocket, tasks have to wait, your world literally gets put on pause. Cows. I was left with cows, muddy trails, and my monkey brain running in circles on how to get cell service, answer emails, and continue on while in this town.

Costa Rican Adventures

Adventure Travel

Well long story short, a day later in my quaint little shack along the river, I realized it was about surrender. Life has a funny way of giving you just what you need. It is your choice if you will go with the current or against it. Will you go with the flow or fight it. By allowing ourselves space to tap into the natural progressions of life, it is no longer an upstream battle but a playful ride down the rapids.

DSC_2740By the second day, I woke up lightness in my step. Waking up to the rushing river, birds chirping, and the world yawning herself into the
day. I picked fresh avocados, mangos, and bananas for food. I jumped from rock to rock along the river. Sat down with the animals to read.
Examined each and every flower surrounding the house. Made friends with an old farmer. And rolled in the mud. I turned off my brain, told the world to wait and played.

Costa Rican Adventure TravelI needed to be reminded it all isn’t so serious and that we all need to delegate time for play, day dreams, and simply being. Maybe it didn’t require such an extreme adventure, remoteness, and challenging situations for me to get there in my head space. But that is how it happened and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. The river danced with the sunbeams, and laughed along the rocks, she pushed me right along and when I left I had a tear in my eye. I came in crying with stress and exhaustion and left with tears of joy, surrender, and gratitude.

I was off to the next leg of my journey, a True Nature Educational and Adventure trip, where uncertainty would not be an issue.  I would be well taken care of, going on epic adventures in a controlled environment, speaking English, connecting with awesome student leaders, and surrounded by all the beauty of Costa Rica. All the while, in the back of my head I would hear the river whispering to me to go with the flow and have some fun.

Adventure Travel









True Nature Travels Blog

Yoga retreats are becoming increasingly popular around the world. Whether it is a local weekend retreat, a week in some exotic country, or a month-long teacher training immersion, a yoga retreat vacation can be a powerful way to spend your vacation. But what makes yoga vacations so great? Read on to find out why you should consider ditching the hotel and rental car plans and sign up for a yoga retreat instead.

Make your yoga retreat vacation truly rejuvenating

Yoga Retreat Vacation

How many times have you come home from a vacation feeling like you need another vacation? It’s no wonder! Between booking hotels, getting from one place to the next, figuring out exchange rates, and hauling your massive suitcase around you are bound to feel worn out by the time you return home. But a vacation is supposed to be a break. It’s supposed to give you a chance to restore and relax so that when you return to the demands of day-to-day life you feel rejuvenated and ready to handle anything. That is what makes a yoga retreat the perfect solution. The True Nature yoga retreats take place in some of the most peaceful places on earth and are designed to send you home feeling more energized and relaxed than when you showed up.

Connect with a new country and new people

Yoga Retreat Vacation Group

One of the best aspects of traveling is being introduced to new places and new people. Unfortunately when you are staying in a hotel and spending half your time just trying to figure out what there is to do in any given city, you can miss a lot. At a yoga retreat you are instantly surrounded by people who share your passion for yoga and wellness. Plus, you are given all sorts ways to explore the local area. With True Nature you even get the chance to engage in service projects with the local community. There’s no better way to connect with a new country and new people during your next vacation than to go on a yoga retreat.

Nourish your body, mind, and soul

Yoga Retreat Vacation

No matter who you are or where you live, you are probably a little overwhelmed right now. Recent news stories have been far from inspiring and chances are you have felt overworked from time to time. If we want to persevere through these tough times and set ourselves up for success, we have to take care of ourselves. A yoga retreat is a perfect place to nourish your body, mind, and soul, but this nourishment goes beyond the yoga retreat itself. During your wellness vacation you will learn how take care of yourself and give your body, mind, and soul the nourishment it needs even when you return to your normal life.

Find a deeper practice and a more authentic you

yoga retreat and vaction

One of the things that makes a yoga retreat so powerful is the opportunity to delve into a deeper practice and connect with a more authentic expression of yourself. Yoga retreats offer daily yoga and related wellness practices that help you deepen your physical yoga practice as well as your mental and spiritual practice. At the same time you are surrounded by an inspiring bunch of yogis that will encourage you to be yourself and express the most authentic version of you—something too many of us keep hidden inside. Making your next vacation a yoga retreat is a great way to give a voice to your authentic self and learn how to speak from that place in every situation.

Ready to make your next vacation a yoga retreat vacation?

Is the idea of going on a yoga vacation appealing to you? Check out our calendar of yoga retreats around the world to find the perfect yoga and wellness adventure for you!

True Nature Travels Blog

A Costa Rica Yoga Retreat, What’s Not To Love?

Costa Rica Yoga Vacation
The sky ripped and roared. Lightening illuminated the sky and thunder shook the oceans. I was coming in on a ferry boat into a foreign land in the dark by myself. I have traveled solo quite a bit and I was no stranger to thunder storms. So I took in the rain and pondered what was awaiting me at my final destination. After all, I was in Costa Rica, a place of paradise, covering something I care tremendously for, yoga retreats.

In Cost Rica there is one Spanish lesson you need, Pura Vida. Hi= Pura Vida. How are you= Pura Vida. I am doing well= Pura Vida. The locals, or “ticos” joke about this, but really there is a lot of truth to this phrase that literally breaks down to Pure Life, and is virtually laurenandkellyused as much as possible. That is the mentality of this gorgeous country; pure life. Barely the size of West Virginia, Costa Rica has so much to offer from culture to landscapes. The hospitality is unreal and the abundance of love and greenery is just as mind blowing. I couldn’t wait to join the Shakti Yoga retreat!

I was excited to dive in and as I arrived to the lush tropical retreat center on the ocean, I had butterflies of what to expect. Every yoga retreat is different and beautiful in their own special and unique way. I was joining in the last leg of this trip. It was the Shakti Power Yoga retreat. I walked in at the end of dinner and immediately felt at home. Warm beaming smiles, radiating hearts, and glowing yogis greeted me. I knew I arrived.

Long story short, the Shakti Yoga sisters, Lauren and Kelly, know how to lead a robust and fantastic retreat. They have been part of the True Nature family for sometime and their global adventures have evolved to an art. The community they bring with them from Nashville and the yogis from around the nation that join their retreats all reflect what Lauren and Kelly are all about, love.


They truly love what they do and it shines. The community they build during retreat is strong with acceptance, dedication, and a playful spirit. It was such a pleasure and honor to get to know these lovely ladies and explore what retreat means on the shores of Costa Rica.

To accurately account and share the entire retreat would need more than one blog space dedicated. Alas, this is one blog post, so I will do my best to share my top 3 things I love about going on retreat with the Shakti sisters and True Nature.

1. Karma Yoga Project: The heart and soul of True Nature is the act of giving back, or Karma Yoga. Sure you can travel and participate in eco tourism. But, it is another thing to dive in heads first, roll up those sleeves and immerse yourself into the culture. Paying particular attention to seeing what work needs to be done and then physically fulfilling that work on a micro level is such a lovely way to give back to the communities your visiting. Most True Nature yoga retreats include an aspect of this. For the Shakti Yoga retreat we participated in a school that serves elementary school children. We cleaned up yards, prepped gardens, taught yoga, played, laughed and learned.karmayoga

2. Family: Family is more than just blood. It is the people you connect and share with. Every one of these beautiful ladies ytton retreat were so sweet, accommodating, and genuine. Deep and beautiful friendships were forged. Also, there was literal family on this trip; multiple groups of sisters and moms!!! Daily practicing, group meals, excursions, and service projects made relationships strong and vibrant. Being surrounded by this energy is an amazing boost of connection that I greatly appreciated. Lauren and Kelly did an amazing job fostering these relationships and allowed a space for new friendships to blossom, and past relationships to strengthen.

fourwheeln3. Adventure. You can not have a Costa Rica experience without adventure. Whether your four wheeling through dense jungles with howler monkeys guiding your way, trudging through rivers to experience a powerful waterfall, or being covered with saltwater from surfing in rolling waves right outside your room’ a Pura Vida experience is at your finger tips. During retreat, excursions are abundant and supported by local and knowledgeable guides. Not only will you know you will be safe and the outing will go smooth, but you will push your limits and experience something totally new. I am a strong believer that adventure wakes something up in all of us. One of my favorite experiences with the Shakti yoga group was four wheeling through rainforests to the close by town of Montezuma, a quaint rootsy coastal town. Delicious food, local goods, waves crashing, and speed on four wheels allowed a memorable experience.

I could go on and on about how wonderful this week is for yourself offering a chance for one to reconnect, serve, practice, and adventure on. The best way to experience it, is first hand. We would love to have you! The Shakti sisters are hosting a True Nature Italy retreat this fall with only a couple spots available! Be sure to check it out here and hope to see you global!


True Nature Travels Blog

Check out our most recent update from the ongoing True Nature retreats in Costa Rica and find out how to sign up for a retreat today!
Last weekend was fun.
We decided to camp at Barra Honda National Park, in the province of Guanacaste.
It was raining cats and dogs, the camping area wasn’t too flat and we put our camping tent when we arrived at night, so you can imagine how comfortable it was… but after driving for about 5 hours, we were sleeping well.
I love Arenal area and if I could choose a place to spend the rest of my life, I could choose exactly the same! I pretty much enjoy my village, the people, the environment, everything, however Guanacaste has something special that calls me regularly and this time we just listened Mother Nature. She called us from Terciopelo Cave, 42 meters under the ground!
costa rica yoga retreats
We walked for hours under the rain. We saw different birds and lots of plants. When we got to the entrance of the cave, we discovered there was a 18 meters ladder. Wow! What an incredible experience! We decided to enter and I was really scared. It was dark and cold…
I am not completely sure if it was cold! Maybe I was cold because of my fears. Someone named this cavern “Terciopelo” which is the Spanish name of a poisoned snake from my beautiful country. You may have an idea about what I was expecting to find there, but I didn’t find any kind of snake, instead of this, I found myself.
I have been scared of many things during my life, I have been passing through many different situations and I thought I was weak because I cried, because I felt too sad, because I hadn’t the total control thousand of times and things were a disaster from my point of view.
I didn’t know I am too strong because I cried, because nobody always can have the control, because life goes as it is and it is always perfect, not from our point of view, but from God’s point of view.
The cave was dark and silent. It was good to me, it was amazing to stay there, I enjoyed the detail of not be able to see anything, what is invisible to the eyes is the most important to life.
When the exploration finished, I closed my eyes and that way I started to go out, step by step. My friend were laughing when they saw me going up the ladder with my eyes closed, but I was happy (and not too scary now).
The Lindsay inside me is Pura Vida! I like her very much! She has many mistakes and she tries to enjoy of the moment, she wants to improve and now I know she doesn’t care if life doesn’t go the expected way, she doesn’t care if there is darkness around, because the light is always inside her.
Nature is the best teacher and some important lessons can also be learned in Costa Rica!
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True Nature Travels Blog

My days have been too busy.

We have been organizing some art festivals in the village.
Last Saturday, my church (the one TNE has been supporting through different building projects) had a talent show and we could enjoy of the beautiful voices and amazing hand made creations that members and community friends decided to bring.
So I found myself sitting on the table, at the middle of this week and still busy, trying to find some great material to show, a good song to sing, a sublime poem to read or something for my own participation in the community art festival. Something!
Suddenly, I discovered that my two little boys were quiet and looking at me (which is extremely strange considering their full energy)
and I decided to get immersed into my kitchen.
As many mothers usually do, I asked them what they would like to eat and the response was… TAMALES.
Why not just cereal? Eggs? Bread and peanut butter?
They wanted to have tamales for dinner and they had a beautiful smile on their face.
When I call my mom in order to tell her this situation as a joke, she says ” Great! Make an extra big one for me”.
tamales are art2
And here I am. Tamales are still on the pot. Boiling…
While cooking the tamales, I think about the possibility to create a special dish for my art presentation and tamales look like a gift, wrapped in a natural way.
tamales are art3
Life is a gift. Food is a gift, too.
If we can have the energy to cook, it is great, but if we can have the energy and compassion to cook for others, that is ART.
Costa Rica has too much to offer! Life lessons can be wrapped in banana leaves sometimes and the best gift is what you do with your hands.
tamales are art1
On this rainy night, we are going to celebrate! Yes! We are going to camp in my living room tonight. We are going to eat tamales.
Now I know what to do as my “ART PROJECT”.
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Life goes in a slow way when you enjoy the privilege of having a family, having a place to call home and people around to call friends.
Art is what I learned tonight. The best expression of art is just to be here now!!!
Hugs to all the humans from this planet!
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True Nature Travels Blog

A Global Service Project Paints Hope for the Future

A note from Costa Rica

Lindsay is a village leader in Costa Rica who partners with True Nature Education on multiple Karma Yoga projects. She was kind enough to share how one recent global service project from a TNE retreat genuinely touched the lives of those in need. The physical support was simply metaphor for the emotional support that was given. We are so grateful at True Nature to be involved in these programs and would love to help you plan your next global service project! Enjoy the heart felt words of Lindsay!


It is sad to miss someone.

When a loved person dies, the empty space is there, you can see it, you can feel it. Our neighbor, decided to come and start a new life so far from the place where she spent half of her life. Her sad eyes seemed opposite to her beautiful and sincere smile, her deep wish to help the ones around her, made all of us to see her as one more family member.Global Service Project Paints Hope for the Future

Every time when we needed a hand (or two), she was there. As everyone here knows, I am honored to look for the community projects in the área, so every time TNE comes to visit us, they spend hours helping us to improve our village, bringing their brave spirit of cooperation and joy.

As soon as I had to look for a good one project from our list, I thought of this lady and her home.She was so excited to know about it. Not everyday you have a group of volunteers painting your house, so she decided to show her gratitude, doing something that really touched our heart…

She told us about her young son, he had an accident, it was a motorcycle crash and he passed away. So we discovered the reason of her sad mirage. Three days before the group came to start their project, there was a young man living in her home, his name is Jose and he is 24 years old, same age as the son she lost in that accident. Same name, too.

Jose was a homeless boy that because of the drugs addiction could not continue with his dream of becoming a tour guide. He came to the rehab center from the village (where my father volunteers as a motivator ) and his life changed. He became a new person and my neighbor and her husband decided to open the doors of their home for bringing him a new opportunity.

Painting Global Service ProjectThis young man has been working so hard to this family, he is thankful for the miracle of having a new family, a family that trust in his change. We all deserve a new chance to make the things right.

It is a kind of chain of good actions. You never know how far your blessings will go.I would like to thank my dearest friend Joshua and his family for bringing too much joy to our village. I would like to thank you for choosing to travel with a purpose.

While I write it, Jose is trying to find the way to go back to school. Their new parents are so proud of him, same like us, all of us.

Miracles may have different sizes, colors and names. This miracle was signed with love and painted with some rollers and paintbrushes during a rainy morning.

Costa Rica Global Service Project

True Nature Travels Blog

Make a Difference Around the Globe
[Cameron Gray art]
There is a great need for global service projects in this world right now and our mission, as human beings is to pull together to make a difference. This action, known as, “Good karma,” in the yoga world, is meant to send out a positive rippling affect from one person, to the next, to the animals, to the plants, waters, skies, world, Universe.

My path in yoga has encouraged awareness. An awareness of how my actions effect others. An awareness of the,”Other,” not being an other at all, but of being one with everything, including me. According to Albert Einstein’s Quantum Theory, everything in existence breaks down into subatomic particles and is derived from the same light. So from light to the cosmos, we are all made of the same stuff, intermingling, co-existing, co-creating, all from the same source, at the same time.

Think about how this has the infinite power to create a positive and negative effect. Now think about pollution. Think about the oceans and how, for instance, the Pacific Garbage Vortex off of the North Pacific is contributing to the ecosystem at this point. For those of you who haven’t heard of this, it is an island of non-biodegradable plastics and other debris that accumulate in a swirling trash island that is about the size of Texas at this point. What you can’t spot from a plane overhead are the micro plastics that discolor the ocean, creating murky waters. What is not on the surface, sinks to the bottom.

Sea Life

An article from National Geographic states,

            “About 80% of the debris in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch comes from land-based     activities in North America and Asia. Trash from the coast of North America takes about six years to reach the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, while trash from Japan and other Asian countries takes about a year.


The remaining 20% of debris in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch comes from boaters, offshore oil rigs, and large cargo ships that dump or lose debris directly into the water. The majority of this debris—about 705,000 tons—is fishing nets. More unusual items, such as computer monitors and LEGOs, come from dropped shipping containers.”

This is creating a negative rippling effect across the world by way of cause and effect. The se
a life has been eating the trash, mistaking it for living organisms, the birds and larger marine life eat them,
chemicals consumed by them are then passed along in the food chain and we, the planet earth, are harmed. This is just one example of how what we do, matters.

I would like to invite you, as a brother, sister, mother, father, friend, and ultimately as the I in you and the you in I, to join me in an active roll to create a positive change in this world. Initiatives have already begun, and it is up to our generation and the generations to follow to continue this work. We must evolved. We all depend on it.

Global Service Work

Here are 5 ways you can contribute to Global Service Work

  1. Organize a nature walk to pick up trash. When I was living in Costa Rica, we would walk up and down the beaches and rainforests together, picking up trash. I was astronished to find strollers, tired, and endless plastic bottles, cans, wrappers, you name it, strewn across the lands. This is a place that has huge nature preserve initiatives, but through tourism, the lands are being disrespected. We can make a difference around the globe. Mother Earth needs us, just as much as we need her. Join the cause.
  2. Recycle. During my travels to the Western United States, I was pleasantly surprised at the sustainability act to recycle and compost. You can start small. When I first moved back to the States, I moved into a home that had the recycling bins to use, but never used them. I talked to my room mates about how important recycling is for the environment and I pulled out the recycling bins. They have now been recycling for a year and while I am about to move, I encourage them to continue this sustaining habit.
  3. Fight poverty. Whether I am in New Dheli, India or Baltimore, MD, USA, I try to raise awareness of oneness through service work to others. The homeless need help. A dear friend and sister of mine made this initiative her life. She helps out at a local shelter in Baltimore and carries around cards and food in her car to pass out to the homeless whenever she sees them. She lives in the heart of the city to be amongst them. She is the true spirit of Mother Theresa and I honor her courageousness and selflessness in her efforts. While this is the extreme, we can all get involved by paying attention to our brothers and sisters across the globe who have less than we do. You can carry granola bars to pass out and if you want to get involved on a bigger scale, you can.
  4. Build another’s value. Kiva. I love this organization so much and I contribute every change that I get. Kiva is a non-profit organization that holds a beautiful space for charitable contributions towards underprivileged people to, “hold the power to create opportunity for themselves and others.” You provide a loan as low as $25 to mircofinance someone in Nepal for instance to buy a cow for their dairy farm, and as they make more money in their business, they pay it back. You then regift the loan to the next person in need. It is the gift that keeps on giving. Recycled money put towards a beautiful purpose. Get involved.
  5. Educate the next generation about global service. In this day and age, we are a culture consumed by the digital dance. Children are given glowing devices from infancy forward to educate, distract, and entertain. First, let’s use this force for the good. Show your children videos and articles on how they can make difference. The internet has been a beautiful tool for decentralization. We have the ability to reach large audiences in a matter of seconds and have access to endless amounts of information and like minded communities. Show them how to share this knowledge with others. Bring them on service trips. Get them traveling from a young age. Get them outside and in engaged in the world. Have them open a book that doesn’t glow. It is up to us to educate our children on global change.


Alana 2015About the author: Alana Roach  is a International Yogi currently based out of Annapolis, MD. Formerly adorned by the city lights and the busy streets of America, she was then whisked away by the illustrious path of yoga and took to traveling the world to share it with others. A few years back she started to write about the transformation she undertook by  practicing conscious meditation. She practices and teaches varied styles of yoga at, leads international retreats, loves surfing, being in nature, and enjoys a good belly laugh. She is on Facebook , Instagram, Twitter, and can be reached by email




True Nature Travels Blog

A Costa Rica Yoga Retreat


When I started to prepare to lead this upcoming Costa Rica yoga retreat in June, I tossed around a million ideas of what I thought would be cool to share with students for a week intensive study. For example, I thought about working towards attaining advanced asanas but I wanted something MORE. Even as a teacher, I want to come away from this retreat feeling fulfilled and recharged.

Attend a Costa Rica Yoga Retreat

I met with a woman who is looking to get into yoga – she started out by telling me that she has had previous back surgeries and for many years has had chronic physical pain. When I asked her what she wanted to get out of our private yoga sessions, she mentioned to “stretch” and “not feel in pain every day”. The more we talked, our conversation got deeper. Because of the injury that led to the surgeries, she was laid off from her job, which then led to months of being contained to the home as she could not get around very well and obviously financial worries became an issue. You can imagine how this eventually led to a very dark place of depression and pain pill dependancy.

I honestly feel that the universe takes care of us and does not let us wallow around in the dark for too long, especially when we are ready and open to make a change. When we finally got to the bottom of things, I mentioned that the reason why I practice yoga personally is to have FREEDOM. Freedom from WHATEVER is keeping me from being happy. Being in chronic pain can feel like a prison, physically and mentally, so we look to open the areas of the body that have been injured and search for freedom from pain. Depression, anxiety and consistent sadness can also feel like shackles around your brain and then we physically manifest these emotions. Allowing yourself to LET GO and BE FREE from these issues is a lot of work but it IS possible to find that freedom.

Or maybe you don’t suffer from these particular matters but know that there is something bigger meant for you…you just haven’t figured it out…yet. I feel like FREEDOM AND LIBERATION is attainable for many different areas of our lives and the ULTIMATE GOAL OF THIS BEAUTIFUL FREEDOM AND LIBERATION IS…..HAPPINESS AND CONNECTION WITH OUR HIGHEST PURPOSE.

There is a reason why each of us are here on this beautiful Earth! I want the students who experience this week with me on a Costa Rica yoga retreat to come away feeling like they have a closer knowledge and are at peace with who they are, why they are here and what they will do once they get home to keep living with this flame lit inside. All I ask is that you show up with an open mind, a ready heart and are willing to experience the unknown. This will be an exhilarating time of physical movement paired with breath, unlocking the barriers to allow the life force within to flow. There will be opportunities to have meditation, reflection, and internal study as well as group support. We will do something that serves our community spirit by a local service project. Plenty of time will be open for you to schedule adventures such as zip lining, lounging by the pool, spa treatments, hiking and so much more! Costa Rica is the perfect backdrop for this rejuvenating retreat aligned with the healing energy of nature. I could not be more honored to share this week with all who attend.

Each person is on their own unique journey and by attending this retreat, I hope to guide you to a place where you understand and connect with your highest Self. You deserve it!!!

Namaste, Kim

Lead A Costa Rica Yoga Retreat

True Nature Travels Blog

This will be Shaktis 3rd year to partner with True Nature Education and lead a retreat in Costa Rica. We are thrilled beyond words to have such a dynamic and vibrant trio of ladies as a part of our family. We are constantly inspired by the community they build with their students! We asked them, what they thought made their yoga collective so strong and present, and their answer was simple, retreats. community1 Retreats are a fantastic opportunity to build bounds, break barriers, and form connections with your fellow yogis. Want to experience this magnetism first hand? Join their retreat today! Click here to learn more and sign-up. Explore more of Kelly, Jennifer, and Lauren’s Costa Rican retreat and how they foster this feeling of togetherness. Lauren was kind enough to share her thoughts and a little preview of the Pura Vida that is in store!

Beach 8 “One thing I know for sure is we all three connect with the ocean and each other. Kelly, Jennifer and I are excited to travel to the beautiful Costa Rica and lead our first retreat all 3 together. The three of us have known each other for over 5 years and we have supported each other in the growth of family, being students, teachers, studio owners, and community leaders. Kelly and I founded Shakti Power Yoga in Nashville in 2012, and a year later Jen founded Glow Yoga in Gulf Shores and just recently opened one in  Mobile, AL. Jen  We all three thrive on creating community and sharing our love of yoga with all we meet. Yoga has shifted each of our lives and it opened us up to something bigger. We want to make a powerful impact in our communities and generate love, power, courage, and awareness. This will be Shaktis 3rd year to partner with True Nature Education and lead a retreat in Costa Rica. The time we spend there is absolutely magical, seriously each moment is special and we have fond memories of the joy and restoration it brings us. We thrive on creating community and partnerships and our yoga retreats allow people to step away and create space for new relationships, for rejuvenation, for fun! Let me share just a little taste of our wonderful experience.2 We stay at a beautiful resort in Santa Teresa Beach. The journey from San Jose is adventurous and a special time to connect with the everyone on the bus and boat. From The moment we arrive we are greeted by the kind staff and taken to our bungalow. The smell and breeze of the ocean is present right when you arrive and you know you are only a few hundred yards from the sand being in your toes, oh bliss. The bungalows have hammocks hanging just outside, perfect place to cozy up with a book or a nice afternoon nap. There is a calm about the place and feel of home. Oh and the practice space, it overlooks the ocean and the sound of the waves remind you to breath deep and free. The warmth on your skin adds the extra heat to the practice allowing you to dive in and let the residue fade away. You are a part of nature, free to play, grow, and explore. 3The Costa Rican fare speak to my heart and body. You can eat clean and fresh and feel nourished everyday. The resort has an amazing restaurant team that cares about the food they are serving and most of all are so kind and welcoming to each one of us. We have created friendships over the years and look forward to returning and connecting with the amazing staff. The community service project we commit to each trip is one of the most memorable experiences. We volunteer at a local school. We play soccer with t4he kids, sing, teach yoga, paint, garden, or anything we can do to be of service for the school. I know we get more out of it than the students. Our hearts are filled when we get to make a real connection with children and the feel of welcome and love from this is inspiring to see.  I feel we left more connected and stronger as a group after this project, we still talk about the amazing kids and look forward to returning next year. Kelly, Jennifer, and I have a strong connection and we do a great job of going with the flow and working together. I  think we all 3 could be sisters! We each have our own unique way to connect with people, how we teach, but we all three are committed to impact and build community and to live an INSPIRED life. We are excited to share our love of the practice in Costa Rica Retreat in 2016. We hope you will join us! Pura Vida! 5

True Nature Travels Blog

italian-food-rules-imageItalian cuisine has a history of passion, simplicity, and an ever evolving taste with the social and political climates,with roots stretching to antiquity.

It is characterized by its simplicity, with many dishes having only four to eight ingredients. Italian cooks rely chiefly on the quality of the ingredients rather than on elaborate preparation. Ingredients and dishes vary by region, depending what is produced and in season. Many dishes that were once regional, however, have proliferated with variations throughout the country. (Read More Here)italian-restaurant-sunshine-coast

When I think Italian food I instantly crave a homemade and hearty pasta dish followed by a glass of nice red wine. And then I realize, the food coma is always lurking around the corner. Do not get me wrong, there is nothing more appealing than a well rounded, fresh, comforting, and filling Italian dish. However, sometimes with our active lifestyle our bodies crave food more light in nature.

So why not take a traditional Italian dish and put a healthy spin to it?

And that is exactly what you will get to experience on a True Nature Education Yoga retreat to Italy. Our partner center has a fantastic view on Italian cuisine. Offering an authentic, yet healthy twist on some fantastic dishes.


The diet for the community is extremely important, as much as the yoga practice. The cuisine follows the ph alkaline diet philosophy whose goal is to bring back to balance our organism through a healthy vegetarian diet mainly raw, organic, with low gluten, no dairies and wheat free. They serve their own fresh, organic and seasonal products from the garden; they produce their own goat cheese and milk and make their own bread, pastries and pastas with spelt flour or no gluten flour like buckwheat. The dishes are from the Italian tradition but revisited by us following this diet by introducing some raw dishes at lunch and superfoods in the recipes. You won’t miss the Italian cuisine, simply you will taste it in a healthier way!


Drooling yet? Cause I sure am. You want to experience the food first-hand? Be sure to sign-up for one of our Yoga Wellness Trips to Italy here!

Since, I can’t jet off to Italy this very moment, I decided to channel my inner cook and whip up something delicious. I am pleased to share a lovely and simple dish that reflects the decadence of Italy. Healthy and light, this is great to serve as a main dish or anti pasta.


Lightly fried eggplant with honey and rosemary:

1 each medium eggplant

2 cups whole milk

1 cup all-purpose flour

¼ cup local honey

1 sprig fresh rosemary

Salt to taste

1 quart vegetable oil

The day before:

Cut tops and bottoms off the eggplant and peel with a vegetable peeler or knife. Slice eggplant into rounds that are ½ inch thick—you should get about 12 slices from 1 medium-sized eggplant. As you slice the eggplant, put it into a large container or bowl with enough milk to cover. You will likely have to weigh the eggplant down with a plate to keep it submerged in the milk. Soak overnight in the refrigerator.

Heat a large frying pan with vegetable oil about 1 inch deep until approximately 350 degrees or when a drop of water sizzles. Make sure there is enough oil to cover the eggplant slices when you put them in. Drain the eggplant from the milk, dredge them in the flour and tap off excess flour. Drop into oil and fry until golden brown but not too dark, about 2-3 minutes. Don’t crowd the pan: you want 1 layer of eggplant frying at a time. Flip the eggplant slices during cooking for even browning.

Sprinkle each piece of eggplant with a pinch of salt as it comes out of the fryer. Drain on wire rack. Drizzle some honey onto each piece of the fried eggplant while on the wire rack. And top each piece of eggplant with 2-3 rosemary leaves. Serve immediately.
