True Nature Travels Blog

Many of us have the desire to take action to help our communities and the world but get stuck on where to start and what to do.

Here are 5 steps you can take to change the world for the better:

1. Start with yourself:

The first step to making the world a better place is to work on yourself. Identify areas where you can improve and take action to become a better person. This can involve things like volunteering, donating to charity, or making lifestyle changes to reduce your carbon footprint.

2. Educate yourself:

Knowledge is power, and educating yourself about the issues facing the world is essential to making positive change. Read books, attend lectures and conferences, and engage with people who have different perspectives to gain a better understanding of the issues.

3. Take action:

Once you have educated yourself about the issues, it’s time to take action. This can involve things like volunteering your time, donating to charity, or advocating for change. Find an issue you care about and get involved in efforts to make a positive to change the world

4. Be a role model:

One of the most effective ways to make the world a better place is to be a role model for others. Set a good example by living a life that reflects your values and principles. This can inspire others to do the same and create a ripple effect of positive change.

5. Spread kindness:

Finally, spreading kindness is a simple but powerful way to make the world a better place. Small acts of kindness can have a big impact on the people around you and create a more positive, compassionate world.


Remember, changing the world is a process that takes time and effort. But by taking these steps, you can make a positive difference and inspire others to do the same.

True Nature Travels Blog


Why should I lead a retreat?

Leading a retreat can be a deeply rewarding experience, both personally and professionally.

Have you wondered why you should lead a retreat? Here are 4 reasons why you might consider leading a retreat:

1. Share Your Expertise

If you have a particular skill or area of expertise, leading a retreat can be a great way to share that knowledge with others. Whether it’s meditation, yoga, music, writing, snowboarding, hiking, or something else, a retreat can give you the opportunity to teach and guide others in a focused and immersive environment.

2. Build Your Network

Leading a retreat can also be a great way to connect with like-minded individuals and build your professional network. Retreat participants are often seeking connection and community. Leading a retreat can give you the chance to foster those relationships and potentially develop new business or collaboration opportunities.

3. Deepen Your Own Practice

Leading a retreat can also be a powerful way to deepen your own personal practice. The act of guiding others can help you develop a greater sense of clarity and purpose in your own life, and being in a retreat setting can provide the space and time for reflection and growth.

4. Escape the Daily Grind

If you’re feeling burned out or overwhelmed in your day-to-day life, leading a retreat can be a way to escape the daily grind and immerse yourself in a more peaceful and reflective environment. It can be a chance to recharge your batteries and come back to your work and life with renewed energy and clarity.

Ultimately, whether or not you should lead a retreat depends on your own interests, goals, and expertise. If you feel drawn to the idea of leading a retreat, it’s worth exploring further and considering how it might fit into your larger personal and professional plans.

True Nature Travels Blog

Aligning your life

We’ve had many challenges and uncertainties for quite a while, haven’t we? Perhaps you find yourself reigning in your spending, holding back on making decisions, and feeling cautious about taking your next steps. I get it.

In spite of it all, are you doing what’s necessary to align to the life you truly want to live? Are you invested in creating your own desired destiny?

I’ve heard many reasons to explain why someone has fallen away from their yoga practice, deferred a trip to recharge or put off working on any personal issue that would elevate their quality of life. People have complained to me that Yoga retreats or coaching is too expensive. I’ve also heard “I don’t have time.”, “I’m too tired/exhausted/overwhelmed/stressed out.”

Let me ask you this…How much time do you spend on stuff that doesn’t serve you? Think about the hours spent mindlessly watching TV, shopping for stuff you don’t really need, partying, going out to eat, scrolling, gossiping…all the while lamenting and complaining about the very things you wish to change?

If you’re exhausted, that’s a really important reality to reckon with. In fact, it’s an epidemic in our culture. But, time marches on and life will certainly pass you by if you accept being exhausted, burned out, sick, miserable, stressed or whatever adjective you want to use.

Is being content with discontent the way you want to spend your precious time on this earth?

Facing your fatigue, resistance and excuses lights up a giant neon arrow that points straight at your own evolution. Investing your resources is worth every minute, every

dollar and every ounce of fortitude you can give it. Regardless of the self talk re-runs looping in your mind about your perceived limitations, you likely have more agency to change than you actually realize.

I’ve taken some brave steps out of my comfort zone over the years that have provided me opportunities to challenge my own thinking and behaviors. I’ve invested thousands of dollars and countless hours in Yoga training, coaching training, therapy, personal coaching, and online courses. I made the time to learn new things despite a busy life.

I had to look at myself in the mirror and reckon with my demons and distractions. Not always easy, but so worth the investment.

Can you afford just a few minutes each day to invest in yourself? Truth is, you can’t afford not to! Just get on your yoga mat and breathe. You don’t have to demand a grandiose practice of yourself, just a smidge of time to simply breathe and be.

That’s a really great start to investing in your happiness and well being. Who knows what could arise from this simple act of self care?




Cyndi Powers is the mindset mentor for changing the way you think about your body, food, exercise and your life.

She’s been a Yoga teacher for more than 25 years, a Thai Yoga bodyworker, owned a Yoga studio, is an Integrative Health Coach, and now provides a fresh perspective and blueprint to living a healthy, happy life of abundance without stressing over the scale or what you can or can’t eat. Join Cyndi in Panama May 7-13, 2023!