True Nature Travels Blog

In a world that often moves at a hectic pace, finding moments of tranquility and connection is essential for personal and professional growth. Imagine a retreat where the gentle rustle of leaves accompanies thoughtful reflections, where the crisp scent of pine inspires deep breaths, and where the beauty of nature nurtures the spirit. Planning retreats in serene and natural environments provides a unique opportunity to cultivate love and kindness, fostering a transformative experience for participants.

The Healing Power of Nature:

Nature has an inherent ability to soothe the soul and calm the mind. As planners of retreats, harnessing the healing power of nature can elevate the entire experience for participants. Selecting destinations with natural beauty—lush forests, pristine lakes, or mountainscapes—creates an environment that encourages introspection, mindfulness, and the practice of love and kindness.

Choosing the Right Location:

When selecting a location for a nature-centered retreat, consider the unique qualities of the environment. Coastal retreats offer the calming influence of the ocean, while mountainous regions provide breathtaking vistas that inspire awe and humility. Forested areas create a cocoon of tranquility, allowing participants to disconnect from the noise of daily life and reconnect with their inner selves.

Integrating Nature-Based Activities:

To amplify the love and kindness theme, incorporate nature-based activities into the retreat itinerary. Guided nature walks, meditation sessions amidst natural surroundings, and outdoor yoga classes are excellent ways to foster a sense of connection and appreciation for the environment. These activities not only promote physical well-being but also encourage participants to express love and kindness towards themselves and others.

Mindful Practices in Nature:

Encourage mindfulness through guided practices that capitalize on the serenity of the chosen location. Morning meditations with the sunrise, silent walks through nature trails, or journaling sessions by a reflective pond can facilitate a deeper connection with oneself and others. Mindful practices in nature become powerful tools for cultivating love, compassion, and gratitude.

Sustainable Retreat Planning:

Show love for the Earth by incorporating sustainable practices into retreat planning. Choose eco-friendly accommodations, minimize waste through thoughtful event logistics, and engage participants in environmental initiatives, such as tree planting or local community support. A retreat that values and protects the natural environment aligns with the principles of love and kindness.

Nourishing the Body and Soul:

Incorporate locally-sourced, nourishing meals into the retreat schedule. Emphasize the connection between the food on participants’ plates and the surrounding environment. A shared dining experience in nature promotes a sense of community and gratitude, fostering love and kindness among participants.

Creating Spaces for Connection:

Design retreat spaces that encourage connection and open communication. Whether it’s around a bonfire under a starlit sky or in a cozy communal area with panoramic views, providing spaces for participants to share experiences, insights, and emotions promotes a sense of unity and support.


Planning retreats in serene and natural environments offers a canvas for cultivating love and kindness. Nature becomes not just a backdrop but an active participant in the transformative journey of the retreat. As leaders in the industry, let us embrace the opportunity to create experiences that not only rejuvenate the mind and body but also nurture the spirit with the love and kindness that only nature can inspire. Through thoughtful planning and a deep appreciation for the natural world, we can guide participants on a journey of self-discovery, connection, and lasting transformation.

Ready to explore nature? Join Mike and Rhonda at Gentle and Therapeutic Yoga Retreat in La Fortuna, Costa Rica in the rain forest with beautiful accommodations, healthy food exotic hikes, yoga and breathwork. 


True Nature Travels Blog

Embarking on a True Nature Travels retreat in Greece is an immersive journey into the heart of a country that weaves history, culture, and breathtaking landscapes into a tapestry of unparalleled beauty. Join us as we explore the wonders of Greece— from its rich cultural heritage to its delectable cuisine and other intriguing facts that make it a captivating retreat destination.

Cultural Marvels:

Ancient Ruins and Architectural Gems:

Greece is a living museum, with ancient ruins and architectural marvels that tell the tales of a glorious past. Visit the Acropolis in Athens, the birthplace of Western civilization, and be captivated by the Parthenon, an iconic symbol of ancient Greece.

Island-Hopping Adventures:

Explore the Greek islands, each with its own unique charm. From the whitewashed buildings of Santorini to the lush landscapes of Crete, island-hopping offers a diverse cultural experience against the backdrop of the Aegean Sea.

Traditional Greek Folk Dances:

Immerse yourself in the vibrancy of Greek culture through traditional folk dances. The lively movements, accompanied by traditional music, showcase the country’s spirited and celebratory nature.

Culinary Delights:

Mediterranean Cuisine:

Indulge your taste buds in the flavors of Mediterranean cuisine. From olives and feta cheese to moussaka and souvlaki, Greek dishes are a tantalizing fusion of fresh, locally sourced ingredients. 

Greek Olive Oil:

Greece is renowned for producing some of the finest olive oil in the world. Discover the art of olive oil production during your retreat, and savor the rich, golden elixir that enhances the country’s culinary creations.

Invigorating Greek Coffee:

Experience the ritual of Greek coffee. Served strong and unfiltered, it’s a delightful and invigorating way to start your day, often accompanied by engaging conversations at local cafes.

Captivating Facts:

Birthplace of Democracy:

Greece holds the distinction of being the birthplace of democracy, with its political ideas shaping the foundations of modern governance.

Blue and White Color Palette:

The iconic blue and white color palette seen in Greek architecture is not merely an aesthetic choice. Tradition holds that the colors represent the blue sky and the purity of the country’s ideals.

More Than 2,000 Islands:

Greece boasts a staggering number of islands—over 2,000 in total. While only around 200 are inhabited, each one contributes to the country’s diverse landscapes and cultural tapestry.

As you embark on a True Nature Travels retreat in Greece, prepare to be enchanted by a country that seamlessly blends ancient history with vibrant culture and unparalleled natural beauty. From exploring ancient ruins to indulging in delectable Greek cuisine, every moment in Greece is an invitation to connect with the heart and soul of this extraordinary destination. Join us on a retreat that not only rejuvenates the body and mind but also celebrates the spirit of Greece—a land where every step is a journey through time and tradition.

Check out our upcoming Greece Retreats!

True Nature Travels Blog

Solo Travel


According to research, one in six Americans have taken at least one solo vacation. Traveling by yourself can be a rewarding experience, but if you have never done it before, it may seem unappealing. These tips from True Nature Travels will help you prepare to enjoy vacationing by yourself.

5 Tips for Solo Vacationers


  1. Focus on the Benefits

If you aren’t excited about the idea of vacationing alone, you may be focusing too much on the perceived downsides. Instead, think about the benefits. Traveling solo forces you out of your comfort zone, encourages you to meet new people and is a great way to learn more about yourself.


Additionally, since you only have to cover your costs, you may be able to afford some experiences that would be too expensive if you had to pay for several people. Solo traveling also affords you the freedom to do whatever you want, whenever you want to do it.


  1. Choose the Right Destination

For most people, budget is a major consideration. Factor in the cost of airline tickets, hotels, rental cars, food, attractions and whatever else you will need to spend money on. Traveling within the United States is the most budget-friendly option.

travel destinationNext, consider how long you have. If you are going on a short trip, it probably doesn’t make sense to go someplace where travel time will use up most of your vacation time. Consider the time of year. If you are looking for a place to escape the summer heat, a destination like Canada might be a good option.

Consider what you like to do. If you love the beach, a destination known for its breathtaking beaches, such as Costa Rica, might be just the place. Finally, consider the practical aspects. Will you be comfortable in someplace where most people don’t speak your language? What kind of transportation and access to technology does your destination have? Do your research, particularly if you are considering a destination you have never been to before.


  1. Book in Advance

Spontaneous travel can be fun, but it can also be risky. You may arrive at your destination only to find out that there’s a big event in town and all the hotels are booked or renting out for a price that is way higher than you budgeted for. Booking important accommodations in advance provides you with peace of mind that you won’t be scrambling to find transportation or a place to sleep.

The same rings true if you want to attend any retreats or group trips during your vacation. For instance, if you’re planning to attend one of the many incredible yoga retreats offered via True Nature Travels, it’s important that you have everything squared away as soon as possible. This is important because many retreats can fill up quickly — which could get in the way of your plans.


  1. Practice Doing Things By Yourself

If you aren’t used to doing things alone, the idea of traveling solo may give you anxiety. Start practicing before your trip. Make plans with your friends and then show up early. Go on a day trip by yourself. Take a bus or a train alone. Many people experience the spotlight effect when doing activities, such as eating or going to the movies alone. Plan a few solo dinners at local restaurants to get used to this feeling.


solo travel


  1. Stay Safe

Traveling alone is not as dangerous as a lot of people fear it is, but you should take safety precautions. Avoid staying in a ground-level hotel room and lock your luggage whenever you leave. Lock the deadbolt on your room door. If you notice any suspicious activity, notify the front desk or the police. Be aware of any cultural expectations if you are traveling in a foreign country. Some countries may have expectations about appropriate clothing and other etiquettes that you aren’t used to.

It is normal to be intimidated by traveling alone for the first time. However, the more you prepare, the easier it will be. When you choose the ideal destination for your budget, book in advance and have a plan for safety, you’ll be better equipped to enjoy a solo excursion that will quite possibly be the first of many to come!


Are you looking for the ultimate travel experience? Consider a retreat with True Nature Travels. We offer retreats at destinations around the world. Check out our calendar today!

True Nature Travels Blog

5 Ways Nature Impacts Our Well-Being and How to Have an Amazing Outdoor Adventure

In our pursuit of health and happiness, we tend to focus so much on the material goals and taking a daily multivitamin, that we completely forget about Mother Nature how much the modern lifestyle has distanced us from our roots. Yes, you can have an amazing life chasing after material goals or simply by eating healthy and exercising regularly, but if you want to take your well-being to the next level and commit to healthy living, then you need to find a way to reconnect with Earth.

Escaping into nature every once in a while is one of the best ways to reconnect with yourself as well, shift your mindset towards positivity, build mental strength, and even become physically healthier. If adventure is calling to you, then you do need to master some essential survival skills as well, but the key is to imbue your life with health and happiness simply by spending more time in the great outdoors.

Let’s talk more about this exciting journey and how you can have yourself an outdoor adventure of a lifetime.

Heal your body and soul

Heal your body and soul

One of the key reasons why you want to make nature escapades a regular part of your life is because the peace and tranquility that awaits you in the great outdoors is perfect for healing your body and soul. We live in a fast-paced world, and no matter if you’re currently in a big city or a mid-sized town, your body and your mind are slowly getting tired of all the noise and the confusion on a daily basis. 

The reality is that humans were never meant to live in big bustling metropolises, but instead meant to live among the trees in peace and serenity. While that might not be a possibility in this modern day and age, you can definitely combat the effects of your urban environment by simply penciling in a nature escapade throughout the year. Put it in your schedule, and don’t skip your next adventure no matter what.

Banish stress with nature yoga

Banish stress with nature yoga

There are many wonderful activities you can partake in when you reach your destination somewhere far away in nature. While you should go hiking, running, mountain-climbing and more, you should also take a step back and allow yourself to unwind with some restorative activities like mindful meditation and yoga. In fact, you can use your yoga playlist to do one or more daily sessions that will challenge your body but soothe your mind and spirit.

The key here is to find the perfect backdrop, such as a lake or a mountain range, and choose the best time to do your meditative yoga sessions. The early morning is definitely the best time for your first session, as it’s the perfect way to wake up your body and mind. You can do your second session late in the afternoon to greet the setting sun. 

Prepare for an exploration journey

Prepare for an exploration journey

Of course, you don’t just want to stay at your cabin, campsite, or tent all day long – you also want to go off exploring and adventuring through the beautiful landscapes. You can set the pace for your exploration journey, and choose more difficult or easier trails to challenge your body in different ways.

One thing is for sure, though, you don’t want to leave the campsite without some essential survival gear, like a multifunctional OTF knife that will come in handy when pitching a new tent, leaving navigational marks for yourself on trees, or if you need to get yourself out of a tight spot. Having a trusty knife at your side is essential, but you also need to bring a first-aid kit, and a charged smartphone just in case. You might want to leave all your tech behind, but that’s never a good idea when adventuring alone.

Adopt a positive outlook on life

Adopt a positive outlook on life

If there is anything that Mother Nature is good at, it’s giving us a fresh perspective in life. When you’re surrounded by beautiful natural sceneries and that distinct peaceful feeling as you’re gazing into the distance, everything seems to gain a new perspective.

If you have never experienced that feeling before, it’s just because you haven’t spent enough time in nature’s embrace, or maybe you haven’t visited those bucket-list destinations that never fail to transform our lives for the better. Make sure to sprinkle in those faraway destinations at least once a year for a complete restorative experience.

Connect with the natural world

Connect with the natural world

Lastly, you should visit nature more often simply to rekindle that relationship with Mother Earth. It takes more than one road trip to regain that deep intrinsic feeling of belonging, but after a couple of trips, you will notice that nature is making a more positive and peaceful human being. Every time you come back home, you will feel more refreshed and energized than before, and you will be able to tackle the daily challenges with new-found zeal and passion for success and happiness.

Over to you

Living in the modern era, many of us have lost that deep connection with nature that is essential for our health and happiness. With these tips in mind, go ahead and make regular outdoor escapades an inextricable part of your life in order to nurture your lifelong well-being.


True Nature Travels Blog

5 Essential Survival Skills Every Adventure Traveler Should Master
Nature-based travel has become our escape from the stress of the pandemic, a means to restoring our connection to Mother Earth. While we have yet to go back to restorative yoga retreats, some still crave the adrenaline-packed adventure trips that help you feel pure exhilaration and still get away from the pandemic-related chaos. The preparation process for your typical retreat is completely different from what you need to do in order to brace yourself for an adventure – which is why we’ve decided to address this vital topic.

Especially if this is your very first adventurous road trip or camping getaway, there are a few crucial skills you should master before you hit the road. Ensuring your own safety and the safety of your travel companions will help you enjoy your adventure even more and allow you to immerse yourself in the natural wealth you’re about to discover!

Get to know the geography

5 Essential Survival Skills Every Adventure Traveler Should Master
We’ve grown accustomed to our phones and the built-in GPS systems that help us move around without putting too much thought into it. Alas, when you’re in the wild, and especially if your phone battery gives out or you lose reception, you need to be able to get back to your car or camping zone without getting lost.

Research the area you’re going to explore, so that you learn about the topography beforehand, as well as any potentially dangerous zones to avoid, together with the wildlife. Always bring a physical map with you, so that you can get back safely in case your gadgets fail you!

First aid and CPR essential skills

5 Essential Survival Skills Every Adventure Traveler Should Master
When you’re on your own, or with few people around you, but away from civilization, you need to be aware of potential health emergencies. Especially if someone in your group has allergies or could potentially experience a cardiac episode. In such situations, it’s best to master the basics of CPR and first aid to be properly equipped to provide emergency assistance.

First and foremost, always bring a first aid kit and check that you have enough supplies for all. Additionally, practice these essential skills before you go off the grid, and you’ll be much safer during your adventure outings and you’ll be able to provide medical assistance until you can reach a hospital safely.

Ensuring clean water

5 Essential Survival Skills Every Adventure Traveler Should MasterClean water in nature doesn’t mean that you can safely drink it, no matter how translucent or cool and fresh it might be based on your personal assessment. Clean water means that you have eliminated pathogens and potential microorganisms that could be harmful for your health, so it’s always advisable to boil the water you find in nature.

Alternatively, you can use portable water filters designed for such occasions, to help adventure travelers drink water safely wherever they are! Of course, you should ideally bring your own drinking water or find a nearby place where you can purchase it, but for real outdoor travelers, these filters can be lifesavers.

Learn how to start (and manage) a fire

5 Essential Survival Skills Every Adventure Traveler Should Master
It’s one thing when you have designated barbecue areas and safe fire pits, but when you’re out in the while and on your own, you should learn how to start and control a fire. This means you should be able to keep yourself warm, prepare food and boil water safely, but also avoid losing control over the fire and potentially wreaking havoc on the local flora and fauna.

Practice in a safe area in your backyard or with someone more experienced, by collecting tinder (twigs, leaves, dry grass, and the like) and using rocks or something equally safe to create a fire bed that will control the expansion of the flame. You can even try out some of the gritty ways to start a fire with little to no assistance of modern tools, so that you can be fully prepared for any scenario.

Packing essentials for an adventure

When you’re planning your yoga retreat, you’ll likely focus on soothing things such as setting up your ideal playlist or packing the most comfortable pair of leggings. For an adventure, you need a completely different approach to packing, so here’s a list of the most essential must-haves to keep in mind:

  • A multipurpose knife to help you with food preparation, terrain difficulties, lighting fires, and other tasks.
  • A tent and sleeping bags for you and your travel companions if you plan to sleep under the stars, and make sure they are waterproof and suitable for the climate in which you’ll spend your adventure.
  • A flashlight that is both durable and perhaps waterproof if you plan on some boating, or any other water-based activities.
  • Clothing layers – because temperatures might suddenly change and you could experience bad weather, it’s good to have waterproof and windproof garments to keep you safe and prevent health issues.
  • The means to build a fire, since you cannot possibly rely on available resources on the premises, you should always plan ahead and bring two lighters, since matches are unreliable.

Adventure trips should by no means jeopardize the safety of your travel companions, no matter how exciting or thrilling they might be. Staying healthy, safe, and mindful of your surroundings is crucial for such escapades, as they give you the freedom to enjoy all activities and the destinations you choose with peace of mind. Create a careful plan for your adventure, and make sure you put a strong emphasis on safety for all!





True Nature Travels Blog

The COVID-19 pandemic may have forced you to put your travel plans for 2020 on hold. But as restrictions lift, you might be interested in exploring past your own backyard once more, especially during the holiday season. In 2021, travelers will begin venturing out again while taking steps to stay safe. You may want to travel with a group to a far-off destination through
True Nature Travels, or you may be daydreaming about an exciting road trip! With these tips, you’ll be able to plan one without risking your health and safety.


Car Maintenance

Before any long drive, you should take some time to address any necessary car maintenance issues. Popular Mechanics recommends checking to see if you need an oil change and making sure that you have enough radiator fluid, brake fluid, and transmission fluid. Double-check that your tires are properly inflated — you might also need to rotate them. 

You can also purchase new floor mats to keep your factory-installed carpets from collecting mud, dirt, salt, and other grime. When you’re buying new floor mats, check out reviews for different products first and try to find a product made from high-quality materials. Finally, if you suspect that your brake pads, air filters, or light bulbs need to be replaced, make an appointment with a mechanic well before your departure date. And don’t forget to update your car insurance policy if you’re not satisfied with your coverage.


Route and Schedule   

You may know your eventual destination, but you’ll need to plan out your overall route and decide on your road trip schedule. Whether you’re visiting relatives for the holidays or celebrating the season on your own, make sure that you have enough time to do everything you want to do. 

When deciding how long you’ll stay at each stop, keep in mind that some days are safer for drivers than others, so aim to do most of your driving during these safer times. For instance, Carwise states that you should try to avoid driving during the daily rush hour between 4 pm to 7 pm, as this is the time when most accidents occur. If you’ll be going on your road trip during the colder winter months, be prepared to drive in bad weather


Choose Outdoor Activities

What will you do on your road trip? While attending events that involve indoor gatherings is not the safest option, there are plenty of ways to enjoy the great outdoors while traveling. During the holidays, many people will be traveling, so you should make an effort to avoid crowds. Visiting beautiful parks and natural wonders can be just as interesting as touring museums or dining at nice restaurants, and you’ll have plenty of room to roam without encountering other people. You might also want to go hiking — this will give you the chance to stretch your legs and get some much-needed exercise after being in the car for hours on end.


Pandemic Precautions

Even as it becomes safer to venture out of your home, you can’t neglect the importance of certain precautions. You do not want to get sick on your road trip. There’s nothing worse than feeling under the weather during the holidays. Pack plenty of masks and hand sanitizer, and continue social distancing during your journey. 

You may have postponed your original travel plans for this year because of the pandemic. In 2021, we will still have to take precautions and be careful to avoid contracting COVID-19. However, this does not mean that road trips will be off-limits. By following these guidelines, it’s entirely possible to stay safe when you hit the highway! 


Ready to experience adventures in nature? True Nature Travels is your resource for incredible journeys! Attend a retreat today.

True Nature Travels Blog

Adventure guide

Are you itching to go backpacking across the globe? Or do you want to experience a river adventure? For your debut adventure trip, you have countless options for destinations and activities, making its planning genuinely challenging.

Nevertheless, you can have an enjoyable adventure tour only with careful planning. Adventure trips are so full of uncertainties. Hence you can’t afford to rely on last-minute organizing. When it’s your first time here, the obvious question that you’ll ask is, “Where do I even begin?”

Here is a step by step guide to your first adventure trip

Choose your destination carefully – Depending on the time and budget you can allocate towards your adventure trip, you can come up with potential travel destinations. Thorough research of these places is an essential aspect of planning any trip. It becomes all the more important while planning your first adventure trip, giving you a clear idea of the likely destinations’ offerings.

This way you can select the most appropriate place and the most enjoyable activities for your trip. Furthermore, you’ll know what to pack and what precautions regarding health and safety you must take.

Online resources offer the most up-to-date info. It’s best to browse destinations’ official tourism sites. First-hand advice, i.e. information from somebody who’s traveled recently to similar places is available through online forums. Feel free to ask questions about adventure travel here. For instance, if trekking up Mount Kilimanjaro excites you, search the web for finding out such a trip’s likely cost.

Decide on the right time to travel

When it comes to adventure travel, bad or unstable weather can ruin your trip. So, the climate is a crucial factor in deciding when to travel. For instance, hiking snow-clogged mountain passes is certainly a bad idea. Besides climate, you must also consider other important factors like overcrowding and seasonal cost. This way you can easily fend off peak-season crowding and costs.

While predicting accurate weather is not possible, studying your destination will certainly offer insights on weather trends in advance. Booking your adventure trip ahead of time, particularly, if you’ve chosen to travel to a popular place during the peak period, will get you early-booking discounts. So, make sure to book the famous national park hotel rooms a year earlier.

Understand your limitations 

Be a realist. Know your level of fitness and ensure that you’ll be able to do what your adventure trip calls for. For instance, booking a Kilimanjaro hike without undergoing high-altitude training, or choosing to kayak in Alaska in spite of being prone to seasickness are sure to cause embarrassment, waste your money, and last but not least prove dangerous.

So, before booking your adventure trip, consult a guide, while also telling you about your fitness routine. Also, seek fitness recommendations and study training guides. You must know what your adventure trip involves. Don’t deceive yourself regarding your own mental and physical fitness, and also ensure sufficient time for training before you set out for your destination.

 Go for travel insurance

What if you miss a trip or suffer from an injury while on the trip? Purchasing travel insurance before you set out on your adventure tour will help you greatly in these and similar circumstances. Most adventure tour agents make it mandatory for travelers to have insurance.

Being covered for sickness, the untimely death of near and dear ones or even a sudden financial crisis faced by your tour operator will safeguard your monetary investment should you have to cancel your trip owing to such or similar reasons.

Besides purchasing trip-cancellation insurance, also ensure that you have medical insurance which helps bear your treatment costs should you fall ill or meet with an accident while you’re traveling.

Adventure guide

Make Appropriate Travel Arrangements

Once you’ve finalized your destination and itinerary, proceed to arrange for travel and accommodation. While booking flights, you can go for either a whole Round-The-World (RTW) ticket to your chosen places or simply book-as-you-go. Signing up for budget airlines’ e-letters will get you the best deals possible.

If you’ve planned an off-road motorcycle adventure, ensure that you have motorcycle accessories concurring with it, for instance, airbag jacket and smart braking module.

For your first adventure trip, plan to stay in cabins, eco camps or luxury tents, jungle resorts, or simply go for traditional camping with your tent. No matter what accommodation you choose, ensure that it’ll enhance the thrill and enjoyment of your adventure trip.

Make sure to pack in essentials

While packing light means packing smart, it’s equally vital to not leave out any essentials. This way you’ll travel comfortably without landing up in difficult situations. For instance, if you’re traveling high up in the Himalayas and plan to stay in a cold, enclosed teahouse at a very high altitude, it only makes sense to carry your puffed-out jacket.

So, first, figure out the critical items you need to pack. While researching your destination, you’ll know if you need specialized equipment, mountaineering or rafting permits, and specific medication for your trip.

Last but not least, don’t forget to carry originals as well as copies of your important travel documents, cash and credit cards, and a waist pouch or money belt to hide most of your cash.


On reading this guide, you’re sure to sail through your first adventure trip smoothly and return with memorable experiences. What’s more, in due course, you’d be guiding another newbie.


True Nature Travels Blog

Do you feel out of balance? Are you overwhelmed with work and family obligations? Well, it’s time you did something good for your body and mind. Getting outdoors will bring you many benefits, especially if you mix it with exercising. Here are some of the best outdoor activities that will rejuvenate your body and de-stress your mind. 


This is a great physical activity for all people who are not in any enviable form yet still want to enjoy moving and spending time in nature. All you need for a nice hike is some good shoes and a safe stretch of nature to explore. In a single demanding hike, you can burn as much as 500 calories and if you hit the hills, even more! But more importantly, you will get in touch with nature and clear your mind. Plus, amazing scenery and relaxing nature sounds will finally unglue you from your phone which is amazing for mental health. 

Bike rides

If you enjoy the fresh air and an open road in front of you, try cycling. A short trip on your bike will provide you with plenty of exercises and some time to think about whatever’s troubling you. Depending on where you’re going, there are different types of bikes. A good city bike will take you wherever you want to go on a paved road, while a mountain bike is more suitable for rugged terrain. Whichever type you prefer, you can expect great mental and physical health benefits. Pedaling is great for building lower-body muscles but it’s also good for cardiovascular health. Plus, fresh air and wind in your face will feel so refreshing and rejuvenating.



Running is one of the best whole-body activities you can perform in nature. It’s a great way to clear out your head, relieve stress and enjoy some time by yourself to reflect. Additionally, it’s very good for your fitness and physical health too. It’s a great way to maintain a healthy weight, build lean muscles and improve cardiovascular health. But, running can be quite demanding, especially outdoors on the rugged surface and non-level terrain. So, in order to prevent injury and have more enjoyable running sessions, it’s best to include some leg workouts into your workout regime that will turn you into a real runner in no time. Most of these can be done anywhere and with minimal equipment (some weights and a stability ball) so you can introduce them into your life without too much trouble. 


If you’re used to just lounging at the beach or splashing around in the shallows, it will surprise you that swimming is a great whole-body workout. It’s also very low-impact, which means you can enjoy it while recovering from injury or suffering from chronic pain (it’s a perfect exercise for seniors or overweight people). And expect a lot of resistance from water—it will increase muscle mass and tone your body. If you choose to go swimming in the ocean, river or lake, you will be completely surrounded by natural peace and beauties that will make all your stress and anxiety leave your head and sink to the bottom.

Outdoor yoga

If you’re looking for a way to connect with nature and reach inner peace, yoga is your answer, especially if you practice it outside. It can help you solve many of your problems concerning your body, mind, and soul. A good yoga teacher designs classes with exactly these points in mind and they can offer positive encouragement and guidance towards a healthy body and stress-free mind. 

Choosing to practice yoga poses outdoors is especially beneficial since it allows you to achieve harmony with the world that surrounds you. It’s much easier to achieve relaxation in a nurturing outdoor environment. And since breathing is a huge part of yoga, the freshness of the air outside provided by trees, plants and cool temperatures will supply you with extra oxygen.

Meditation in nature

Similar to yoga, meditation in nature is also a great way to reach inner peace. And practicing outdoor meditation is really easy. All you need to do is find a park, forest or even a beach and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths and let your mind release all tension and time and work obligation concerns. It’s a great way to de-stress and relieve tension from both body and mind. You will also learn a lot about yourself and practice mindfulness we all lack in this world filled with distractions and fast pleasures.


If you step outside, you will find it much easier to reach balance and harmony inside. So, grab your shoes and your water bottle and step out for an invigorating run, fun bike ride or relaxing yoga session as soon as you can!


Morgan Rose Elliott is an aromatherapist, yoga instructor, animal lover, a happily married mother of three. She enjoys reading biographies and writing poems, sunny days on the beach and any shape and form of vanilla. Crazy about the ’80s, her favorite band is Duran Duran (although kids prefer Franz Ferdinand, and the husband Blink182) and she is obsessed with Netflix original Stranger things.

True Nature Travels Blog


By most standards, I’ve lived an adventurous life: horseback trekking in the mountains of Kyrgyzstan, rock climbing in Thailand, spending over a year dancing salsa in Colombia…

These big, outer adventures happen because I keep a mindset that welcomes new experiences no matter where I am, so the moment I read the news that Independence Day fireworks were scheduled for our local beach here in South Florida, I felt called to go. I knew it would be an adventure!

I have a vivid childhood memory of sitting joyfully in the bed of a pickup truck with my cousins in rural Massachusetts, eating ice cream, and watching as fireworks lit the summer sky above the pine forest. I can still hear my aunt oohing and ahhing with each explosion.

For Buddhists, the sky evokes the vast, spacious nature of consciousness, while mandalas represent the cosmology of the Universe. Peering into the heavens and “merging” the mind with the sky can elicit a sky-like quality of awareness. When fireworks throw luminous mandalas all over the heavens, such meditation occurs naturally. The mind clears, and the psyche kaleidoscopes into open awe.

Since I also formed beautiful memories of this holiday ritual during childhood, I can easily tap into the inner child wonder of it all.


Going for a firework adventure this year led to these six meditative insights:

Center and Let Go

Just as the sand mandalas of the Tibetan tradition are steadfastly assembled, with careful attention to detail, then dissolved in a whoosh, fireworks offer us an organized expression of sparkling beauty, followed by nothing to hold on to. The image centers us in the present moment, then asks us to let go. With non-attachment, we get to keep moving and avoid getting stuck.


Be Prolific

For ten minutes or more, hundreds of packages – painstakingly designed and assembled by mysterious hands – shoot into the air and explode with color and creativity. Each one is unique, a surprise. The glimmering diversity cries out: “Be prolific! Bring all your inspired ideas into being! Life is short. What are you waiting for? Create!”

Let Your Life In

To hear what a firework teaches, you have to put down your phone and get direct. Take your experience in through the eyes, the ears, the lens of the mind, the lungs breathing, the reverberations in the bones. Don’t try to capture a copy for later. Pay full attention. Let your life straight in as it unfolds. No filter.

Give Yourself Adventures of Discovery

AdventureWe recognize childhood as a sacred time, so we give children rituals to bless their lives, tapping them into self-discovery and the amazing world around them. We sing with them, tell them stories, and count the stars. We show them how to hear the ocean in a shell. We take them to see fireworks.

Adulthood deserves reverence, too. Bless your adult life with regular holiday rituals and adventures of discovery. Reinvent traditions. Do things you’ve never done before. Use your imagination! Psst… When there’s a fireworks show in your neighborhood, go!

Do What You Yearn for Sooner

What yearning keeps calling to you? Stop ignoring it! This is your true self asking you to cooperate. Do what you yearn for sooner, and like a firework, be quick about it! Don’t hesitate! If the way is dark like the night sky, trust that when you light the fuse of your own yearning, the path will appear.

Choose Something Glorious and Go All In

Choice is the secret sauce of being a human. Choice gives us the power to change, to face our fears, to forgive, and to connect.

Choose what inspires you the way a firework goes all in and showers the world with breath-taking beauty. Don’t hold back. The spark you have inside of you is sacred. Let it become a bright gift to the world.

In the end, the best thing about having an adventurous spirit isn’t the adventures themselves or even the memories they create; it’s the way exploring opens us up to insights about ourselves, others, and the world.

When you do something different, it shifts your seeing, so plan an adventure today!



Delana Thompson helps spiritually-inclined entrepreneurs express their hearts and expand their influence with authentic copywriting, project management,delana thompson and professional delivery of their online content. Her clients include teachers and practitioners of meditation, yoga, ayurveda, shamanic healing, astrology, and fine art. When she’s not writing marketing emails or designing landing pages, you’ll find Delana salsa dancing, practicing meditation, planning a trip, listening to a podcast, speaking Spanish, or missing all her faraway friends. Visit Delana on LinkedIn to learn more about her business.



True Nature Travels Blog

First, I planned a trip to Colombia. Then, a dear friend set her wedding date in California. A few days later, my dad broke his hip in Texas. I live in Florida, so now, I have three big trips planned in the next 2½ months.

Here are three questions I plan to take with me in my hip pocket to help me use my energy wisely, make the best decisions I can, and travel with purpose this summer.

sumer travel
What’s Meaningful Now?

Meaningful experiences can be elusive. It’s no wonder we want to travel on big adventures to far away places! Maybe we’ll get some meaningful luminosity into our veins that we can bring home to light our world.

All the meaning we experience in life, we create ourselves, out of our own minds. The world itself remains inherently neutral. That’s why “What’s meaningful now?” is such an important question!

My first meditation teacher, Sarah Powers, taught “What’s meaningful now?” as a way of staying with the heart and taking responsibility for ourselves.

The question calls up present moment guidance for making decisions and prevents us from sleepwalking through life. It taps us into creativity and frees us from ideas about what we should do or be. It helps us take advantage of opportunities and prevents regret.

This summer, ask, “What’s meaningful now?” and follow the thread.

summer travel

What’s Really Going On?

Life can be dramatic, emotional, confusing.

“What’s really going on?” takes us below the surface with curiosity about what we’re not seeing. It asks us to stretch beyond our assumptions, into wider realizations about the world and deeper understandings of ourselves.

“What’s really going on?” teaches us to reflect things as they are. It illuminates causes and context, so everything stands in its true shape, free from the light our preferences may cast.

I regularly use “What’s really going on?” for insight into anger. It always uncovers a more vulnerable feeling underneath, like fear, hurt, fatigue, or embarrassment. Then, I can honor that feeling instead of being driven around by my anger.

If your travels take you into situations, places, or cultures that are new to you, this question will help you get out of your head, pay attention, and engage more deeply.

You will be tempted by this question to analyze or tell a story about what’s happening. Don’t try to figure anything out! Feel into your body, and make more subtle observations. Maintain kindness.

adventure travel

How can I help?

If we’re not careful, a big vacation, a travel adventure, or an international retreat can end up being all about me, me, me! “How can I help?” provides an antidote to becoming self-absorbed and spurs us to connect with others.

When you’re traveling, “How can I help?” defers authority to local wisdom and makes you a good guest. Asked with humility, this question can pierce through awkward circumstances of inequality and shift you into listening and respect.

This question also makes us aware of our gifts and our agency. It points us to what we can do in this world of overwhelm.

“How can I help?” is an evolutionary question that leapfrogs ego’s desires and complaints to reconnect us with generosity and abundance. An attitude of “How can I help?” makes the world safer for everyone to explore, take risks, and grow.

Are you picturing yourself planting trees or feeding the homeless? Great! Also know that helping can look like taking a step back and giving space to others. It can look like patience. Or a smile.

Practice these questions. Put them in your pocket this summer, and take them with you… to the beach, as you step off the plane, while sipping your morning tea, to plan your next adventure.

Let the questions be touchstones – a way to take refuge in wisdom. Some days, they’ll reveal great insights. Other days, you’ll get silence in return. That’s ok! “I don’t know,” is always a valid response! Let yourself experience “don’t know” mind. Become better acquainted with uncertainty.

Notice how the ritual of being with these questions develops. Keep them with you until they’ve served their purpose, then let them go, and begin your next practice on life’s journey.

summer travel



Delana Thompson helps spiritually-inclined entrepreneurs express their hearts and expand their influence with authentic copywriting, project management,delana thompson and professional delivery of their online content. Her clients include teachers and practitioners of meditation, yoga, ayurveda, shamanic healing, astrology, and fine art. When she’s not writing marketing emails or designing landing pages, you’ll find Delana salsa dancing, practicing meditation, planning a trip, listening to a podcast, speaking Spanish, or missing all her faraway friends. Visit Delana on LinkedIn to learn more about her business.