Embracing Love and Kindness in Nature: A Guide to Planning Retreats in Serene Environments


In a world that often moves at a hectic pace, finding moments of tranquility and connection is essential for personal and professional growth. Imagine a retreat where the gentle rustle of leaves accompanies thoughtful reflections, where the crisp scent of pine inspires deep breaths, and where the beauty of nature nurtures the spirit. Planning retreats in serene and natural environments provides a unique opportunity to cultivate love and kindness, fostering

Renew, Refresh, Reconnect: How Retreats Nourish the Soul!


In the whirlwind of modern life, the gears of our routines often grind us down, dimming the light within, often preventing us from following our own North Star. What so many of us crave, more than anything, is a sanctuary—a place to strip away the layers of stress and rediscover our inner peace. That’s where retreats come in! Far from being mere luxuries, retreats have become vital respites for the

Meet the Teacher: Farah Nazarali


Embracing Yoga, Healing, and Service: Farah Nazarali’s Journey At the heart of every transformative yoga retreat is a guide whose commitment to healing, service, and spiritual growth creates an environment of profound connection and rejuvenation. Meet Farah Nazarali, a devoted yoga student with over two decades of teaching experience, whose passion for yoga is woven into every aspect of her being. A Journey Rooted in Devotion: Farah’s yoga journey is

Discovering the Beauty of Greece: A True Nature Travels Adventure


Embarking on a True Nature Travels retreat in Greece is an immersive journey into the heart of a country that weaves history, culture, and breathtaking landscapes into a tapestry of unparalleled beauty. Join us as we explore the wonders of Greece— from its rich cultural heritage to its delectable cuisine and other intriguing facts that make it a captivating retreat destination. Cultural Marvels: Ancient Ruins and Architectural Gems: Greece is

Meet the Teacher: Christa Mastrangelo Joyce and Jen Rolston


Christa Mastrangelo Joyce: Bridging Ancient Traditions with Modern Wisdom E-RYT500 Certified Yoga Teacher | Founder of Jala Yoga | Retreat Leader Christa Mastrangelo Joyce brings a wealth of knowledge and a deep passion for yoga to every class and retreat she leads. With her E-RYT500 certification earned through Kim Manfredi and over 1000 additional hours of training from esteemed teachers such as Sianna Sherman, Bernie Clark, Maria Garre, Shiva Rea,

Acts of Kindness Building Community: Retreat Service Projects That Make a Difference


At True Nature Travels, we believe that yoga retreats are not just about personal transformation but also about creating positive ripples in the world. Our commitment to community, connection, and compassion extends beyond the yoga mat. In this blog, we explore the power of Acts of Kindness as a means to build a stronger community, both locally and globally. Join us on a journey of heart-centered retreats that make a

Discovering the Heart of Dominica: A Journey into the Rich Culture and Serene Natural Beauty of Soufriere


Tucked in the bosom of the Caribbean, Soufriere of Dominica serves as a pristine gem untouched by the hands of commercialism. This quaint community, located on the verdant island of Dominica, presents an unparalleled opportunity for cultural immersion and exploration of natural wonders. Soufriere’s allure lies not just in its lush landscapes, but also in its vibrant culture. Dominica, fondly termed as “The Nature Island,” is a colorful amalgamation of

Meet the Teacher – Allisun Hull


Embark on a journey of self-discovery and holistic well-being with Allisun, a dedicated yoga practitioner and experienced retreat leader. Since 1999, Allisun has been weaving together the art of yoga, spirituality, and the transformative power of Integral Hypnotherapy. The Essence of Allisun’s Practice: Allisun’s yoga practice is a flowing, dynamic, and spiritual expression of mind, body, and breath. Inspired by nature, music, and everyday magic, she believes in the profound

What do the Blue Zones have to do with yoga?


Author and researcher  Dan Buettner wrote the Blue Zones over fifteen years ago after his curiosity was sparked to discover why certain areas of the world had people not only living to 100 and beyond but thriving. You may have seen his four part special recently released on Netflix. For the last three years my yoga partner, Wendy Methvin and I have led Blue Zone themed retreats in Costa Rica,

Experience the Magic of Iceland: A Journey Through Sustainability, Culture, and Personal Transformation


Iceland, famously known as the ‘Land of Fire and Ice’, is a destination that offers a diverse range of awe-inspiring landscapes, from vast glaciers and volcanic formations to geysers and hot springs. This beautiful, rugged country is also a global leader in sustainability practices, with a deep commitment to renewable energy and ecological conservation. Iceland’s sustainability ethos is reflected in every aspect of life, from the food you eat to

Holiday Harmony: Embracing Sustainability During Festive Seasons


Holidays are a time of joy, giving, and unfortunately, a lot of waste. Practicing sustainability over the holidays is crucial due to the significant environmental impact this season can have. The holidays are traditionally a time of excess – over-indulgence in food leading to waste, excessive energy consumption for lighting and heating, and the generation of vast amounts of waste from gift wrapping and packaging. By choosing to be mindful

Yoga Lifestyle: 10 Ways to Incorporate Yoga into your Daily Life


In the hustle and bustle of modern life, finding moments of feeling grounded & calm can be a challenge. But what if we told you that you could infuse your daily routine with the grace and mindfulness of yoga? The beauty of yoga lies not only in the serene moments on the mat but in its ability to enrich every facet of your existence. Join us as we explore simple

Gratitude: Your Travel Companion for International Yoga Retreats


Gratitude is not just an emotion; it’s a practice that deepens our yoga journey, especially when traveling internationally for yoga retreats. Engaging in a consistent gratitude practice can enhance your retreat experience by fostering a positive mindset and a sense of connection with your surroundings. Benefits of Gratitude For the Body Gratitude has a profound impact on the body. Research shows that people who regularly practice gratitude have lower blood

Italy, Land of Beauty and Gratitude


Italy, a land brimming with history, culture, and natural beauty, has a unique way of teaching us the art of ‘gratitude’. The Italians have a beautiful word, “grazie”, which traces its roots back to the Latin word “gratias”, meaning “thanks”, which is also the origin of the English word “gratitude”. Over centuries, “gratias” morphed into “grazie” in Italian, retaining its heartfelt sentiment of expressing gratitude. However, in the context of